Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1898: Promoted, sixth ascendant!

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

Chapter 188 is entered, and the sixth highest!

However, Cheng Feng was not scared, instead he was more war-fighting.

I saw him take a deep breath, and then lifted the Devil Sword, pointing away at the sky.

Let the stars shine for nine days, like daylight!

"Little beast, want to borrow the power of the stars?"

In the distance, the evil Emperor Tianqi saw this scene, and his eyes flashed coldly: "This emperor lets you taste it first, the means of the land demon!"

The words fell, Tian Qixie's right hand grabbed hard.

The pressure on Cheng Feng's body increased sharply, and his chest cavity was slightly indented an inch.

However, this is not over.

I saw the left hand of the Emperor Tian Qi, at this moment also raised, posing the same movement as the right hand, and held them together.

At that moment, if Cheng Feng was struck by lightning, his grasping power almost doubled.

The musculocutaneous membrane that caused him to fully contract, the blood vessels were squeezed, and they almost burst.

The heart's blood flow is blocked and it stops almost directly!

As for the fifth style of the brewing Emperor Cangdao, it was almost broken.

As soon as the number of big stars on the sky reached 400, it became stuck, and no new big stars lighted up!

Not only that, on the shoulder of the Emperor Apocalypse, another arm was actually growing at this moment.

This arm is exactly the same as the two in front. After forming, the fingers are separated, and then they are severely grasped.

Let Cheng Feng's whole body pressure increase again, and directly make Cheng Feng's eyes congested, the abdominal cavity invaded, and the internal organs will be almost crushed.

However, the attack of the Emperor Apocalypse is not over.

"Hey, little beast, do you feel despair?"

The evil voice of the Emperor Apocalypse sounded: "Taste well, this emperor will make your taste clear and unforgettable!"

The words come to an end, 唰 ~~~

On the shoulder of the Emperor Apocalypse, the fourth arm was born!

This caused Cheng Feng's eyelids to jump wildly, and his face finally showed fluctuations.

"The Apocalypse of the Apocalypse is truly worthy of existence."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Just a clone made by hand, it makes me a little unbearable!"

"However, Cheng Feng has more than that!"

"You want my life, it's a long way off!"

With Cheng Feng's low voice, roar! !!

A roar of explosive beasts suddenly came out of him.

The next moment, a big purple bear rose from behind Cheng Feng.

After being integrated into Cheng Feng's body, Cheng Feng suddenly became thicker, taller, and stronger.

In a blink of an eye, it reached a height of eight meters and was covered with muscles, which is almost an iron tower.

That day, Qi Xie's three hands gripped on Cheng Feng's body, but he was actually carried down!

Even if the fourth hand grabbed out, Cheng Feng snarled and held it up!

Not only that, Cheng Feng raised the Devil Sword at this time.

Om ~~ Om ~~

Let the big stars stuck in the sky start to shine again.

"Is the power of Wuhun?"

Seeing this, Emperor Qixian looked surprised that day: "The Wu Soul is just a small category of martial arts, and this Wu Soul awakened by Cheng Feng seems to be only seven grades.

"Rigid transformation succeeded. Why is the power so powerful? It's a bit unreasonable!"

The Emperor Tianqi is well-informed and knows that during the transformation period of Wu Soul, the power is not very powerful.

For example, some masters of Zongzong, Wu Hun have reached the limit of metamorphosis, and can only stand up to the peers.

But Cheng Feng's martial spirit is a little different.

The martial spirit was rigid, and it was able to carry the grabbing by the Emperor Tianqi to borrow the power of the mainland.

It's incredible!

"The martial spirit born of this little beast should have some way."

Emperor Tianqi's face was gloomy, and he whispered, "A mere beast martial spirit has at least blocked the grasping power of my two demon claws."

"However, there are six claws of my demons. Bendi sees how you can stop them!"

The sound stopped, and two arms grew out on the shoulder of the Emperor Apocalypse.

Let the number of arms reach six scary.

Then, without delay, the fingers of the two freshmen's arms spread out, and then they held them together fiercely.

At that moment, the pressure on Cheng Feng suddenly increased.

The whole person was pulled from the sky by tyrannical grasping force.

Bang ~~~

Smashed on the ground and smashed the ground into a human-shaped pothole thousands of meters deep.

In the dust, Cheng Feng felt that his body was about to be crushed, and the flesh squeezed the bones and the internal organs, which produced severe colic.

Even a man with a strong character like him can't help humming.

The shining big star in the sky suddenly extinguished, as if heralding the fate of Cheng Feng, will be as dim and disappear as the big star!

"Hahahaha ~~~"

Seeing this, the Emperor Tianqi laughed wildly: "Damn little beast, didn't expect you to have today?"

"This time the emperor has captured you and will torture you for ten days and ten nights, and you will die!"

"In this way, we can eliminate the hatred of the emperor!"

For Cheng Feng, the Emperor Tianqi hated the extreme.

Because of his great situation in the divine continent, he was almost destroyed by Cheng Feng.

And he himself was killed by Cheng Feng in an extremely humiliating manner.

It can be described as shameless and self-sufficient!

This successful comeback is about to defeat and capture Cheng Feng. Naturally, he will have to be humiliated and tortured!

咻咻 咻 ~~~

With excitement, the pair of wings on the back of Apocalypse Evil Emperor stirred up.

Immediately, several daomang flew out and chopped on the human-shaped pothole that Cheng Feng smashed.

Cut through the humanoid pothole to reveal Cheng Feng inside.

Convenient for him to humiliate and torture!

However, after Dao Mang cut open the human-shaped pothole, the face of the Emperor Tian Qi suddenly changed dramatically.

Because he actually saw, Cheng Feng's face was not desperate.

Instead, a round, detached light flashed in the eyes.

When this light shines to the extreme, a six-color halo appears in the back of Cheng Feng's head.

Let Cheng Feng look like a pearl that cleans the dirt, and is radiant, which makes people dare not look straight!

"This is ... the six colorful gods?"

Seeing this picture, the Emperor Tianqi was a little embarrassed and said in shock: "Six colorful gods of light are special signs that only the sixth heavy martial art ascendant can possess."

"Did Cheng Feng, a small beast, be promoted to the sixth place in the sky?"

Ascendant martial arts, born with divine light.

Ascending to heaven has one **** light first, and two **** lights second ... and so on.

Cheng Feng's divine body and divine power, although a long time ago, reached six stars.

However, because of the slowness of God's thoughts, he has been in the fifth position of ascending to heaven.

Until just now, Cheng Feng was attacked by the Emperor Tianqi by borrowing the power of the dome continent, and tremendous pressure squeezed out the potential of Cheng Feng.

Let the Fengshen Yun soul flower eaten by Cheng Feng decompose a hundred times faster to nourish his divine thoughts.

It was his God's thought that caused a leap in a very short period of time.

From the five-star limit, directly advance to six-star!

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