Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1933: The origin of the sky

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Chapter 193: The Origin of the Sky

"Cheng Feng, heaven and earth fruit is the origin of the sky."

The Emperor Yuhua explained: "The origin of the sky is invisible and incapable of being captured."

"But after tens of thousands of years of gestation, it will appear as a spirit."

"These spirits may be some kind of fruit, or some kind of animal, elixir ... and so on."

"But there is one thing, they all have‘ source light ’.”

"Source light?" Cheng Feng was puzzled.

"The so-called source light is the origin of the sky brought by the spirit body."

Feathered God Emperor said: "General spirit body, there is only one source of light in the body."

"But for higher-order spirits, there are two or even three sources of light in the body."

"Basically, with every source of light, a ninth-strongest person in the sky can enter a half-step creation.

"Ten sources of light can make half-steps of good fortune into small fortunes."

"If you can get a hundred sources of light, you can have a great impact!"

"Widows need at least a hundred sources of light to get into the realm of great fortune."

"Cheng Feng, can you help the widow?"

"A hundred sources of light?"

After hearing the words of Emperor Yuhua, Cheng Feng had a clear understanding of the fruits of heaven and earth.

Then he asked, "Your Majesty, how many source lights can the Earth Dome conceive each time?"

"This is not necessarily, sometimes less than a hundred, sometimes as many as a thousand."

The Emperor God of Emergence said: "But this time the situation is a bit special, because some super existence plan layout, stimulate the earth dome."

"As a result, the heaven and earth fruits bred by the earth dome continent this time are much larger than the previous times."

"The number of source lights may be unprecedented, more than a thousand!"

"As long as there are hundreds of widows, you should be able to do Cheng Feng, right?"

"This time, will there be more than a thousand sources of light in this world?"

Cheng Feng thoughtfully: "If so, I will try my best to capture a hundred sources of light for Her Majesty!"

"Hahaha ~~~"

Hearing the words, the Emperor Yuhua was overjoyed: "Cheng Feng, I really didn't read you wrong."

"Come and come, the widow burns you with dragon blood, and won't get drunk today!"

The Emperor Yuhua is very excited at this moment.

He worked hard for tens of thousands of years, but he was always stuck in the realm of petty fortune, and could not survive in half.

Now, with the help of Cheng Feng, he will cross this heaven.

This joy could hardly be described in words, which made him a bit morbid.

However, Cheng Feng remained absolutely calm.

"Your Majesty, for you to capture a hundred sources of light, I can only say that as far as possible, it may not necessarily be possible."

Cheng Feng said: "Secondly, I am so vaunted to search for the fruits of the world. The other great powers of good fortune will definitely cherish me and even snip.

"I don't ask His Majesty to help me prevent disasters, I only ask His Majesty to protect my relatives and friends."

"Let them not be affected by anything!"

"Cheng Feng, with your strength, capturing Bai Dao Yuan Guang must be absolutely secure."

The Emperor Yuhua laughed: "As for your family and friends, as long as the widow is present, they must be well-preserved."

"Finally, although the widow is a small creature, he has a lot of friends."

"If there is a good fortune to deal with you, the widow will never sit idly by!"

"So, Cheng Feng thanked His Majesty first."

Cheng Feng held a fist: "I hope I can still stand in front of His Majesty a few months later."

"Cheng Feng, you can do it."

Emperor Yuhua laughed: "Furthermore, my family Fen Feike is still looking forward to you to go to Yuhua collar to find her!"

"Finfield? Her Royal Highness?"

Cheng Feng froze, thinking of this little royal princess who had a lot of contact with him.


Emperor Yuhua said: "Feng Fei originally wanted to stay here, but at the time the war was too much, and she became weak."

"The widow was afraid she was in danger and sent her out of the dome continent."

"Now, you are practicing in the winged territory."

"It turned out that Fang Fenfei had left the earth dome continent. No wonder she hasn't heard from her recently."

Cheng Feng nodded suddenly, then asked: "Yes, Your Majesty, before I heard from Her Royal Highness that you want to use her as a bargaining chip to hold an arrogant debate."

"Whoever can dominate, you will marry her Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness has left now. Shouldn't this Tianjiao Debate be necessary?"


Emperor Yuhua said: "The purpose of this event is actually to select the most outstanding talents of my Emperor Yuhua, and to pick the fruits of the world for the widow."

"Now the widow has you, and of course the Tianjiao Debate is not necessary."

"You Cheng Feng is equivalent to the title of Tianjiao!"

"As long as the fruits of this world are ripe, you can capture a hundred sources of light for the widow, and the widow will marry Fenfei!"

Fang Fenfei was born noble, beautiful, and martial arts talent is extremely high, known as the first beauty of the feathered dynasty.

I am afraid that all men in the world want to marry him!

In fact, Cheng Feng also felt good about it.

But at the moment something good happened, Cheng Feng was silent.

"Her Majesty, Her Royal Highness is naturally noble, and I'm afraid it's not worth it."

After a moment of groaning, Cheng Feng replied: "Let her Royal Highness, choose a person you like!"

"As for the fruits of the world, I will definitely try to help you pick them!"


Cheng Feng actually rejected this great thing!

This made Tianzhao Da Shiming trio stand on the spot.

It also made Yuhua God's eyes shrink, which was quite unexpected.

"Cheng Feng, how could you reject Fenfei?"

The Emperor Feather was puzzled and asked, "Is there anyone better than Fenfi?"

"Her Majesty, Her Royal Highness is fine."

Cheng Feng said: "But I already have someone I like."

"So ... sorry!"

"Anyone you like?"

The Emperor of Feathering looked to Tianzhao's life.

On the day, according to the order of the boss, Cheng Feng was briefly briefed, and the Emperor Fei suddenly realized.

Then, Cheng Feng paid more attention to the three-pointer.

"Cheng Feng, you have love and righteousness, you are single-minded, which is good."

Emperor Yuhua said: "How can a dignified man have only one woman?"

"Not to mention three wives and four wives, at least two or three wives?"

"Your Majesty, I only want to be good to one person in this life."

Cheng Feng's face was sober, he said.

"Haha, don't say so resolutely before."

Emperor Yuhua laughed: "The road to life is long, your life has just begun."

"No one can tell for the future!"

At this point, the Emperor Yuhua took out five wine glasses and filled them with wine.

Immediately said: "Okay, I'll stop here."

"Let's continue drinking next time, and we will not be drunk with you!"

The words of the Emperor Fei made Cheng Feng's thoughts fluctuate.

But soon calmed down, leaving only one figure in my heart --- Le Qingrui!

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