Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1930: Reach a settlement

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Chapter 190 Reconciliation

Tuobatao's words are true.

If Cheng Feng didn't come, he would certainly not be able to get rid of Wan Junting's control.

In this life and in this life, you have to be a cow and a horse to Wan Yanting.

Such unspeakable pain is a bit scary to think about!

"Tuoba, between us, needless to say thank you."

Cheng Feng waved his hand and said, "Now the enemy is in front of you. If you want to deal with it, just do it according to your mood."

"People present, no one will stop!"

As he spoke, Cheng Feng looked at the leader of the Blood Gods.

The leader of the blood gods did not say anything, acquiesced in Cheng Feng's words.

After Tuobatao got rid of control, all his memories were recovered, and he knew how powerful Cheng Feng was now.

One man pressed the whole blood **** religion, and when he was shocked, he raised his eyes and looked at Wan Yanting with excitement.

Those calm eyes made Wan Yanting's face pale and trembling.

"Toba, I'm Xiaowan, you ..."

Wan Yanting showed a pitiful appearance and wanted to win the sympathy of Tuobatao.

"Xiaowan? I know you are Xiaowan!"

Tuobatao coldly interrupted Wan Yanting's words and said coldly: "The one second said that I loved me forever, and the next second, my parents and family, cruelly killed Xiaowan.

"It was the little Wan who put me into the furnace tripod with my own hands, pumped blood and bleed, and became a blood slave!"

"You ... I remember better than anyone!"

"Tuba, that's not the case."

Wan Yanting shuddered and said again and again: "You listen to me, those are misunderstandings, they are all ..."

"Oh! Now you want to reverse black and white?"

Tuobatao sneered: "Tell you, I'm not the silly boy I was."

"Next, pay the price of blood for your evil deeds!"

The words ended, Tuoba went directly to Wan Yanting.

Seeing this, Na Wanting also intends to seek help from several senior members of the Blood Gods.

But those people turned a blind eye.

In particular, the blood demon elder fell into the ground.

Inducing an overwhelming pressure on Wan Yiting's body, some of Wan Yiting's methods could not be used.

As a result, Tuobatao quickly approached, punched in the heart, and directly hit the sea of ​​magic.

It was repaired and discarded on the spot, and it fell to the ground like a sack, and it looked miserable.

However, Tuobatao turned a blind eye and began real revenge.

Cheng Feng glanced over there, seeing that the overall situation was fixed, so he looked up at the leader of the Blood Gods.

"It seems we can reach a consensus."

Cheng Feng said: "God of blood gods, let's get started, let some of your gods of blood gods exist to swear by their deities."

"After doing this, the grievances between you and your blood **** will be cancelled."

"I will meet you in the sky in the future. As long as your blood **** disciples do n’t shoot at me, I will never embarrass them!"

"Cheng Feng, please!"

Hearing the words, the leader of the Blood God Church smiled: "Wait a moment, this place will inform the existence of the goodlands, and let them make a vow of the Cause."

The blood **** religion has huge power, and there is more than one respect in the world of creation.

Cheng Feng can reach a settlement with him, but it is also very good.

The leader of the blood **** religion is very efficient. After a while, he has already communicated with several other gods of the blood **** religion.

Immediately issued a vow of the Cause, and never fall into the rock during the catastrophe of Cheng Feng.

In addition, the leader of the Blood God Church also promised to help Cheng Feng hold a good fortune during the catastrophe.

This made Cheng Feng quite satisfied.

"Cheng Feng, we have reached a settlement. How about a drink here?"

After making the oath of the Cause, the leader of the Blood God Church invited the Tao.

"forget it!"

However, Cheng Feng waved away and refused: "The fruits of heaven and earth may ripen at any time, and I need to prepare one or two."

During the talk, Tuobatao was almost done.

Just listen to Tuobatao say dozens of evil acts committed by Wan Yunting.

The next moment, a punch came out.


Wan Yanting herself was directly hit by a punch.

A grudge that has been entangled for several years finally ended with this punch.

"Toba, OK?"

Cheng Feng approached Tuobatao and patted the other's shoulder.

Let him a little excited, calmed down slightly.

"Cheng Feng, I'm fine."

Tuobatao breathed a sigh of relief, saying, "Since Tuobatao's family and relatives were killed by Wan Yiting, only hatred is left in my heart."

"Now there is no revenge for the enemy."

"If you need anything in the future, Cheng Feng only needs to tell me, I will never frown."

"There is no need to say that among our brothers."

Cheng Feng patted Tuobatao's shoulder and said, "Let's go, leave here first."

"When we return to the earth dome, let alone the rest."

"Um." Tuobatao nodded.

Immediately followed Cheng Feng's side and walked outside the bronze hall.

On both sides of the hall, many masters of the blood **** taught with cold eyes, but no one dared to do it.

Watching Cheng Feng and the two, after the kill, he went away!

"Teacher, Cheng Feng is too mad."

After Cheng Feng left, a strong blood **** teaches angrily: "I didn't even put my blood **** teaching in my eyes, it's a **** thing!"

"People are under the roof and have to look down!"

The leader of the Blood Gods Church was expressionless: "In the earth dome, Cheng Feng is the uncrowned king."

"Let's do it against him, it's just death!"

"During the harvest of heaven and earth, no one should provoke Cheng Feng."

"No matter how big the hatred is, report it after the harvest of the heaven and earth is over!"

"After picking the heaven and earth fruit? That's fine."

Hearing the words, everyone's thoughts floated: "By then, Cheng Feng would have no use value, and the great power would no longer be afraid of it."

"At that time, he won't even die!"

Just when the blood gods killed Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng has already accompanied Tuobatao and returned to the dome continent along the steel chain.

"Huh, my Tuobatao is finally free!"

Standing in the stone forest, Tuobatao yelled at the sky.

He has endured too much pain in these years, and his heart is always under the burden of his relatives being killed by himself.

Had it not been for the hatred that supported him, he would have died.

Now the vengeance has been reported, and the depression in my heart has been relieved a lot.

"Tuba, what are your plans for the future?"

Cheng Feng asked beside Tuobatao.

"Intent? No intention."

Tuobatao was asked and murmured, "I used to get revenge, now the revenge has been reported, I don't know where to go, what to do!"

"That being the case, why don't you go to Qianlong Academy?"

Cheng Feng said: "There is full of anger there, where it should be able to ignite your love for life."

"Then wash away the past and start again!"

"Go to Qianlong College?"

Tuobatao's face was astonished: "People like me, can I go to Qianlong Academy?"

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