Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1936: Heavenly Burial Guard

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Chapter 1936 The Heavenly Burial Guard

The burial flag pulled by Cheng Feng is different from the Zijin banner.

Actually the whole body is blue, like a sea!

Holding it in your hands gives you the feeling of catching a sea.

It is three points stronger than the black water flag of the Black Water Palace!

It is the Kwai Shui Blue Gold Banner among the four parcel burial flags, which belongs to water.

As for the first Zijin banner obtained by Cheng Feng, it is the Zijin banner from the fire, which belongs to fire!

"Kwai Shui Blue Gold Banner?"

Holding the Kwai Shui blue gold flag, Cheng Feng moved: "This flag has the opposite attributes to the Zijin flag, and they complement each other."

"When two flags are used at the same time, the power will be doubled, which is a good treasure."

"If you can get the other two burial flags, that might be the power ..."

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng looked at the top of the cemetery and the last cemetery flag.

This celestial burial flag is red as if it had just been removed from the blood.

The killing spirit on it was trembling.

Among the four parcels of burial flags, the Gengmu blood golden banner killed by the master!

"This burial flag must be available."

Seeing this flag, Cheng Feng's eyes brightened: "This flag kills the palm and uses it in battle, which will greatly boost my combat effectiveness."

"By then, the Emperor of the Heavens will come, and I can defeat it too!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng planned to rush over to get Gengmu's blood gold banner.

But at this moment.

A man wrapped in gold armor suddenly appeared out of nowhere, standing in front of Gengmu's blood golden banner.

"It's him?"

Seeing this person, Cheng Feng was somewhat surprised.

Because of this person, he had seen it. One year ago, when the burial tomb was born, the murderous bird Hei Yao had nowhere to hide.

"This gold armored man is much stronger than before."

Cheng Feng observed the man with the gold armor, his eyebrows tightened slightly: "The strength of this man before was as high as the fourth most."

"But now, it is absolutely reaching the seventh limit of ascent!"

"Sky Burial Guard!"

As Cheng Feng's thoughts fluctuated, the voice of the God of War suddenly sounded: "The disgusting guy in the sky funeral actually trained the sky funeral guard."

"Sky Burial Guard?" Cheng Feng was puzzled, and turned to look at the God of War.

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the burial navy once wanted to use me as a model to train a batch of humanoid killing machines."

The God of War explained: "These humanoid killing machines are all extremely talented, and they have practiced wearing armors imitating the God of War armor since childhood."

"The armor is integrated with people and will not be removed at all unless it is in danger of life."

"Therefore, it is impeccable and an indestructible killing force!"

"However, this plan has been conceived. In my memory, the sky funeral has not been implemented."

"Unexpectedly, not only did the burial of cemetery secretly implement the plan, but it also seemed to succeed!"

"Heavenly burial guard, an iron-blooded force targeted at killing?"

After hearing the words of the God of War, Cheng Feng was uneasy in his heart: "It seems that the Heavenly Burial Emperor had great ambitions at the time!"

"He should build this unit for more than just conquering the continent."

"Probably still preparing for conquering the heavens and earth!"

"I'll try the burial test, how much can it be!"

God of War's face was gloomy. When he saw his words fall, he grabbed Fang Tianhuaji directly.

Hum! Horrifying killing weapons swept through, slamming those who cut gold armor.

Not far away, the man in the gold armor rushed to read, and even took out a Fangtianhuaji.

Facing the God of War, he blasted up.

Huh! Two halberds collided with a thunderous sound.

The force of terror exploded, and it turned out that Fang Tianhua, the **** of war, smashed away.

On the other hand, the man with the golden armor only retreated ten steps in a row.

The next moment, the halberd stabbed in his hand, and actually killed the past in front of the **** of war!


Seeing this, God of War frowned.

The majestic divine power in the body began to thin, and he did his utmost to kill the halberd.

Bang ~~~

This blow showed the majesty of the God of War.

The halberd fell, shocking the man in the golden armor backwards.

The God of War was not idle, and the man in the golden armor had already caught up in the midst of his retreat.

Huh! A man with a halberd pierced in gold armor.

The sharp halberd pierced straight into it.

The person who put the gold armor on the spear!

Then God of War shook the halberd and stabbed it ~~~

The majestic power broke out, pushing the halberd to spin quickly, and actually strangled the man with the gold armor directly!

"It is truly a **** of war, great!"

Looking at this scene, Cheng Feng's eyes contracted: "A dignified seventh-strength extreme martial artist, and still his imitated body, he actually killed the scene with two strokes."

"This power and means are a bit scary!"

In contrast, God of War, after killing the man with the golden armor, his face was a little dignified.

"Heavenly bury this mess, why he divided me into a corpse that year, he was secretly studying me."

God of War yelled: "The purpose is to pave the way for training the burial guards."

After a wave of fighting just now, the God of War suddenly figured out a long-held secret.

One of the reasons that the Heavenly Burial Emperor divided the **** of war into corpses was that it was easy to suppress.

The second is to study God of War.

In order to find a set of programs, the Heavenly Burial Guard was successfully trained.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Just when God of War was upset.

The entrance to the celestial burial grave suddenly shot against the golden figures.

Cheng Feng looked up and found that it was actually a burial guard.

"No, there are actually many burial guards in the shogunate of the burial emperor."

Cheng Feng was somewhat surprised: "How did these people survive? In the hundreds of thousands of years, it is enough to consume a giant in the realm of petty creation!"

"But these people have survived to this day, it makes no sense at all!"

"Cheng Feng, this is the power of the seal."

God of War: "This empty grave was built in the year of burial. There was no body in it, but a large number of burial guards were sealed."

"Because the tomb was isolated from the world, the sealed Heavenly Burial Guard fell into a state of false death and sleep, and its vitality was reduced by thousands of times.

"Until one year ago, the empty tomb appeared on its own, and the seal was broken, so that the sleeping burial guards would wake up one by one!"

"So it is ..."

Cheng Feng suddenly realized.

It turned out to be the power of the seal. No wonder these days the burial guards can live to this day.

"Cheng Feng, take these two burial flags."

At this time, the God of War suddenly threw Gengmu's blood gold flag and thick earth gold flag to Cheng Feng.

Said: "Putting it together with your two flags will be a lot of power."

"It can be of great help to you now!"

The words fell, God of War grabbed Fang Tianhua.

The divine power in the body urged to force the power of Taishan to kill the burial guards who rushed out of the burial grave!

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