Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1924: Friends come from far away

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Chapter 192: Friends from afar

Several old men looked at the armor of war, as if looking at a peerless beauty.

Eye blinked without blinking, it was so intoxicated and enchanted.

A long time passed, the strong old man took a long breath.

"Cheng Feng, the craftsmanship of this armor is very rough, but due to the precipitation of time, it is perfectly natural."

The old man said: "It is a rare defensive weapon, at least able to block the attack of the eighth strongest man in the sky!"

"In this case, you still want to increase its power, the possibility is very small!"

The old man's eyes were hot, and he quickly saw the true essence of the armor of war.

Knowing that by their means of refining, it is no longer possible to refined the armor of war to a higher level.

However, Cheng Feng said lightly: "This senior, you are not false at all."

"But I have something that can change the nature of the armor of war."

"As long as it is properly refined, it can be transformed from a semi-holy level to a real holy device!"

"Oh? What happened?"

The elderly Jianshuo stared, and then asked, "Is the thing you said impossible?

"Senior, you guessed it."

Cheng Feng answered with a smile: "The thing I said is the domain **** iron."

Regarding the War God armor, Cheng Feng already had plans to improve his rank.

He learned through Nalan's eternal life that if God of War armor wanted to become a holy weapon completely, he would have to absorb more than a dozen pounds of **** iron.

And not long ago, when he was killing in the Ximo Buddha country.

Directly moved a large piece of domain iron on the top of Qianfo Temple to the Soul Ring, at least one hundred catties.

He only needs to train this hundred jin of domain **** iron into the war **** armor, the war **** armor will be able to advance!

He had planned to do this himself.

But when I met Qi He's seniors, I just asked them to do the work for them.

This will free up a lot of time and keep him busy with other things.

"Really a **** of iron?"

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, the strong old man's eyes widened: "Cheng Feng, how many kilos of iron in your hand do you have?"

"In my observation, if this armor of war is to be upgraded to the sacred level, at least it will consume ten pounds of domain **** iron."

"Senior, I have one hundred and eighty pounds in my hand."

Cheng Feng said indifferently: "You can play whatever you want, and it's okay to train them all into the armor of war."

"If it's not enough, I can make some more."

The domain iron is very rare, only in the outer sky.

However, on the top of the Great Temple in the West Desert Buddha Country, there will be a small piece of domain iron.

There are hundreds of famous monasteries in Ximo Buddha. If necessary, Cheng Feng will go directly to Ximo Buddha.

At least one or two hundred jins of domain **** iron can be obtained to ensure the smooth promotion of the war **** armor.

"One hundred and eighty pounds of domain **** iron? Haha, enough, far enough!"

However, the sturdy old man laughed and said, "With this hundred catties of domain **** iron, the old man took care of refining this war **** armor to the sacred level."

"Is that so? I thanked the seniors first."

After hearing that, a smile appeared on Cheng Feng's face.

Immediately, he said, took out the one hundred pounds of Yushen Iron, and handed it to the strong old man.

After the old man picked it up, his eyes suddenly became bright.

It's like watching rare treasures, and holding the God of Iron God in front of you.

"Cheng Feng, come to Qihe to find me in ten days."

After looking at Yushen Iron for a moment, several old people looked at each other.

Then, without any delay, picked up the Yushen Iron and the War God armor, uttered a sentence to Cheng Feng, and flew to the direction where Qi He was.

Obviously, some can't wait, and want to refine the armor of war.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng couldn't help grinning.

Because he hadn't finished his words, he planned to throw the sealed bottle to the other party and let them try to repair one or two.

However, several elderly people walked too fast, and Cheng Feng couldn't stop it.

So he shook his head, ready to repair the armored bottle after the opponent had trained the Ares armor.

As for the Devil Sword, it is more difficult to increase its level.

Need to absorb a large amount of weapon essence, small dome continent, there are not many advanced weapons for it to devour.

So the best way is to temporarily maintain the status quo.

After leaving the dome continent and going to the vast world outside, it is not too late to carry out the ascension.

"What are you all doing here? Let's go, what should I do!"

At this time, all the soldiers of Qianlong Academy surrounded them.

After Mr. Shu met, he shouted loudly and let everyone spread out.

At the same time, looking towards Cheng Feng said, "Cheng Feng, remember to leave the academy when you practice."

"My old bone, I don't want to be demolished by you."

"Cough ~~~"

Cheng Feng coughed a few words: "Mr. Shu, rest assured, what happened just now will never happen again."

"Well, I believe you."

Mr. Shu replied very perfunctoryly and immediately set an example and flew towards the direction where Shu Shan was.

Seeing this scene, although everyone wanted to talk to Cheng Fengpan one or two.

However, due to the majesty of Mr. Shu, he finally had to disperse, his face full of regret.

As for Cheng Feng, he punched everyone and flew back to the dormitory.

After a little adjustment of the divine thought, I saw it in his mind.

On the top of that tree of spirits, a huge word of the town of God hangs.

The word of the town stands like a mountain and is very towering.

Obviously a symptom of the soul seal god!

In the future, if Cheng Feng wants to attack someone with a soul-seal, he only needs a reminder.

The giant seal of that side will be blasted out, and the peerless powerhouse will be killed instantly!

"Zhen Hunyin's martial arts, I was trained to the extreme."

Inside the dormitory, Cheng Feng groaned: "As for the nine-day stars, five hundred and forty stars are now lit."

"With the magnanimity of my thoughts, I can continue to light up!"

"In the end it is estimated that six hundred can be lit."

"But this matter cannot be rushed, it needs to be done step by step."

"So I can practice Rulai Jinshenju next."

"Try this Buddhist monk, is it as magical as rumored!"

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng came up with Rulai Jinshenjue.

I was about to look around one or two, but suddenly the dormitory door was knocked.

Cheng Feng frowned, intending to ignore it.

咚咚咚 ~~~

But the knock was louder, and a loud voice came.

"Cheng Feng, what are you doing hiding in the house?"

"Come out and let me see how far your guy has grown recently!"

The voice was wild and rough, and the ears of the shocked man hurt.

The average person will definitely explode after hearing it, but Cheng Feng has a smile on his face when he hears it.

Put away Rulai Jinshenjue and walk outside the dormitory.

He is very familiar with the owner of the voice. He is probably his good friend Tyrone, and of course he would welcome it in person.

Sure enough, when he opened the dorm door.

There were four or five people standing outside the door.

One of them was three meters seven or eight in height, carrying a giant five-meter knife on his shoulders, and his arms were thicker than ordinary people's waists.

Who is not Tyrone?

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