Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1940: Centered coordination

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Chapter 1940th Centering Coordination

The dome continent cannot exceed the seventh limit of ascent to the sky.

The first monk of the war monk was able to reach the eighth ascent of the ascent, and the heavenly path would kick it out of the earth dome several times.

However, the other party used speculative methods to seal itself.

The repair is not leaked, and the heavens have no way.

The God of War is different, not only for the ninth emphasis on directing to the sky, but also continues to grow.

If this breaks out suddenly, who can handle it?

Heaven must take action, otherwise the balance of the earth dome will be broken.

All over the world, there is a mess!

"Fight me?"

The God of War is full of murderous spirits, looking up at the sky: "Do you think you can defeat the god?"

Heaven is the condensed body of the will of the earth dome.

Can call the power of the entire continent, the strength is beyond imagination.

But the God of War is brave and fearless, bursting with confidence!

After seeing Cheng Feng, his brow frowned slightly: "Are the God of War really fighting against Heaven?"

"The two of them are the strongest existence in the dome continent."

"Once they fight, I'm afraid it will make the entire continent out of control!"

"Cheng Feng, the God of War and Tiandao are clear, so this battle should not be fought."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "But if it really hits, God of War has a great chance of winning."

"Because the earth dome continent has extracted the origin of the continent in order to conceive the fruits of heaven and earth, it is now the exhaustion period.

"In this case, even if the strength of the entire continent is transferred to Tiandao, it may not be able to defeat the God of War."

"And this is why Tiandao allowed the first monk to seal himself up to the present!"

The original dome continent is at its weakest moment.

Therefore, the Tao of Heaven is very weak, many violent existences break the rules, it also opens one eye and closes one.

Faced with a strong God of War at this time, it was very boring.

But it is difficult to ride a tiger, and you don't want to fight.

Then a huge face became fierce, ready to fight with God of War.

"Two people, I think we can take a step back."

At this moment, Cheng Feng suddenly said: "After all, the fruits of heaven and earth are about to mature, and once they are destroyed by the battle between the two, it is a pity!"

After hearing the words of Cheng Feng, God of War frowned slightly.

In fact, the reason why he strongly persecuted Tiandao and insisted on staying in the earth dome.

The biggest purpose is to the fruits of heaven and earth.

You know, the appearance of the God of War on the earth dome is a great opportunity.

As the body has been assembled, the strength of the God of War will become higher and higher.

After the fruits of heaven and earth were collected, if he carried out sniping and snatching, the emperors of the major gods had nothing but stare.

Perhaps the fruits of heaven and earth bred by the continent will fall into his hands.

Put it into the body, at least you have to be promoted into Daquan, even direct transcendence!

It is simply a step up to the sky. It is an opportunity for countless creatures to wait for a lifetime.

Therefore, when Cheng Feng mentioned that his battle with Tiandao may destroy the fruits of heaven and earth.

God of War's almost boiling warfare could not help but weaken.

"Cheng Feng, in your face, God can take a step back."

God of War: "But God will never leave the Earth Dome!"

He was suppressed by the Heavenly Burial Emperor for tens of thousands of years. He finally had to wait for such an opportunity and never miss it easily.

At the very least, you have to make a fortune.

"God of war, the current dome continent can't afford the existence of good fortune."

Heaven said: "If you stay here, countless creations will certainly tear up the former covenant and flood into the continent."

"By then, the entire continent will be destroyed!"

The original good fortune existed outside the territory, and once a covenant was made.

Make sure that your own body never enters the dome continent.

So as to ensure the earth dome continent, the birth of heaven and earth fruit smoothly!

"The existence of good fortune actually broke into the continent?"

After hearing the words of Heaven, Cheng Feng knew the seriousness of the problem.

He originally thought that with the suppression of the heavens, no existence of fortune could land on the continent.

Now it seems that it is a big mistake and a special mistake.

The existence of good fortune does not enter the earth dome continent, it is just breeding.

So that the dome continent can successfully breed the fruits of heaven and earth.

Under this condition, he is in danger.

Once the fruits of heaven and earth have been collected, there will be no scruples about the existence of those creatures, and they can come to the earth dome at any time.

Cheng Feng, the first master of the continent, can be suppressed and crushed to death in minutes!

And this, I am afraid, is his real calamity!

"No, I must act."

Cheng Feng whispered: "You must not let the God of War and Tiandao tear his face."

"Otherwise, there will be a large number of fortunes coming ahead of schedule. I don't have any chips in hand, and I don't know how to die!"

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng had a decision in mind.

I saw him take a deep breath and exclaimed, "God of War, please forgive me."

"In fact, you want to stay in the earth dome, just to get the fruits of heaven and earth."

"As long as Heaven and Heaven can get you the fruits of heaven and earth that are satisfactory to you, then it is not a problem for you to leave the earth dome."

"Yes, God has suffered for more than 100,000 years and will never leave empty-handed."

The God of War was bright and clear, and admitted it frankly.

"That being the case, it's easy to do."

After receiving the reply from God of War, Cheng Feng looked up at the sky: "Tiandao, now God of War has given the conditions for regression, do you have any indication?"

"The fruit of heaven and earth is born naturally, and I cannot control its distribution."

The giant face in the sky frowned: "Otherwise, those **** emperors would not have to go through all their troubles and plans."

"Ask me directly for the fruits of the world, but it is much easier."

"Tiandao, you may not be able to control the distribution of heaven and earth fruit, but you can coordinate."

Cheng Feng said: "As long as you exist with those who want to get the fruit of heaven and earth, make clear the danger of the God of War staying in the earth dome continent."

"Then let them contribute a small amount of power, and each person takes out a small portion of the fruits of the heavens and earth that they finally get, and compensates them to the God of War."

"Under this situation, can't things be resolved satisfactorily?"

Cheng Feng's plan is to use other people's interests to appease the God of War, which is very feasible.

Because the danger of the God of War is placed there, all the realms of existence exist if you do not want the fruits of heaven and earth to be destroyed.

That compromise is the only way out.

Heaven is not stupid. After listening to these words, he nodded involuntarily.

"This solution is feasible."

Tiandao issued a sound of thunder: "But God of War, you can't speak with a lion."

"The appetite is too big, and the existence of other fortunes must not be allowed."

"A hundred sources of light."

God of War spoke, Shen said: "Just give the **** a hundred sources of heaven and earth fruit, the **** immediately left the earth dome continent!"

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