Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1918: Change

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Chapter 1918 Changing Situations

"Go, go back to the Feathered God."

Cheng Mo's mood calmed down in the Buddhist country of the West Desert: "After we have dealt with some trivial matters, we begin preparations for retreat.

"Cangqiang Island and his party have a great relationship. Whether I can get rid of the calamity here is absolutely not to be missed!"

Stop, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng casts the shadow puppet method and flew towards the feathered god.

At the same time, the whole world was boiled by the appearance of the sky.

"Hahaha, the sky appears!"

Iconostasis, Iconostasis.

With a crack in the sky falling into the palace of the iconostasis, the iconostasis was overjoyed.

In particular, the eighth prince Di Di, a fire light appeared in his eyes.

Whispered: "The sky appears, and the fruits of heaven and earth are about to mature."

"Cheng Feng, wait for me. Once this temple picks up the fruits of heaven and earth, your dead time will come!"


"City of Heaven, finally appeared?"

The Buddhist monk in the western desert, the monk Pu Yuan looked at the sky: "The Lord Buddha planned for tens of thousands of years, and hesitated to bear great humiliation, and finally waited for this day."

"Master Li, you must not live up to the expectations of the Lord Buddha!"

"This time, you must pick up the fruits of heaven and earth."

"Brother Pu Yuan, my brother will do his best."

On the side of the monk Pu Yuan, a young monk less than ten years old folded his hands, and the light of wisdom flashed in his eyes.


"Heaven Island, there!"

Tianhuang Shenchao, Tenjin Temple.

Emperor Huangtian looked up at the sky: "This emperor waited tens of thousands of years, and finally waited for this moment."

"This time, we must absolutely pick the fruits of heaven and earth and let‘ she ’really live!”


Not only the Emperor Huangtian and others, the Emperor of Ten Thousand Deities, Emperor Tianyan, Emperor of Sword, Emperor of Feathering, etc., all thoughts floated at this moment.

At the same time, there are many hidden beings, and they are also starting to move.

For example, God of War, such as Ninglong Aoqing and Emperor Butterfly, such as Dragon Realm, Blood God, Killing Temple, Hell Gate, etc.

The world is turbulent, but Cheng Feng always sticks to his heart.

At this moment, the shadow puppet method has been put in place, driving nearly a million miles.

From the Ximo Buddha country, the feathered dynasty border was reached.

"Hoo ~~~"

Standing in the wasteland county of Yuhua God, looking out at the familiar territory.

Cheng Feng exhaled, "Finally ... home!"

At about the same time, several voices came from Cheng Feng's soul ring.

Cheng Feng gave a quick rush, and four things appeared on his hand.

One is the Tianyan bracelet, the other is the Dragon Ring, the third is the wordless paper, and the fourth is the blood **** jade.

Obviously the owner of these four things, noticed that Cheng Feng returned to the feathered dynasty and sent a message.

"These people are in a hurry."

Cheng Feng smiled lightly, and first picked up Tianyan bracelet.

Immediately, a familiar voice passed into his ear.

"Cheng Feng, your kid is finally back."

"His Majesty the Lord asked me to tell you that after you have handled the matter at hand, come to Yujing immediately and talk to you about important matters."

This voice Cheng Feng is very familiar, from the mouth of Tian Ming Si Tian Zhao Da Si Ming.

Cheng Feng is quite grateful for the life of Tian Zhao.

When he was young, he gave great help and rescued him several times in danger.

Therefore, Cheng Feng groaned a little, and then answered to the other party.

He said that he would go to Yujing City to invite him to drink a few days later. As for meeting the Emperor Yuhua, he did not give a clear answer.

Because of the abacus of the Emperor Yuhua, Cheng Feng knew very well.

He needs to think about it carefully, and he can't be led by his nose.

After processing the Tianyan bracelet, Cheng Feng picked up the Dragon Ring.

Immediately, the voice of Prince Fang Wuwei, who was a prince, was heard.

Fang Wu's voice at this moment seemed very low-key and humble, matching the brothers Cheng Feng.

First of all, a lot of nonsense, attracted feelings.

Then I mentioned some of the mistakes he had made in the West Desert Buddha country, hoping to get Cheng Feng's forgiveness.

Finally, he carefully invited Cheng Feng to one of his palaces and apologized to him in person.

"This inaction is changing fast."

After listening to the message in Xun Longjie, Cheng Feng said coldly: "I must know the latest news from me and understand that with his status, he is far from being able to suppress me."

"So quickly lay down and try to repair the relationship!"

"This kind of person has too many calculations, is very unreliable, and has no value in deep friendship."

"But in Fang Fenfei's face, I will not go to embarrass him."

"If you have a chance in the future, you can bring him by the way."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng put away the dragon dragon ring and did not answer him.

As for whether the other party can't sleep at night because he didn't get Cheng Feng's response, Cheng Feng didn't bother to care.

Next, Cheng Feng picked up the blank paper.

Blank paper was given to Cheng Feng by Mr. Qianlong College, and within 100,000 miles, simple communication was possible.

When Cheng Feng picked up the blank paper, a few lines of text appeared on it.

It is Mr. Shu, inquiring about the current situation of Cheng Feng.

After Cheng Feng watched it, his heart warmed slightly, and he quickly responded.

Then, prepare to return to Qianlong Academy first.

See your family, see your elder master, see your friends.

As for the others, they all stood back.

"Let's go back to the academy before talking."

Put away the blank paper, and Cheng Feng set off for Qianlong College.

During this period, Cheng Feng opened the blood **** jade, which was actually an invitation passed to him by the blood god.

I hope Cheng Feng can go to the blood gods headquarters to discuss major events.

"Oh, this blood **** is interesting."

Seeing this news, Cheng Feng couldn't help sneering: "I used to chat with me before, almost killed me, but now I was invited to discuss something big? It was just funny!"

"Cheng Feng, the blood gods should know that you are strong and strong, and they are difficult to suppress."

Nalan Changsheng said: "So, take Huairou means and want to draw you in secret."

"Then they will pick the fruits of the world and create some opportunities."

"Well, it must be so."

Cheng Feng nodded: "With their strength, it is difficult to pick fruits in the sky."

"If I add some more to them, there is little hope of picking fruits."

"Before the sky is not open, it is reasonable to carry out some planning and layout."

"However, if you want to just say a few words, then ask me to go to their headquarters? It's just nonsense, I'll blame you!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng directly crushed the blood **** Jade.

Then he gathered his mind and rushed to Qianlong Academy.

At the same time, the blood gods headquarters.

A blood cloak sat high in the first place, with Cheng Feng crushing the blood **** jade.

Blood cloaked slightly, and a voice came out.

"It seems that Cheng Feng's prejudice against my blood **** is deep!"

Bloody Road: "We want to eliminate hatred with them, and reach a cooperative relationship, it is very unlikely."

"But Cheng Feng's strength is superb. If he hates my blood **** teachings, the hope of picking the fruits of heaven and earth will be very slim."

"You have to think of a way to improve the situation!"

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