Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1929: Meet old friend

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Chapter 1929: Seeing an Old Friend

"What conditions, please say." Blood God teaches.

"For one thing, all the good fortunes of your blood gods exist, you must make a vow of the Cause, and you will not fall down when I am in trouble."

Cheng Feng said: "Secondly, I want to help a friend of mine, but after a period of grudges."

"No one is involved in this matter, you must not stop it!"

"Cheng Feng, these two conditions, the first condition will be resolved by this seat in person, it should not be a problem."

The leader of the blood gods groaned a little and replied, "As for the second condition, you first talk about who your friends are, and what is wrong with them."

"This seat needs to consider one or two. If you can do it, let's talk."

"My friend should be here."

Cheng Feng did not go straight to the topic and said, "He is one of the ten true disciples of your blood gods."

"Oh? That would make things easier."

Hearing the words, the leader of the blood gods commanded: "Blood demon, I teach ten true disciples on the earth dome, can they be in the hall?"

"Call them out and talk to Cheng Feng."

"Leader, the reincarnation of the King of Yin and Yang is still in retreat."

The Blood Demon Elder replied: "The other nine people are in the side hall."

Speaking, the elder blood demon waved, and a wall on the north side of the bronze hall suddenly cracked, revealing a hall.

In the hall, nine men and women are listed.

"Come out! A friend wants to meet you."

Seeing those nine people, the leader of the blood gods commanded.

When ordered, the nine people looked at each other and walked out of the hall.

In the hall, Cheng Feng looked at the nine people.

The eyes stopped on nine people, a healthy young man.

Wearing a wide trench coat and a brass mask on his face, the young man looked a little mysterious.

It is the old friend Tuoba Tao who Cheng Feng met in Longcheng Iron Clothes Lane.

The reason why she wore a mask on her face was because she was sacrificed to blood slavery by cruel means and ruined her appearance.

Although she was rescued by Cheng Feng and got rid of Wan Junting's control, her appearance was completely destroyed.

Only when Xiu has reached the heavens and has the means to regenerate the broken limb can he repair the scar on his face.

"Tuba, long time no see!"

Looking at Tuoba Tao, Cheng Feng said with some emotion.

"Who are you? Do I know you well?"

However, Tuobatao did not seem to know Cheng Feng, and looked indifferent.

"You don't remember me?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned and he groaned: "It seems that you have failed to sneak into the blood gods this time!"

"Not only was he unable to get revenge, but he fell into the applause of Wan Yiting again."

Although Tuobatao and Cheng Feng have not been together for a long time, the relationship is very irony. It is impossible to remember Cheng Feng.

I don't know Cheng Feng at this moment, and maybe nine out of ten has already won Wan Yanting's tricks and was brainwashed again.

Turned into a killing machine that obeyed Wan Wanting's words!

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng turned to look at Wan Yanting.

"Wan Yanting, you are really good."

Cheng Feng's voice was slightly cold: "If I don't come here, Tuobatao's life will probably be ruined!"

"Cheng Feng, what are you talking about? I don't understand."

At this time Wan Yanting, her face was a little pale.

She suddenly realized that Tuobatao and Cheng Feng had the same old knowledge.

Even Cheng Feng came to Blood God this time to help Tuoba Tao.

With Cheng Feng's strength, even if she adds one hundred, she is far from being an opponent.

This made her regret very much, regret to invite Cheng Feng here.

It's just lifting a rock and hitting your own feet!

"Wan Yanting, don't you know what I'm talking about?"

A sneer appeared on Cheng Feng's face and said, "Then I remind you."

"About two years ago, in order to sacrifice a high-level blood slave, you went to Jilong Dahu Lake, Long Island, to seduce a simple boy.

"After the boy became obsessed with you, you killed his family and all relatives in cruel means in front of him."

"Let the young man go mad, inspire the power of the silent blood, and then be trained by your blood to become a blood slave."

"Are you impressed now?"

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, Wan Yanting's face turned pale.

Regarding these, Wan Yanting thought that she was unaware of the ghosts.

I never thought it would be clear to Cheng Feng.

However, at this moment, these Wan Tingting could not recognize her.

So he said, "Cheng Feng, you don't want to spit out blood. I've never done this kind of thing."

"Don't believe it, you can ask Tuoba in person."

"Boy, what are you talking about?"

At the same time, Tuobatao took a step forward and said, "I warn you, you are not allowed to discredit Lu Ting."

"Otherwise, I tore you!"

"Ah, it seems to be deep."

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng sighed: "If I don't do anything, Tuoba won't be able to wake up."

After speaking, Cheng Feng stopped talking nonsense with Wan Yanting.

Divine thoughts suddenly condensed, and a big seal rushed out of his mind.

With a thunderbolt, he banged on Tuobatao.

Huh! In Tuobatao's mind, a strange divine thought was printed and broken.

"Cheng Feng, how dare you ..."

With the destruction of the seal of God's mind, Wan Yanting couldn't help taking three steps backwards if she was struck by lightning.

As for Tuobatao, he was trembling.

There was a roar in his mouth, as if his head had been hit hard, and something went wrong.

But then, Tuobatao's eyes hidden under the mask suddenly appeared.

After half a minute, the peace was completely restored.

Eyes swept around and stopped at Cheng Feng, shocked: "Cheng Feng, why are you here?"

"Hurry up, find a way to escape!"

Obviously, Tuobatao has been awake from being controlled by Wan Yiting.

Seeing Cheng Feng coming to the Blood Gods Headquarters, he promptly reminded Cheng Feng to leave, and also prepared to assist Cheng Feng to escape.

This warmed Cheng Feng's heart and laughed, "Toba, I'm here to help you."

"Now you have no revenge, how can I leave?"

"help me?"

Tuobatao's face was condensed: "This is the headquarters of the Blood Gods, how can you help ..."

"Tuoba, you just woke up from Wan Yanting's control, and sort out your thoughts first."

Cheng Feng interrupted Tuobatao's words: "Then you will know everything."

Hearing the words, Tuobatao stabilized his emotions, and concentrated his thoughts.

About a minute later, Tuobatao knew the current situation.

"Cheng Feng, it turns out that I've fallen into Wan Yanting's control again ..."

Knowing everything, Tuobatao clasped his hands tightly, his face showing a look of resentment and fear.

Then he looked at Cheng Feng and said with a deep voice: "Cheng Feng, thank you!"

"If I didn't help you this time, I'm afraid I would fall into the dark abyss, and I would never wake up!"

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