Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1926: Old knowledge

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Chapter 1926 Old Knowledge

Because there were too many people, Cheng Feng and they called for a buddy to directly connect the two adjacent elegant rooms.

The three elegant rooms were turned into one, and the room suddenly became spacious.

After adding tables and chairs, dishes, and wine in the house, everyone started drinking and chatting.

Tell us about your experiences and interesting things, and the atmosphere is extremely lively!

After everyone became acquainted, a new round of 'offensive' against Cheng Feng began under the leadership of Wang Yuyan.

Dozens of people present almost lined up toasting.

There is a strong posture that Cheng Feng drunk to the ground!

Fortunately, at this time, some of Tailong's dead parties came forward to block the wine, only to let Cheng Feng relieved.

At the same time, Fang Wuwei also participated in blocking the wine, and wanted to close the relationship with Cheng Feng.

Regarding Fang Wuwei's careful thinking, Cheng Feng was clear, but he did not refuse.

Although Fang Wuwei is good at calculating, to Cheng Feng, it is nothing.

The calculation is deeper, if the strength is not enough, it is also a residue.

For example, now Cheng Feng, even if he kills Fang Wuwei, the Emperor Yuhua will not turn his face with him.

This is strength, even more confidence!

Time passed quickly in a lively atmosphere.

When it was late at night, the crowd finally drank, and many people even drank on the spot.

Although Cheng Feng had too much alcohol, he was fighting with his eyelids at the moment, and some of them couldn't bear it.

At this moment, a hot woman, leaning forward and leaning forward, leaned towards Cheng Feng with a fragrant wind.

The charming red lips exhaled like blue, toasting Cheng Feng.

"Who are you? We should be unfamiliar!"

However, Cheng Feng's somewhat blurred eyes suddenly shrank at this moment.

The confusion in the eyes disappeared and became very sharp.

Let the beautiful woman lean over her body and become a bit stiff.

"Cheng Gongzi, you are scared."

The beautiful woman responded quickly, and the discomfort caused by Cheng Feng's deterrence resolved instantly.

Immediately twisted the waist, and continued to lean towards Cheng Feng.

Wanting to confuse Cheng Feng with a proud posture, let him fall into the gentle village without any sound.

However, in the face of such a beautiful woman, Cheng Feng not only did not get fascinated, but looked calm.

Lifting her right hand, she supported the body of the beautiful woman.

"Don't try to play tricks on me. Your behavior will do nothing to me!"

Cheng Feng's voice was slightly cold: "Talk about your origin and intention."

"I don't have time to play with you, and you can't afford it!"

For the beautiful woman, Cheng Feng noticed the moment she entered Yajian.

From the other side, Cheng Feng felt a familiar atmosphere.

So it didn't happen until the other party came to the door.

"Cheng Feng, they ..."

By Cheng Feng's uncle, the glamorous woman's face flashed with disapproval.

Then my **** went straight, and I still wanted to play with the means.

But Cheng Feng's hand pressed, and a divine power burst into the opponent's body.

The glamorous woman's body suddenly froze, and a smell of death rose in her heart.

I didn't dare to think carefully, and hurriedly said, "I'm a disciple of the blood gods. Here I want to ask the son of Feng Cheng to go to my blood gods."

"Blood God?"

Cheng Feng's brow raised, "No wonder there is a slight **** smell on your body."

"Even if you spray countless perfumes on your body, you can't hide it!"

"I didn't spray perfume, it was a natural scent."

The glamorous woman was very depressed. At first she thought that her figure was beautiful, plus an advanced charm.

Even if she could not let Cheng Feng bow down under her pomegranate skirt, at least she could make Cheng Feng feel good.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng dismissed her.

She even regarded her natural body fragrance as a junk perfume.

This made her very depressed and annoyed.

However, Cheng Feng ignored it.

"I don't care at all what it smells like."

"Not even more interested in your blood gods."

"So you can get out."

"If there is another time, I will make you and the blood gods regret it!"

Listening to Cheng Feng's words, the glamorous woman was totally cold.

She smelled killing from these words. If she continues to not know what to do, Cheng Feng may really kill her.

Could not help but tremble, and dared not think about it any more.

However, the glamorous woman did not leave.

A pair of eyes suddenly changed at this moment, an extra pair of pupils appeared in the eyes.

It seems that somebody is immersed in the body of the beautiful woman, which is very strange.

"Oh, is the Lord finally showing up?"

However, when Cheng Feng saw this scene, a sneer appeared on his face.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, it really deserves its name."

"Little girl's little gesture made you laugh!"

At this moment, the beautiful woman spoke, but her voice changed.

It became soft, glutinous, tender, and itchy.

"and who are you?"

Cheng Feng's expression did not move, and he said lightly, "I don't like to guess the mystery. Just explain why."

"Otherwise, it's better to leave!"

"Mr. Cheng Feng, in fact, we have met before."

Soft wax female voice: "Two years ago, Longcheng Iron Clothes Lane, you can make people suffer a lot!"

"Two years ago, Iron Clothes Lane?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng's brow raised, "Are you a wanting of the blood god?"

Two years ago, Cheng Feng participated in a trial of Qianlong College.

Enter the Iron Clothes Alley occupied by Blood God Religion, and kill the Blood God Religion disciples lying in it.

At that time, with the help of Nalan Changsheng, Cheng Feng was destroyed all the way.

Almost killed all the blood **** disciples in Iron Clothes Lane.

In the end, only one person escaped, that is Wan Mi Ting, an outside student of the Blood Gods.

Wan Wanting is not simple, she is young but she is good at calculation.

In just two years, he has taught outsiders from a small blood **** to reach such a level today.

It's a miracle!

However, Cheng Feng does not remember each other because of how brilliant they are.

It was because of an old friend in front of Cheng Feng that Wan Wanting was so miserable that he sneaked into the blood gods and intended to avenge him.

But today, there is no word.

"Toba, Tuoba, are you really controlled by this woman Wan Wanting?"

Cheng Feng whispered: "Still still dormant, want to find the best opportunity to launch a counterattack?"

Cheng Feng's old friend is called Tuobatao.

Ever since he went to the blood gods, he has made great achievements.

From an obscure little sister-in-law, he climbed into the ranks of the top ten true biography disciples of the Blood Gods.

However, rumors spread that Tuoba Tao was controlled by Wan Yiting and became a slave in Wan Yiting's hands.

"Tuoba, let's meet each other, we can't watch you fall into the abyss."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Also, since the Blood Gods are invited, I will go to the Blood Gods.

"Clear this grudge on you!"

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