Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1939: Complete God of War

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Chapter 1939 Complete War God Body

Not only that, the black light spread everywhere.

The sky funeral guards killed before Cheng Feng were also dragged into it.

After a few minutes, the billowing black light dissipated and retracted into the sword.

The body with a heavenly burial guard suddenly dim.

Especially the gold armor worn on the body has become earthy.

It was blown by the wind ~~~

Fly into the sky with the wind.

Obviously the essence of the golden armor, devoured by the slayer, and turned into a pile of sand!

"The essence of the weapon devoured by Devil this time is comparable to several holy artifacts."

In the sky, Cheng Feng saw this scene in his eyes and whispered: "So many weapon essences, should we be able to advance the devil to the level of the holy weapon?"

When guessing at Cheng Feng, hum ~~~

The black light emanating from the Devil Sword's body has been contained in the blade.

Let the Devil Sword become deeper and darker.

In particular, a majestic force lies in the sword.

At first glance, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

It seems that the heart, pulse and so on resonate with the Devil Sword, and they will be stunned by the horrible power of the Devil Sword!

"So strong, really strong!"

Feeling this power, Cheng Feng's face showed joy: "I'm afraid to cut the demon, and I'm about to be upgraded to the sacred level!"

"Master, I'm going to sleep for a while."

As soon as Cheng Feng's voice fell, the voice of the Devil Slayer's Spirit sounded: "This time, I have devoured too many weapon essences, and I need to absorb them."

"After the absorption is completed, you will be able to enter the holy level!"

After that, the voice of the Devil Slayer quickly weakened and finally disappeared.

As for the Devil Sword, the light was dim.

It seemed as if a layer of sand had been sprinkled on the knife and it looked very decadent.

There is no sword of slashing, and the slash of all things!

"Sit back, cut the devil to upgrade to the holy weapon, and actually fall asleep?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was somewhat surprised.

Because in the past, this kind of thing has never happened.

The Devil Sword has devoured the essence of the weapon and can be promoted at any time!

"Cheng Feng, when the demon soldier was promoted to the sacred weapon, it was equivalent to the third order to the fourth order, but a great leap."

The voice of God of War sounded: "Second, your knife has devoured too many weapons essence."

"If you don't fall asleep, the promotion process will inevitably be significantly slowed down."

"Oh fine!"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng nodded, no longer tangled in the slumber of the Devil Sword.

Anyway, with his current strength, no one can hurt him even if he doesn't have a magic sword.

Killing the magic sword fell asleep and speeding up the promotion, but it is a good thing.

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng did a trick.

Take the dimly slashed Demon Sword back into your hand and glance at it slightly.

bass! Inserted into the scabbard of Buddha wood.

After doing this, Cheng Feng's gaze turned to look at the cemetery grave that became a ruin.

I saw the burial grave, all filled with collapsed rocks.

After a long period of time, the flying dust slowly settled.

But at this moment.

In the middle of the ruins, suddenly a violent vibration was generated.

It was as if a giant beast was being suppressed there, and it was about to rush out of the ground at this moment.

"Torso of God of War?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng quickly thought of the torso of the war **** who was suppressed under the tomb of the emperor.

This is indeed the case.

Cheng Feng's voice just fell, 嘭 ~~~

A black slate was blasted into the sky by a powerful force.

The next moment, a dried body flew out of the ruins.


The skinny skin of the torso was rather miserable.

But as soon as it broke out of the ruins, there was a huge amount of energy from the heavens and earth.

When he was able to pour into the trunk, his dry skin instantly became shiny and filled gradually.

After so many minutes, when the trunk got a little complexion, God of War took a step forward.

call out! The torso seemed to have received an invisible call and flew towards the God of War.

The torso formed with the God of War vitality is directly integrated into one.

At that moment, hum ~~~

An unrivaled edge suddenly appeared.

It was as if a giant **** was born, which directly changed the colors of the heavens and the earth.

The clouds in the sky were turbulent, as if it was going to rain heavily, and there were horrible black swirls.

Especially the heavenly way, at the moment when the trunk was united with the God of War, it immediately appeared in the sky.

Turned into a giant face, frowning overlooking the God of War.

Obviously, the existence of the God of War has completely exceeded the limit of the earth dome continent.

In fact, this is still the God of War is suppressing himself.

If all his powers erupted, the earth dome would have to be broken and collapsed on the spot!

"Hoo ~~~"

Not far away, Cheng Feng saw this scene, and his heart was very calm: "Is this the power of the body of the God of War reuniting? It's scary!"

"Even if I fire at full power, I am not an opponent at all!"

"It is estimated that no one can fight against the entire continent!"

Cheng Feng's words are true.

The God of War, where the body of God reunited, is invincible across the entire dome continent.

Because God of War was suppressed by the corpses, Xiu Wei arrived in the realm.

Although suppressed for more than 100,000 years, its strength was weakened to the extreme.

But at this moment, the worst has returned to the eighth ascent, and even the ninth ascent!

These forces are invincible to anyone and crush!

"Hahahaha ~~~"

The six bodies of war gods slowly merged, and an unmatched spirit began to condense and recover.

This made the God of War's emotions a little excited, and Haha laughed: "170,000 years, full 170,000 years!"

"Sky burial, God finally got rid of your repression!"

"Next, the **** will return to the top, take the great fortune, and knock you down to earth!"

"Let you also taste what it's like to fall from the altar into hell!"

The words ended, and the six bodies of the God of War completely melted together.

The previous hidden dangers were quickly eliminated, making the God of War more and more powerful.

Eventually, this situation made Tiandao unbearable and made a sound of thunder.

"God of War, you should leave here!"

"Your existence has broken the rules of the dome continent."

"Don't force me to ask you to leave!"

God of War was too powerful at this time, and Heaven had to intervene.

It is even prepared to call the power of the entire continent to exclude the God of War from the earth dome continent.

"If God wants to go, no one can stop it!"

However, the God of War is very strong: "If the **** does not want to leave, I will never let me go!"

"But God was born here and didn't want to fight with you, breaking up this depleted world."

"So one month later, the battle for the fruits of heaven and earth is over, and God will leave!"

"During this period, the **** will only stay here and will not interfere with the normal operation of the earth dome."

"God of war, no."

Tiandao frowned: "Your existence is an intervention in the normal operation of the dome continent."

"If you insist on staying in the earth dome, I can only fight with you!"

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