Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1925: Old acquaintances

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Chapter 1925 The Old Acquaintances Qi Qi

"Tylon, Brother Jian, Bai Ze, Situ Yutian ... how did you come here?"

Cheng Feng's gaze swept over the person outside the door, his face showing a surprise look.

"Cheng Feng, how dare you say that?"

Tai Long whispered, "I have returned to the academy, but he didn't notify us, what's the meaning!"

Speaking, Tai Long stepped forward to Cheng Feng, and his sturdy palm was slammed on Cheng Feng's shoulder.

Tyrone is strong and strong, and at the same time he awakens the blood of Titan.

No one can compare physical strength alone, and a slap is enough to shoot a warrior on the sky.

In the past, Tailong's bear's paw was patted on Cheng Feng's shoulder, like a giant elephant hitting his shoulder.

But this time, Tai Long's palm shot, but Cheng Feng didn't react at all.

Instead, Tyrone's palm trembled and his teeth grinned.

"Wow, Cheng Feng, why are you putting on body armor?"

Tyrone retracted his hand and slammed it, feeling very depressed: "Are you preventing me from doing this early? It's too cunning!"

"Tylon, what's your look?"

At this time, Bai Ze interjected in: "With Cheng Feng's strength, he still needs to wear armor?"

"When everyone urged the six-star **** body, it is estimated that the half-holy artifact was cut on the body without any awareness, let alone your bear's paw!"

"Fuck, you are not kind, Cheng Feng!"

Upon hearing this, Tailong yelled, "Not only did I go home without notifying my brothers, but I also oppressed me for repair."

"I must show you some colors today!"

"Tylon, you have to pat me on the shoulder, okay, you blame me again."

Cheng Feng was a little speechless and shook his head with a grin.

"Hum, I don't care anymore!"

Tai Long yelled: "Hurry up and find a tavern, and you will definitely lie home today."

Tyrone couldn't take advantage of it, so he got the idea of ​​drinking.

Feeling that with his alcohol, Cheng Feng must not be an opponent.

"Since you have to look for abuse, I have done tricks with you."

Tyrone posted a 'battle post', and Cheng Feng bravely 'responded.'

After closing the dormitory door, they took the brothers to the sky and went to Longcheng for a drinking party.

Dragon City is the county capital of Qianlong County, and there are many places to drink.

Cheng Feng and others arrived in Longcheng, but went straight to Tianxuan Restaurant.

Tianxuan Restaurant is an industry under the Tianxuan Business League. The restaurants are spread all over the world and provide good service.

Cheng Feng they entered the restaurant and chose a refined elegant room.

Then, a lot of spirits were moved in.

In front of the Yajian wall, a wall of wine was erected.

"Cheng Feng, let's not talk nonsense first, let's go to Shitan to burn a knife to warm our stomachs."

Tailong was staring at Cheng Feng, and he said a word and grabbed a jar of spirits.

He patted the lid and poured it into his mouth.

Guru ~~ Guru ~~

In just a few seconds, a jar of spirits had died.

Then without a word, he seized the second altar.

Followed by the third, fourth, fifth ...

This caused Cheng Feng to twitch his cheeks, raised his eyes and looked at Jian Wuchen.

However, Jian Wuchen shrugged his shoulders with a helpless expression.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled bitterly, and also grabbed an altar of spirits and drank.

Tyrone was drinking very fast, and in a blink of an eye, he finished drinking ten knives.

Due to the slow start, Cheng Feng took two or three minutes to finish.

"Cheng Feng, you're pretty interesting!"

When Cheng Feng finished drinking, Tai Long smiled on his face: "You are still the same as you, and you haven't changed because of the surge."

"Tyron, my Cheng Feng may change, but definitely not to my brother."

Cheng Feng said with a look of pity.

"Haha, I know you won't change!"

Tailong laughed: "So, let's go to Shitan and burn the knife again and get emotional!"

"Get off!" Hearing, Cheng Feng scolded with a black face.

After such a trouble in Tailong, Cheng Feng had not seen a trace of separation between them for a long time, and the clouds disappeared instantly.

Next, several people sat around a table, chatting while eating and drinking.

Introduce their recent experiences.

First was Tyrone. Since the end of the blood **** disaster, he returned to the Titan tribe of a million mountains.

In the ancestral land of the Titan tribe, a bloodline sacrifice was performed, which fully activated the Titan bloodline that was dormant in his body.

As a result, not only has Tyron's height been raised a lot.

In addition, Tailong's cultivation has been directly promoted to the fifth highest level.

Coupled with horrible physical strength, the sixth strongest person in the sky can easily burst.

Secondly, the sword is dust-free, sharpening kendo in the sword market.

Now that the sword has taken shape, it can burst out at any time.

And once it breaks out, it is not a first-order sword, and at least it can rush to a third-order sword.

By that time, the sword power alone will be able to rival the sixth strongest man in the sky.

As for Xiu Wei, Jian Wuchen has a thick accumulation of hair.

But now he is the sixth master in the sky, and he is bravely fearless.

Followed by Bai Ze, Situ Yutian, cultivation is not weak.

However, they are far worse than Cheng Feng.

When Cheng Feng briefly talked about his experience, Tyrone and others were stunned and stunned, despite what they had heard.

It took a long time before Tyrone blasted out, "Wow, Cheng Feng, you are not human!"

"Come and come, I have to make you a pervert today."

Having said that, Tai Long grabbed more than a dozen altar spirits, and then pulled Cheng Feng to start a ‘hot fight’.

And it's not just Tyrone.

Bai Ze and Jian Wuchen also participated in them.

The look of Cheng Feng who did not sink down!

But unfortunately, Cheng Feng's alcohol is beyond everyone's imagination.

The four-wheeled battle of Tailong failed to bring Cheng Feng down.

Instead, the four of them drank a little bit.

But at this moment.

The door of Yajian was pushed open, and several men and women came from the outside.

"Wang Yuyan, Xue Canglan, Long Yichen ..."

The men and women who came from outside the house were all Cheng Feng's old acquaintances.

Cheng Feng glanced around and recognized them all.

"Cheng Feng, you guy is not kind, you don't even call us to drink in Longcheng."

After Wang Yuyan and others entered Yajian, she said with a smirk: "You said, should you punish yourself?

"Wipe, you are really full of malice."

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng smiled bitterly and could only admit punishment!

However, it seems to have a knock-on effect.

Cheng Feng just drank the self-punishing wine, and someone came in from outside Yajian, still Cheng Feng's acquaintance.

As soon as he arrived, he gave Cheng Feng a drink.

In this regard, Cheng Feng had no choice but to admit punishment.

After half an hour, Cheng Feng had finished drinking all the fines, and he was already filled with a lot of empty wine jars.

The original empty room became even more crowded, all Cheng Feng's old friends.

Even Fang Wuwei, the crown prince of Yuhua, didn't know where to get the wind.

Came from the imperial city Yujing to toast to Cheng Feng.

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