Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1934: Return to northern Xinjiang

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Chapter 194th Returning to the Northern Territory

After talking to the Emperor Yuhua, the atmosphere at the scene became quite harmonious.

The Emperor Yuhua lowered the shelf and drank with Cheng Feng.

Soon, the altar was burned with blood, so the Emperor Yuhua took out dozens of altars with slightly lower grades of wine.

Although this wine is not as good as dragon blood, it is also very good.

They are all treasures of the Emperor Yuhua and cannot be bought on the market.

With wine, of course the next smooth drink.

After drinking dozens of altars, it was already bright.

"Sir, thank you for your hospitality."

After drinking almost, Cheng Feng got up and said, "The fruits of the world are about to mature. I plan to go home and take care of some trivial matters."

"So, after the sky is opened, I will have no worries and can concentrate on harvesting the fruits of heaven and earth for His Majesty!"

"Well, that's fine!"

The Emperor Feather is not blocked.

Nodded and took out a bottle of wine from the exclusive storage space.

"This is in the hands of the widow.

"I'll give it to you today and wish you every success!"

"Your Majesty, I will work hard to live up to my trust!"

Cheng Feng groaned a bit and took the wine jar to promise.

After receiving Cheng Feng's promise, Emperor Yuhua showed a strong smile on his face.

He personally sent Cheng Feng out of the Yuhua Pavilion and was very corporal.

"Your Majesty, Ancestral Senior, please stay away."

Outside the Yuhua Pavilion, Cheng Feng held a punch to the Emperor Yuhua and others.

Immediately soared into the sky, flew outside the Yuhua Palace.

"Your Majesty, Cheng Feng is commendable."

After Cheng Feng left, Tai Si ordered Li Lao to say: "I didn't arrogantly because of the increase in strength, he was nothing!"

"Cheng Feng, it's not easy."

In the eyes of the Emperor Feather, the light flashed: "If this son does not die, he will become a character."

"The widow looks at Fenfi's face and will help him in the event of a catastrophe."

"But in the end, it depends on his own good fortune!"

Just as the Emperor Yuhua whispered, Cheng Feng had left the Yuhua Palace and flew out of the Jade City.

At this point standing outside the Jade City, looking up and looking around.

"A consensus was reached with the Emperor Yuhua, and this trip was a bit rewarding."

Cheng Feng groaned: "Although there are a hundred sources of light, it is a large number."

"But I was born in the feathered dynasty. I can also contribute to this country!"

In fact, Cheng Feng came here with two minds.

For one, the Emperor Fei was not greedy enough, and Cheng Feng followed his imagination and defeated the snake.

Second, the Emperor Yuhua had a good attitude, and Cheng Feng didn't mind helping him.

After all, Cheng Feng's home is in the Feather God, and relatives and friends still need to take care of him.

It's the best choice if you can't tear your face with him.

"Troubleshooting the Emperor Feather is solved. Next, it's time to deal with the last two things."

Cheng Feng whispered: "After we're done, we calm down and retreat."

"Let's make the final preparations for the battle for the fruits of the world!"

咻咻 咻 ~~~

While Cheng Feng was thinking, suddenly three black lights burst from the sky.

The speed struck like lightning, and it actually penetrated the void, and in a blink of an eye came to Cheng Feng.

Facing these three black lights, Cheng Feng was originally prepared to defend.

But with the glance of the God of Fortune, Cheng Feng's defensive action could not stop after seeing the black light's deity.

Because the black light Cheng Feng has seen, it is the burial monument used by the Emperor Tianfu to suppress the body of the war god.

"Three burial monuments?"

Those three black lights flew to Cheng Feng and stopped very spiritually.

After Cheng Feng saw it, he thought: "It seems that God of War has assembled five bodies."

"Then you just need to unseal the last body, and you will be able to make a complete body of War God and return to the peak!"

The Emperor of Heaven Burial divided the War God into six corpses that year, suppressing them in the six fierce lands.

Above each corpse, there is a Tianfu Emperor Monument to suppress it.

Cheng Feng helped the God of War unseal the skull and right leg, and got two burial monuments.

Now there are three more burial monuments from heaven, and it is not difficult to guess the current situation of the God of War.

"The Heavenly Burial Emperor's Stele is the object of the Heavenly Burial Emperor."

Looking at the three stone monuments in front of him, Cheng Feng's face was gloomy: "Now it's obvious that I'm flying to me. It's obviously very problematic."

"Nine out of ten, the Emperor of Heaven's Funeral is also following me!"

The Heavenly Burial Emperor, that is the strongest person in the heavens and the world for nearly 100,000 years.

Rumors have traveled hundreds of millions of planes and are looking for opportunities to escape.

In the realms of heaven and earth, there are top-notch beings.

Eyeed by such characters, the pressure on Cheng Feng's body increased sharply.

However, Cheng Feng was not intimidated, but instead groaned.

"The monument to the emperor's burial this day should only be the second hand left by the emperor!"

"It's been targeted anyway, just let go of your hands and follow up."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng gave a quick reminder and put those three burial monuments into the soul ring.

It is directly inlaid with the other two emperors' monuments.

Following this, a tyrannical breath suddenly emerged.

It turned out that a force was generated, pushing Cheng Feng towards the feathered **** and heading north.

"It looks like the last piece of the Heavenly Burial Emperor's Stele is somewhere in the north."

Cheng Feng speculated: "It is most likely to be located in the northern Xinjiang's ferocious land, among the burial mountains."

"That being the case, I'll go to the Tianfu Mountain."

"One is to make up the six burial emperor's monuments, and the second is to help the God of War and unseal the last body!"

The words come to an end, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng exhibited thousands of miles and flew towards the Tianburial Mountains in northern Xinjiang.

Northern Xinjiang, located in the northern part of the feathered gods, covers a vast area and is located in a deserted area.

There are many mountains here, layer upon layer.

When Cheng Feng first came to northern Xinjiang, he was almost lost.

But now Cheng Fengxiu is deep, the eyes of the **** of creation are open, but he can see through thousands of miles, and naturally there is no way to get lost.

Moreover, at the moment in the forbidden area of ​​the Tianburial Mountains in northern Xinjiang, the horrible bombardment burst.

As soon as Cheng Feng arrived in northern Xinjiang, he heard clearly.

"It seems that God of War has reached the burial mountain."

Cheng Feng looked up and saw that the forbidden area of ​​the Tianfu Mountain Range surrounded by the corpse fog had been shaken by huge forces to open up huge caves.

A large amount of morning light shone in and presented the forbidden area of ​​the Tianfu Mountain Range, which had been hidden for more than 100,000 years, to the world.

"Let's go to the restricted area of ​​Tianfu Mountain to see the situation."

After a few glances, Cheng Feng determined that the person in the restricted area of ​​the Tianfu Mountain was the God of War.

So without any delay, he took a walk and flew towards the restricted area.

Heavenly burial mountains, is the famous ferocious land of the earth dome continent.

In particular, the core restricted area is a place where living creatures are prohibited from entering.

Once in, there is no death!

About a year ago, the tomb of the Heavenly Burial Emperor was born, and a large number of ascents to heaven existed to compete.

But after entering the restricted area, he was injured and injured on the spot.

However, this does not threaten Cheng Feng at all.

In the middle of a walk, Cheng Feng crossed the area of ​​thousands of miles and reached the edge of the restricted area of ​​the Tianfu Mountain.

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