Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1949: Fruit magic

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Chapter 1494 The Magical Use of Fruit

"Is this the fruit of heaven and earth?"

Seeing that the fruits of heaven and earth were honest, Cheng Feng took it in front of him and watched.

Discovery of the heaven and earth fruit, at this moment has completely turned into a dragon, dragon scales are clearly visible.

Grasp it in your hand, it feels more tied.

"Not quite right, how did this thing become a living thing?"

Cheng Feng sniffed the fruits of the heaven and earth, without smelling the fragrance at all.

Instead, the dragon-shaped fruit, like a frightened kitten, shrank into a whole.

Crooked in the hands of Cheng Feng, actually shivering.

"Fuck, is there such a fruit?"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng felt that things were big.

Even Nalan's longevity was somewhat uncertain.

"Cheng Feng, this dragon-shaped fruit should still be the fruit of heaven and earth."

After a moment of silence, Nalan Changsheng gave an affirmative reply: "Because the fruits of heaven and earth are not 'fruits', but all objects containing source light."

"This object can be fruits, flowers, or even living things."

"You're in luck, you just met a living fruit!"

"Living fruit ..."

Cheng Feng was speechless: "How can I eat this kind of fruit? I can't swallow it directly?"

Swallowing the living thing, it feels very tired and cramped, Cheng Feng can't let go.

"Don't eat me, don't eat me, I'm not good."

While Cheng Feng was pondering how to eat the dragon-shaped fruit, the dragon-shaped fruit actually made a sound, praying that Cheng Feng should not eat it.

"You're delicious, it's not up to you."

Cheng Feng glanced at the dragon-shaped fruit and said, "I'll roast you and make it for barbecue."

Cheng Feng said so, but he didn't have much appetite in his heart.

If it is not because the other party is the fruit of heaven and earth, a rare encounter forever, Cheng Feng may have released it long ago.

"Uncle Naland, that's wrong."

Suddenly, Cheng Feng found something wrong: "This fruit of heaven and earth seems to have no source light!"

The source light is the light spot formed by the origin of the dome continent.

Crystal clear and very eye-catching.

But there is no source light on the dragon fruit.

Just now Cheng Feng's attention was distracted, and he discovered this anomaly at this moment.

"Cheng Feng, this heaven and earth fruit is not without light."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "It's the source light, which has not yet condensed, and it is in the blood vessels of the fruit at this moment."

This heaven and earth fruit is a living fruit with a vein-like vein in the body.

The essence of heaven and earth is flowing inside!

Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune and found that the essence flowing in these veins had a faint luster.

That is obviously the light from the subtle source light!

"Yuanguang, it's flowing in the blood."

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng's eyes flashed: "So, then, if I drink the blood of this heaven and earth fruit, it is equivalent to absorbing the source light?"

"Well, that's right."

Nalan Changsheng nodded: "Also, blood can be produced continuously."

"If this heaven and earth fruit can produce blood just like a living thing, then you will continue to get the source of the earth dome continent!"

"Accumulate slowly, the amount of source light that is finally obtained may reach a scary level!"

Hearing here, Cheng Feng's eyes couldn't help turning on.

"A steady stream of light ..."

Cheng Feng looked towards the fruit of the dragon-shaped world: "Little guy, I can't eat you."

"Come, give me some blood to try."

"If it pleases me, I won't eat you anymore!"

Cheng Feng seemed like a big wicked man, and let the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit bleed for him to drink.

Such requirements are generally not met.

But when the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit heard it, it seemed as if they heard the fairy sound.

After breaking a chubby dragon claw, he closed his eyes and sent it to Cheng Feng's mouth, asking Cheng Feng to drink its blood.

"Serve in this bowl."

Cheng Feng took out a small bowl and handed it to the dragon-shaped world.

Let it drip blood into the bowl.

Regarding Cheng Feng's request, the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit obeyed.

Put the dragon claws in the bowl and drop a drop of blood into the bowl.

The blood crystals of the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit are translucent and translucent, exuding a slight shimmer.

It looks like a bowl of pearl porridge, and the aroma is overflowing, which makes the index finger move.

After a while, the blood dripped into a small bowl.

The dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit turned pale, as if bleeding too much.

So Cheng Feng said, "Okay, here it is!"

Hearing the sound, the heaven and earth fruit immediately retracted the dragon's claws, and on the fat claws, the wound quickly healed, leaving no scars.


Cheng Feng glanced at the fruits of the world and praised him.

Then lift up the small bowl and drink the dragon blood in the bowl.

The blood of this heaven and earth fruit is very fragrant, more fragrant than any delicious food in the world.

After Cheng Feng drank, he was full of fragrance.

Moreover, the blood is not only fragrant, but also has magical effects.

After being swallowed into the abdomen by Cheng Feng, it immediately turned into a heat wave, which flowed to Cheng Feng's internal organs, limbs, and various acupoints.

By making Cheng Feng's body hot, the flesh and bones have been greatly nourished, resulting in huge qualitative changes and improvements.

Actually, Cheng Feng's six-star **** body was directly elevated.

From the initial level of Six Stars, he was instantly upgraded to the intermediate level of Six Stars.

Not only the divine body, the blood also improved Cheng Feng's internal organs and made him extremely tough.

In the face of the bombardment of the strong, even if the attack was several times stronger than before, Cheng Feng was able to carry it.

The five internal organs and the six internal organs will no longer be easily broken, which will affect combat effectiveness.

Secondly, the blood also warms Cheng Feng's nine points.

At the same time, Cheng Feng's magical sea is also developed to nourish Cheng Feng's spirit tree.

After a small bowl of blood was absorbed, Cheng Feng's divine power actually rose from the six-star middle order to the six-star high order.

As for the divine mind, it has also grown considerably, reaching the intermediate level of six stars.

Cheng Feng's overall strength has been promoted to a higher level.

"Fuck, is this the power of heaven and earth?"

Feeling his own change, Cheng Feng couldn't help but explode: "Moreover, the growth of Xiu Wei is second, the key is a wonderful feeling!"

"It seemed like I had a magical connection with the earth dome."

"Like flesh and blood, they can vaguely sense the pulse and rhythm of the dome continent."

"Even every inch of mountains and rivers on the earth dome clearly appeared in my heart."

"Where there is a treasure of heaven and earth, where there is a giant demon dormant, where it is very dangerous ... it is all clear."

"Even the closed sky, I can feel it."

After drinking the blood of Tiandi Fruit, Cheng Feng had a huge change, and his spiritual consciousness had risen to a scary level.

Like the entire dome continent, he can clearly see it.

"Cheng Feng, you may have made a big profit this time."

As Cheng Feng felt novel, Nalan's voice sounded full of excitement.

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