Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1882: Evil Dragon

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Chapter 1882 Chapter Evil Dragon

"Six emperor monuments in one?"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng's look was a little undulating.

You know, a celestial burial emperor monument can suppress a war god's body. If six empire monuments are combined, what kind of power will it achieve?

At least one, a very high level artifact!

However, Cheng Feng did not have much excitement.

Because the Heavenly Burial Emperor's Stele is strong, but it is very tricky, maybe it contains the calculation of the Heavenly Burial Emperor.

This hot potato, Cheng Feng not to mention.

Of course, if the Heavenly Burial Emperor had to give it to him, he could barely accept it.

"Remove the Heavenly Burial Emperor's Monument first and let out the right leg of God of War!"

Cheng Feng watched the Tianfu Emperor's Monument for a moment, and then did not delay.

Strode forward to the Tianfu Emperor's Monument, reaching for the edge of the Emperor's Monument.

"Get me up!"

Cheng Feng's fierce force actually lifted the entire emperor's monument.

At the same time, the right leg of the God of War suppressed under the emperor monument immediately changed.


Absorb massive amounts of heaven and earth vitality.

Let the right leg the size of the hill bag shrink quickly.

The blink of an eye has become the size of a normal human leg.

The big trees became thick leg hairs.

Wandered around the monument to the burial emperor, 碑 ~~~

Flying out of the suppression of Emperor's Stele!

"Hahahaha ~~~"

As the God of War got out of sleep on his right leg, a hearty laugh sounded: "My God's banned body finally got out of sleep!"

"Cheng Feng, this sentiment was recorded by God."

"In the future, it must be doubled!"

The words stopped, God of War's right leg soared into the sky.

Fly towards the battlefield thousands of miles away.

"Damn it, **** it!"

The eight-armed dragon saw this, and the whole dragon shuddered.

After staring at Cheng Feng fiercely, he said nothing, and fled outside the sea of ​​burial gods.

"Little reptile, still want to leave now?"

The right leg was unsealed, and the **** of war looked like a rainbow, screaming: "Give it to my god, and die under the spear!

With applause, the God of War took the halberd and hit the fleeing eight-armed dragon directly.

At the same time, Wang Haoran, the emperor of Zongzong, was not idle.

Holding a long sword in his hand, Jian Guangsenhan, stabbing the eight-armed dragon.

As for Cheng Feng, he took the piece of Tianfu Emperor's Monument that suppressed the right leg of Ares.

Slightly groaned for a moment, put it into the soul ring, and put it with the previous monument to the burial emperor.

Suddenly, two pieces of the Heavenly Burial Emperor's Monument were put together, and a force of mighty power spread out.

It feels two or three times more powerful than the single Tianfu Emperor's Monument!

"This day's burial of the emperor's monument is indeed a whole."

Upon discovering this scene, Cheng Feng raised a brow and thought: "Every piece of Emperor's Monument retrieved will make it more powerful."

"I'll keep it first, and later decide whether to keep this thing, as the case may be."

"As for now, I will help the gods of war and eliminate the evil of the eight-armed dragon!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng suddenly flew into the sky.

To the position where the eight-armed dragon escaped, rushed away.

Cheng Feng's speed was very fast, and he quickly flew out of the sea of ​​burial gods. Even though he saw a huge dragon in the sky, he was battling with two humanoid lightnings.

I saw these two humanoid lightning bolts, very powerful.

Especially a humanoid lightning bolt holding a halberd is almost horrible.

Euphorbia was like a great Yue in his hand, making unparalleled attacks, making that evil dragon and wolf embarrassed.

There were scars on the huge body, the dragon blood spurted, as if it was raining, the scene was very scary!

Obviously written by God of War.

"It seems that the strength of God of War has been greatly improved after the right leg is integrated!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's eyebrows raised: "It feels slightly stronger than Emperor Huangtian."

Cheng Feng's words are true.

God of War gave him great help after unsealing his right leg.

He was slowly awakening.

And this is just the beginning.

God of War's right leg, like his skull, was suppressed for too long, his flesh dried up and his energy dried up.

After getting out of trouble at this time, he was absorbing the vitality of the world and recovering, and his combat strength was not too strong.

Once enough time is given to the God of War, it will inevitably be so strong that it will crush all eternity, and the entire dome continent cannot bear it.

"Cheng Feng, the God of War is estimated that he can't stay in the earth dome for too long."

Nalan's eternal voice sounded: "His power is too strong for the earth dome continent."

"Maybe it won't be long before the heavenly path of the earth dome continent will come forward and exclude it!"

Nalan's long-lived voice just fell, hum ~~~

Above nine days, the heavenly path has already been sensed.

As the clouds converged, the sky turned into a huge eyeball, staring at the **** of war in battle.

However, God of War didn't care.

Holding several meters of Euphorbia in hand, he smashed Huashan and bombarded the eight-armed dragon.

"Stop Ben Long!"

Faced with this blow, the eight-armed dragon's face changed dramatically.

Use all your strengths, twist the eight giant claws into a ball, and block the killing of Euphorbia.

However, it cannot be stopped at all.

This blow from God of War is too fierce!

A halberd fell, the sky split openly, and the mighty power hit eight giant claws of the eight-armed dragon.

Bang ~~~

The indestructible dragon claw was actually splashed with scale armor and shattered.

One was hit on the spot, three were badly wounded, and four were slightly injured.

Then the terrifying force blasted into the eight-armed dragon through the claws of the dragon.

Stabbing ~~~

Under the belly of the eight-armed dragon, a huge opening was immediately opened.

The blood and internal organs spilled out, making the eight-armed dragon angry and angrily screaming.

However, this is not the end.

I saw the **** of war falling, the second halberd has already hit.

Not only that, Wang Haoran, the lord of Zongzong, also came to fill the knife with a long sword.

At the same time, Cheng Feng also took a step forward and severely cut out the sword.

In this case, when a triple bombard hit an eight-armed dragon.

"Do not!!"

The eight-armed dragon had no time to make a roar of despair.

The next moment, the huge body was cut in half.

Like two mountains of meat, falling from the sky.

When it fell into the sea of ​​burial gods, the blood melted into the seawater, which turned out to be a blood-red zone thousands of miles away!

He has died in the hands of Cheng Feng since he entered the peerless existence for half a day.

"Hoo ~~~"

The eight-armed dragon was killed, and the lord Zongzong Wang Haoran exhaled a long breath: "This evil dragon that has been a curse to the world for more than 100,000 years has been killed!"

"The old man can finally leave this funeral Shenhai and return to Zongnei to see!"

In order to prevent the evil of the eight-armed dragon, Wang Haoran held the sword for thousands of years and never left a step.

Now that the eight-armed dragon is dead, there is no concern in his heart, and he can leave freely!

"Senior Wang has the world in mind, and it is worth learning for the younger generation."

Cheng Feng put away the sword and walked towards Wang Haoran: "When the senior Wang returns to Xi Zong, the younger generation will be able to travel together to see an old friend."

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