Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1917: The sky

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Chapter 1917 The Sky Is Here

The Lord of the West Desert sits, and the whole world is shocked.

Let countless people who have resentment with Cheng Feng feel hairy and feel that their doomsday is coming.

Even the first **** of the earth dome, the heavenly desolate god, is still upset at this moment.

Leaders from all walks of life, strong men, Zongmen, family ... all leaders went to Tianhuang City, the Emperor of the Heavenly Waste God, to discuss countermeasures with the Emperor.

In the event of Cheng Feng's killing, what measures should be taken?

However, the Emperor Huangtian remained motionless.

Sitting in the Tianhuang Emperor's Palace in Tianhuang City, the divine thoughts traveled around the heavens, and at this time, they were discussing with several gods in the Tenjin Palace, the martial arts shrine of the Tianhuang God.

"Tiandi, what do you think of Cheng Feng now?"

Tenjin, a **** asked.

"Cheng Feng is a very talented man with a brilliant mind."

Emperor Huangtian said lightly: "If you don't die in the future, you will become a character!"

"In the future ... not die?"

The **** of **** whispered: "Under the attack of a total of eighteen super beings, will this son die?"

"There is nothing completely absolute in this world."

Emperor Huangtian shook his head: "Cheng Feng can always create miracles this time, and soon after, he may not die!"

"Tiandi, let's not care about the kid first."

At this time, another **** of heaven said, "This time, if that boy kills me, the **** of heaven, what will God do?"

"If he comes, Bendi will leave him in the city of heaven forever."

Emperor Huangtian is very confident: "If he doesn't come, the day that opens on the sky of the sky, the emperor will find him in person and trap him for 10 days and 10 nights.

"So miss the scramble for the fruits of the world and make sure the fruits are picked by my son!"

In the Temple of Heaven, Emperor Huangtian carefully planned, Qiankun was in control.

Earth dome continent everyone is waiting.

I want to see whether Cheng Feng can defeat the Emperor of Heaven and defeat the first dynasty in the world, thus overwhelming the world!

However, Cheng Feng did not kill the God of Heaven.

Let everyone be disappointed, thinking that Cheng Feng was afraid, after all, he did not dare to stand against the Emperor Huangtian.

Regarding everyone's remarks, Cheng Feng didn't take his eyes at all.

"The Emperor Huangtian, as a monarch who has won the great fortune, is the most outstanding one after the Emperor Tianburial."

Cheng Feng groaned in the heart of the West Desert Buddha: "This kind of existence has been holding the Heavenly Desolation for nearly 100,000 years.

"Although I can only talk about combat power, I can say that it is the best in the continent.

"Moreover, I have no great hatred with Emperor Huangtian, and I don't need to spend much energy to fight with each other!"

"The best option at the moment is to return to the Feathered God and practice well."

"Be prepared for the forthcoming battle of heaven and earth!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng took a final look at the seated Ximo Buddha Lord.

After confirming that the other party had completely fallen, he flew out of Ximofo.

Om ~~~

Cheng Feng has not yet flew out of the West Desert Buddha country, and suddenly the world has undergone tremendous changes.

I saw a huge vortex inexplicably appearing deep in the sky.

The vortex is endless, as if condensed by a thunder, but the thunder is flashing.

The bombardment in the surrounding void resulted in cracks like nature.

There are fifteen of these cracks in total, which seem to be disorderly, but in fact they spread to more than a dozen directions on a regular basis.

Cheng Feng looked up and saw clearly that there was a crack in the nature, which extended to the Ximo Buddhist country.

Bang ~~~

Submerged into the first ring of the thousand Buddhist temples in the West Desert Buddha Country.

At that moment, it seemed that an unknown world was connected with the Ximo Buddha country.

The people who gave way to the West Desert Buddha Kingdom were all excited.

As if entering a magical world, the soul is nourished, the body is irrigated, and the cultivation is a silent growth, which is simply incredible!

"This is ... the breath of the sky?"

Cheng Feng's heart was not peaceful, and he whispered, "Can it be said that the fruits of the earth dome continent have matured? Cangqiang Island is about to open?"

The change in the heavens and the earth, as well as the trend of the fifteen cracks in the heavens, fully explain the changes that occurred at this time, which are greatly related to the fruits of the heavens and the earth.

Eighty-nine out of ten is a sign of heaven and earth fruit maturity.

"Cheng Feng, the huge vortex that suddenly appeared in the sky seems to be the sky in the sky!"

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded, and he was quite excited: "The huge cracks are the rumored sky passages, which connect to the sky island."

"The chosen person can enter the sky island only through the sky passage."

"Enter from other places, a dead end!"

"Sky Island, Sky Channel?"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng's hands could not help but hold up: "Don't everyone be spreading, will the fruits of heaven and earth not mature until twenty days later?"

"Why is Cangqiang Island appearing now? Is the world fruit ripening ahead of time?"

"No advance."

Nalan Changsheng shook his head: "The growth cycle of the heaven and earth fruit is very stable and will not easily change."

"The appearance of the sky at this moment is just a sign that the fruits of heaven and earth are about to mature."

"Actually, the sky is just coming out, it's not open."

"You need to wait for the world to ripen before it opens."

"As of now, you can't enter the sky at all."

"So it is."

Cheng Feng nodded suddenly, but also found that the breath emanating from the sky channel was rapidly weakening.

Within a minute, the very comfortable atmosphere disappeared completely.

"It's gone, the breath of the sky is gone."

Cheng Feng frowned: "It seems that if you want to absorb more of the sky, you have to enter the sky."

"It's no wonder that countless days in the world know how to get into the sky to pick fruit, but to make wedding clothes for others, and still sharpen their heads and squeeze inside.

"Maybe ... this is the real reason?"

"Cheng Feng, the benefits of entering the sky are far more than that."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Cangqiang Island is the core of the entire dome continent, condensing the most primitive origin of the dome continent."

"On the island, not only the treasures of heaven and earth have been bred, but also many other treasures of heaven and earth."

"Many treasures can directly improve Xiuwei and increase strength."

"So, after entering the sky, even if you fail to pick up the fruits of heaven and earth, there will be a great harvest."

"A big opportunity for every candidate!"

"Oh? If that's the case, I can use the sky passage that opened up to the gods that day."

Cheng Feng groaned deeply, "Send Tailong and Brother Jian to the sky of the sky."

"Take their strength to a new level!"

The Apocalypse has been destroyed by Cheng Feng, so the place originally belonged to Apocalypse has fallen into the hands of Cheng Feng.

After the sky was opened, Cheng Feng could send anyone who he wanted to go in.

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