Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1935: Blast Defense Mask

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Chapter 195: Blasting the Defense Mask

The forbidden area of ​​the Heavenly Burial Mountains is surrounded by yin, and the corpses are like a country of death.

When the ascendants of the heaven enter into it, their scalp becomes numb, and Cangjie flees.

But at this moment, the country of death was destroyed by a strong middle-aged man with a pair of iron fists.

Countless corpses were blasted into dust, and the smoldering atmosphere was scattered, revealing a huge building group hidden in the mountains.

The building is cast steel and very strong.

It seemed to be integrated with the entire celestial burial mountain, and even the strong presence in the sky couldn't explode.

It was the tomb of the Heavenly Burial Emperor that Cheng Feng had seen before.

As for the strong middle-aged man, it is naturally a **** of war to escape from difficulties.

"Cheng Feng, why are you here?"

Cheng Feng's arrival was soon noticed by the God of War. His attack on the cemetery's tomb was suspended and he looked at Cheng Feng.

"I happened to be returning to the Feathered Gods and felt that there were fighting fluctuations here, so I came to see."

Cheng Feng faintly replied, and then asked: "How about, can this tomb of the Heavenly Burial Emperor be opened?"

"This tomb is nothing more than an empty tomb."

God of War said indifferently: "If there were no three parcels of burial flags, God could blow them away in minutes!"

The burial flag is a treasure made by the burial master himself.

There are a total of four flags, which are inserted in the four directions of the cemetery to form a super array.

The defense of the entire tomb is seamless and solid.

Only one year ago, the Tianburial Cemetery appeared on its own initiative, resulting in the loosening of the four-parcel burial flag.

One of the purple flags from the fire was pulled out by the fierce bird Heiyao and was eventually obtained by Cheng Feng.

There was a gap in the defense of the entire tomb.

However, even so, the cemetery is very strong.

Now God of War has gathered five bodies of head, hands, and legs, and the combat power has almost reached the maximum limit that the earth dome continent can bear.

Continuous bombardment failed to break it.

Demonstrated the abnormal defense of the sky burial flag!

"Sky Burial Banner?"

After hearing the words of God of War, Cheng Feng quickly thought of the Zijin banner in his hands.

Could not help but ask: "God of War, these four parcels of burial flags are missing one shot, and the power will certainly plummet."

"You and I should be able to blow it away, right?"

"of course can."

God of War: "In fact, you don't need to take a shot.

The current strength of God of War has actually exceeded the limit of the earth dome continent, at least it has reached the eighth level of the ascendant, and even the high order.

At this time, it was just suppressing the power, and did not want to be in conflict with heaven.

If the firepower is full, pure brute force will be enough to smash the burial grave.

"Let's go together."

Cheng Feng also noticed the situation of the God of War, so he said: "You and I will take turns attacking, and we will soon be able to break the burial tomb and unseal your final body."

After speaking, Cheng Feng did not wait for the God of War to refuse, and direct divine power triggered.

Hum! He punched hard at the burial grave.

Cheng Feng's punch was a full-bodied punch.

The fist blasted on the burial grave, and the heavy mask over the burial grave deformed sharply and sunken in.

The three poles of flags inserted in the three directions of the tomb are also hunting!

However, Cheng Feng's fist was blocked by the defensive mask of the cemetery.

After the mask disappeared, it re-inflated and returned to its original state.

"Sure enough!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng whispered in his mouth.

Immediately no more left, cast a thunder cannon.

Boom boom ~~~

Towards the burial grave of the sky, a bombardment was launched.

As for the God of War, the same is true, the punches are even fierce three-pointer than Cheng Feng.

Let the sky storm, the void collapse.

Disperse the corpse fog that has never been scattered in the forbidden area of ​​the Tianfu Mountain Range.

Outside the Tianfu Mountain Range, countless warriors and demon soldiers who have been attracted by the battle have for the first time seen the true face of Lushan in the restricted area of ​​the Tianbu Mountain Range!

"What happened in the Heavenly Burial Mountain restricted area?"

"There are actually two arrogant beings who are bombarding the burial grave!"

"Can't the two super powerfuls break the shogunate of the Heavenly Burial Emperor?"

As Cheng Feng's attack fluctuated, a large number of warriors were alarmed.

For example, the first family of the Long Family in Northern Xinjiang has many arrogant presences and looks up.

There are even strong men from the dragon realm, watching in secret.

And they have already seen the clues, knowing that at the moment in the forbidden area of ​​the Tianfu Mountain Range, the two who bombarded the Tianburial Tomb are Cheng Feng and God of War!

"It seems that Cheng Feng and God of War have reached some kind of alliance."

One of the dragons whispered: "Ten or nine out of ten burial graves will be broken with their terrorist power!"

"By then, God of War will return to the sea and become a great backer for Cheng Feng!"

However, there are also disagreements.

I feel that although Cheng Feng's offensive is fierce, they are still far from breaking the burial grave.

However, those people's voices have just fallen.

Om ~~ Om ~~~

A dazzling light of knife suddenly flashed out of the restricted area of ​​the Tianfu Mountain.

The next moment, Wu Peiguang fell from the sky and severely chopped on the burial grave.

Cut the mask of the celestial burial cemetery out of a narrow knife.


Three burial tombs, and the Sangan cemetery banner is displayed in the wind.

Three majestic forces were born and poured into the mask, which was the blade that cut the blade of light and healed at a scary speed.

But at this moment.

God of War is out!

I saw the God of War grabbing a Fangtian painting halberd in order to sweep the thousands of troops, a halberd hit the crack of the mask severely.

Bang ~~~

The horrible force exploded, tearing the blade directly two or three times.

At this time, Cheng Feng made several knives again, and the knives burst out and cut the mask.

Under the attack of several tyrannical attacks, the shattered mask was immediately torn apart.

The burial grave was completely exposed in front of Cheng Feng and the two!

"Oh my god, the defensive formation of the tomb of the Emperor's Tomb was actually broken by the two Cheng Feng with brute force!"

"Are these two guys still human?"

Seeing this from afar, countless people were shocked.

Especially those who also said that Cheng Feng and the two soldiers could not break the defense of the cemetery grave are even more embarrassed!

At the same time, the Heavenly Burial Mountain restricted area.

"Cheng Feng, get rid of those three burial flags."

"The core of the formation to defend the burial grave is these three poles."

"If we don't pull it out as soon as possible, the defensive mask that was broken by us will reunite again!"

God of War shouted as soon as the light shield of the celestial burial tomb was broken.

Immediately rushed to a celestial burial flag, grabbed it with one hand, fiercely force, pulled it out stiffly.

Let the shattered light mask shatter for a small half on the burial grave.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng Huo Ran understood it.

Without saying a word, flew to the second shot of the sky funeral flag.

After grabbing it, he uprooted it!

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