Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1931: See Yuhua God

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Chapter 191st See Emperor Yuhua

"What's wrong?"

Cheng Fengdao: "Qianlong Academy also helps the world and never looks at people with colored glasses."

"As long as your heart is clean, everyone can enter the academy to study."

"You Tuobatao ... is no exception!"

"Okay, then I'll go to Qianlong College."

Tuobatao groaned for a moment, then immediately said: "I used Tuobatao's hands to be covered with blood for the first half of my life, and I will take the rest of my life to atonement.

"Peace all the sins in the world, though you will never regret it!"

After speaking, Tuobatao's eyes became firm.

Then, holding a punch to Cheng Feng, he flew into the sky and flew towards the direction of Qianlong Academy.

As for Cheng Feng, he stood in sight and watched Tu Batao leave.

When Tuoba Tao's figure disappeared, he took out a blank sheet of paper and communicated Tuoba's affairs with Mr. Shu.

Ask him to contain Tuobatao and lead him on his way.

After doing this, Cheng Feng's gaze turned to look at the direction of Yuhua God Chao Yujing.

"Most of my trivial matters have been resolved. Next, it's time to go to Yujing."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Talk to the Emperor Yuhua and communicate well."

Cheng Feng's mind was very clear.

But Cheng Feng could not risk offending countless creatures of great power, and only served the Emperor Yuhua.

Because the emperor's favor to Cheng Feng was far from reaching the point where Cheng Feng gave his life.

This time Cheng Feng went to Yujing to talk to the Emperor Yuhua.

Do your best to help the Emperor Yuhua to win some fruits of the world.

If the Emperor of Yuhua is insatiable, then Cheng Feng will no longer be accompanied!

"Let's go to Yujing first."

At this point, Cheng Feng flew into the sky and flew towards the Imperial City, Yujing.


Yujing covers an area of ​​thousands of miles.

Like a giant dragon, Hengchen is in the center of Zhongzhou.

Converging the dragon spirit of the entire feathered gods, the clouds are steaming and the sky is magnificent!

Cheng Feng stretched out thousands of miles, and it didn't take long for him to arrive outside the city of Jade.

Looking at this 10,000-year-old giant city, my thoughts are a little ups and downs.

"Yujing, I've been here again."

Cheng Feng whispered: "I hope that this time, as before, I can leave calmly."

After speaking, Cheng Feng let go of his martial arts spirit.

Spread the news of your arrival.

The reaction of the Feathered Gods was very fast, Cheng Feng's martial arts essence just dissipated for a few seconds.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Three figures flew out of the Jade City.

In an instant, Cheng Feng approached.

"Cheng Feng, your kid finally came to Yujing."

The three were young and handsome in white at first.

It is Tian Ming Si Tian Zhao Da Shi Ming.

"Senior Zhao, I came home to visit you after a trip."

Seeing Tianzhao's life, Cheng Feng smiled and said, "You say me, it hurts me!"

"Well, do you think I can believe?"

Tian Zhao Dai Ming retorted with a smile, then raised his hand and pointed at the two men beside him.

Introduced: "This is the real helm of my Destiny Division, Tai Siming Li Lao."

Destiny was too fatal, Cheng Feng had seen it long ago.

Holding the semi-holy weapon to cut the dragon sword, is one of the most powerful feathered gods.

After hearing the introduction of Tian Zhao Da Ming Ming, Cheng Feng held his fist slightly.

After that, Tai Siming introduced another person.

This man was wearing a gorgeous robe, and was somewhat feminine.

It looks like a woman dressed as a man.

However, after the introduction of Tian Zhao Da Shi Ming, Cheng Feng learned that the other party was a man.

However, because of the waiting in the palace, some treatment was performed on the body.

Nevertheless, Cheng Feng did not underestimate it.

Because this person's cultivation is actually extremely high, reaching the seventh limit of ascent to the sky.

It's a lot stronger than Destiny.

His name was ominous, and the chief of the Tianzhao Group called him the general manager Wang, who was in charge of everything in the university.

Even the queen maiden must respect her by three points.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, His Majesty God has been waiting in your palace for a long time."

After the introduction of both parties, Mr. Wang said with a kind smile on his face: "Let's go to the palace first, and talk to your Majesty?

"Well, that's fine." Cheng Feng nodded.

Later, accompanied by the three directors Wang, they flew to the Royal Palace.

The Imperial Palace is located in the center of Jade City.

During the flight, Cheng Feng looked up and saw that he actually saw the eight major families of Yujing.

But now the eight major families in Yujing have no Yuwen family.

Being squeezed out by a new family, it becomes history.

"The Yuwen family ..."

Cheng Feng groaned: "There seems to be a great figure in these families, born with a masculine body, called Yuwen Chaotian."

"Senior Zhao, what is the situation of Yuwen Chaotian now?"

"Yuwen Chaotian? It's average!"

The chief of Tianzhao commanded: "This man several months ago shouted a slogan to defeat you personally."

"But now he should be desperate?"

"Because of his cultivation, it seems that he has only been ascended to the fourth place in the sky not long ago."

"This kind of revision may be very good to others."

"But to you, it's the same as a weak chicken!"

Tian Zhao Da Ming's words are true.

With Cheng Feng's current strength, the fourth strongest martial artist in the sky can easily slap one hand to death.

If Yuwen Chaotian doesn't know what to do, he runs against Cheng Feng.

The final result must have ended in tragedy!

"Is it the fourth most important thing?"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng smiled a little and stopped paying attention to Yuwen Chaotian.

Next, there was nothing to say.

A group of four quickly approached the Royal Palace.

The imperial palace is heavily guarded, and there is also a tyrannical atmosphere.

Like a dragon lying on its back, it is very horrible.

Sure enough, Cheng Feng entered the palace.

The strong breath pushed all the gates open, welcoming Cheng Feng.

Passing through every palace door, Cheng Feng came to a large hall.

The hall is magnificent, with carved beams and painted buildings, and a plaque hangs in front of the hall.

It was written with the words 'Yuhua Pavilion'.

Cheng Feng entered it, and immediately saw that directly above the main hall, a middle-aged man looked at him with a smile.

This middle-aged person is about thirty, not white, but not feminine.

Instead it gives people a masculine and domineering atmosphere.

After seeing the three men in the sky, Qi Qi saluted on one knee.

Amazingly the Emperor of the Feathered Gods!

"Cheng Feng, have seen His Majesty the Emperor!"

Seeing the Emperor Yuhua, Cheng Feng's eyes flashed.

Immediately fell on one knee to salute the other.

"Cheng Feng, no need to be polite."

Emperor Yuhua made a magnetic sound, and before waiting for Cheng Feng to kneel, he evoked a divine power and held Cheng Feng up.

"Cheng Feng, why is it that the widow called you to Yujing? You must already know in your heart?"

The Emperor Yuhua acted simply, talked a few words, and went straight to the topic.

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