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Chapter 1987 The Demon

Pei Yunfeng was the first person in the Apocalypse military, Xiu Wei reached the seventh limit of ascending to the sky.

With Dazai Yang Qin and Tai Shi Yu Xuan, they are called the three pillars of the Apocalypse.

However, in the face of Cheng Feng's pursuit, he could not escape at all.

It didn't take long, it ended with Yang Qin and died under Cheng Feng's sword.

Om ~~~

At the moment when Cheng Feng killed Pei Yunfeng, the Temple of Apocalypse and the Emperor's Evil Emperor, a wicked and wicked breath burst into the air.

In the next moment, it turned into a middle-aged man with black body full of black scale armor and cold eyes.

Amazingly the second demonic body of the Apocalypse Emperor is awake!

"Are the Emperor Apocalypse finally awake?"

Seeing this from afar, Cheng Feng not only was not afraid, but a smile appeared on his face: "This is so good, I can kill you as soon as possible."

"After the fruits of heaven and earth are ripe, there will be one less person who is in the way!"

Thinking of it, Cheng Feng's divine power evoked.

Hundreds of miles away, 唰 ~~~

He slashed out with a single stab, and severely attacked the Apocalypse.

"Damn little beasts, who ruined the dynasty created by Bendi?"

Over the Temple of the Evil Emperor, the eyes of the Apocalypse Evil Emperor were swept away.

When he saw the messy picture of the Quartet, he immediately became angry and growled, "This time the emperor is awake, the new hatred and the old hate are counted together, and you are tortured to death!"

Roaring, the Emperor Tianqi raised his claws and grabbed it sharply.


The sky dome was severely deformed by the Emperor Tianqi.

The cloud tumbling, condensing into a giant claw covering the sky, from top to bottom, grabbing towards Cheng Feng.

Bang ~~~

When the cloud-like giant claws and the non-sword knife blasted together, the sky air was tumbling like a sky falling!

The power of terror rages, almost suffocating.

It showed that Cheng Feng and Tian Qi Xie Emperor's arrogant power were extremely shocking.

However, this is just the beginning.

I saw above the sky dome, the giant cloud claws formed by the Emperor of Heavenly Qi, with the bladeless light blasting, they were chopped apart.

However, after the giant claws were broken, they coagulated again.

Powerless, continue to grab Cheng Feng!

"The body of the land demon, it really has some doorways."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng sneered: "However, trying to defeat me based on this is delusional!"

In a whisper, the demon slayer in Cheng Feng's hand once again held up.

唰 唰 唰 ~~~

Dozens of knives were cut in succession, and the knives were directly woven into a huge knife net.

The next moment, I went to the cloud claw covering the sky.

Puff puff!

Cut the Yunqi Giant Claw into chunks of Yunqi.

The knife splattered and smashed into powder.

"Huh, little beast, this is the appetizer that Bendi gave you."

Hundreds of miles away, the harsh voice of the Emperor Apocalypse came: "Next, the Emperor will let you see that there are places where the demon's body shines!"

After speaking, the Emperor Apocalypse regained his claws.

The palms of his hands were facing Cheng Feng, and he immediately struck hard.

With the actions of the Emperor Apocalypse, hum ~~~

Beside Cheng Feng, the air suddenly became extremely thick.

Turned into an invisible air wall, squeezed from the direction where Cheng Feng is located.

That mighty force felt even more terrifying than the bombardment of thousands or even tens of thousands of Dayue.

Actually, Cheng Feng felt an uncomfortable feeling, his chest was squeezed, and his breathing was difficult.

If this situation continues to worsen, it may even explode Cheng Feng's body, crush the internal organs, and crush it into a piece of meatloaf!

It wasn't until Cheng Feng put the six-star **** body into operation that he felt slightly better.

However, this squeezing force continues to grow with the grasping action of the Apocalypse.

It seems that the gripping force can continue to increase and the potential is endless!

"What is this means? It has such power!"

Cheng Feng was a little moved. He did not expect that the second clone of the Emperor Tian Qi could actually be so strong.

As soon as he fought, it caused him tremendous pressure!

"Cheng Feng, this should be the talent of the land demon."

At this time, Nalan's long-lived voice sounded: "As far as I know, the land demon can borrow the power of the earth."

"This clone of the Apocalypse Evil Emperor was cast from the body of the land demon, and it must have retained this ability."

"At this moment, he is using the power of the Dome to attack you."

"When you compete with him, you are fighting against the earth and the continent. Natural pressure is huge!"

"Can you borrow the power of the Dome?"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "Uncle Nalan, what means can we break the situation? Stop the Apocalypse from borrowing power?"

"There are two ways."

Nalan Changsheng said: "First, persecute the Emperor Tianqi with his powerful forces to leave his feet."

"Because of borrowing the power of the earth, you must step on the ground with your feet. As long as the Emperor Apocalypse leaves the ground, you cannot borrow the power of the earth.

"Second, to awaken the will of the continent, that is, heaven!"

"The power of the Emperor Tianqi has completely exceeded the limits endured by the earth dome continent, but because of speculation, he has not been noticed by the Tao."

"As long as you startle the heavens and let them notice here."

"Tiandao will naturally suppress the Apocalypse, and greatly reduce his strength!"

"Shocking the heavens?"

Cheng Feng's eyes flashed: "Tiandao should have noticed the situation here, hasn't it? I'm afraid I have to think carefully."

"It's better to ask others for help. I'll do it myself, and destroy the Apocalypse!"

At this point, the battle in Cheng Feng's heart rose.

The six-star power in the body spewed out like magma.

The next moment, the sword drew up and blasted away to the Emperor Apocalypse hundreds of miles away.

Cheng Feng's knife is a knife that gathers energy and spirit, and has no edge.

Cut it out with a single stroke, the power of Tian Qi Xie Emperor's attack on him was actually weakened by being cut hard.

Especially when Daoguang shattered the void and reached the Emperor Tianqi.

Forced Tianqi evil emperor to have to distract the defense, so that the pressure on Cheng Feng burst.

At this time, Cheng Feng seized the opportunity to attack continuously.

唰 唰 唰 ~~~

The Devil Sword turns into a black dragon, chopping out all horror sword lights.

Overwhelmingly, burst out to the Emperor Tianqi.

"Blade of the Demon, come out!"

But at this moment, the apocalypse of the Apocalypse exploded.

Immediately on his back, a pair of black wings suddenly appeared.

The wings are wide and thin, like two knives inlaid on the back of the Apocalypse.

At the moment of appearance, 唰 唰 ~~~

Instigated on his own, I shot out black rays.

Chopping the void, daringly greeted the sword light cut by Cheng Feng.

The two clashed in the sky, and barely blocked the lights of the sword.

"Can you use it like this?"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng's eyelids jumped.

I did not expect that this avatar of the Emperor Tianqi had so many means.

Not only can you borrow the power of the dome continent, but you can also use the sword attack, the power can be called terror.

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