Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1950: Second Flame

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Chapter 1950 Returning to the Sect of Fire

"I made a lot of money this time?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and asked, "Uncle Nalan, what do you say?"

"Cheng Feng, you may not know, that Cangqiang Island is very large and has many restrictions."

Nalan Changsheng explained: "After entering the seventh heavy martial warrior who entered the sky, cultivation, spirituality, speed, etc. will be suppressed more than ten times."

"And the heaven and earth fruits bred by the sky are all very smart and keenly aware of danger."

"Once you perceive the danger, you will immediately flee or hide."

"Ordinary martial arts, you can't find it."

"But you are different. The world fruit you caught seems very special."

"Absorbing its blood gives you a clear sense of the dome continent."

"It's like holding a detailed map and picking the fruits of the heavens and the earth, which inherently has the absolute advantage!"

"That being said, I really made a lot of money this time."

After hearing the words of Nalan Changsheng, Cheng Feng's face was happy.

Looking at the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit, he frightened the other person and shrank.

"Cheng Feng, the benefits of this heaven and earth fruit don't stop there."

Nalan Changsheng added: "It should be noted that Cangqiang Island is a place that has preserved its original features tens of thousands of years ago."

"The local monsters inside are very ferocious and powerful."

"The warriors who entered the sky before, Jiucheng died in the belly of those monsters."

"But you are different. You can sense dangers in advance."

"In this way, you can directly avoid those monsters, and you will not encounter any danger."

"Uncle Naland, that's wrong."

Cheng Feng frowned slightly: "I tried to sense the sky of the sky just now, but was pushed away by an invisible force, unable to sense it."

"Cheng Feng, this is normal, because Cangqiang Island has not been opened."

Nalan Changsheng said: "After the sky is opened, you will naturally be able to sense the details of the sky."

"Well, you can try it then."

Cheng Feng nodded and looked at the dragon-shaped world: "But before that, I need to take good care of this little guy."

"I have this ability because I drank this little guy's blood."

"The more you drink, the more powerful you are."

"When this little guy is fattened, he will get more blood."

It seemed like he heard Cheng Feng talking to himself, the dragon-shaped world fruit was full of hair.

Immediately, he suddenly exerted his strength and broke free from Cheng Feng's hands, and fled outside the cave.

"You can't escape, just come back to me!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled slightly.

The hand of the God cast out again and caught it back again.

Let the dragon-shaped world squeak and scream, unwilling to face.

"Okay, give me the blood honestly, and I'll let you go after the catastrophe."

Cheng Feng glared at the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit and threatened: "If you continue to struggle and sneak away, I will directly drink you stew and make it into soup.

The dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit has just grown, and the mind is similar to that of a child.

Intimidated by Cheng Feng's meal, he was immediately honest.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled with satisfaction.

"Say, what do you usually eat?"

The fruits of the earth and heavens were divided, Cheng Feng asked with a smile.

The dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit could not speak, and pointed at the pit with the dragon claw.

I saw a shallow layer of water left in the pit.

The meaning of the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit should mean that its food is the water of life.

"Water for life? Food is so advanced."

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "Fortunately, there are about one million drops left, otherwise, I really can't afford you."

Said, Cheng Feng put the water of life in the pit into a soul ring.

Then he grabbed the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit and threw it into the soul ring.

Let it absorb the water of life at will and replenish the lost blood.

Wait until you're fat, and then take it out and bleed!

"This dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit needs to be cultivated slowly and cannot be rushed."

Cheng Feng groaned: "Maybe you can bring it into the sky of the sky and have unexpected results."

"So, leave it alone."

"My current priority task is to build the first layer of Rulai Jinshenjue."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng glanced around.

Focusing on the tree in the pit, I found that the essence of that tree had been absorbed by the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit.

At this time, the wind was blowing, and it was raging ~~~

Directly turned into loquat powder, and went with the wind.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng no longer has nostalgia for the cave.

The shadow cast out, 唰 ~~~

The whole person disappeared.

When it appeared again, it was already over Jianming Lake.

"Next, go to Holy Fire County."

Cheng Feng raised his eyes to the direction where the Holy Fire County was located: "After solving the matter of sealing the fire bottle, he entered the geocentric world and cultivated Rulai Jinshenju.

After the idea was settled, Cheng Feng rose into the sky.

It didn't take long for the torch sect built on an active volcano to come into view.

"Are Ding Xiong Ding available?"

Cheng Feng came to the gate of the Holy Fire Sect and shouted, "I'm here for an appointment. Please come out and see."

"Who are you? How dare you call the name of this suzerain?"

Cheng Feng's voice had just come down, but the scolding of the disciples of the Holy Fire Sect came.

Reprimanding Cheng Feng for offending Ding Xiong, the lord of the torch, even planned to teach Cheng Feng some lessons.

"Stupid thing, even Cheng Fengcheng's son didn't recognize it?"

At this moment, a rage sounded: "Hurry to apologize to the son of Feng Feng, and then roll back to the case, it was ashamed of me!"

With the sound of anger, a middle-aged man wearing a flame pattern robe strode out.

After a long time, he arched his hands to Cheng Feng again and again, the careful appearance looked like Cheng Feng's junior.

It is Ding Xiong, the Sovereign of the Holy Fire!

"His! Actually Cheng Feng?"

"Oh my god, Cheng Feng is here, but it's a fierce man who slaughtered the emperor of God."

"However, that guy actually reprimanded Cheng Feng in person, and he was just tired and crooked!"

Hearing the words of Ding Xiong, the entire torch fire frypot.

Debates continued one after another, and countless disciples were excited.

As for the holy fire disciple who had previously scolded Cheng Feng, his face turned pale at this moment.

Legs were weak and almost sat on the ground.

Crying with a face, he hurried to apologize to Cheng Feng.

Fearing that his offense offended Cheng Feng, he called for the murder.

However, Cheng Feng didn't care.

Because of his current height, his mind, mind and vision are already different.

This offense is nothing at all.

"Secretary Ding has been doing well recently, Xiu has entered the seventh ascendant for promotion."

Cheng Feng looked at Ding Xiong and said with a smile, "It's really gratifying!"

A few months ago, when Cheng Feng and Ding Xiong met, the other side's cultivation was still the sixth most important.

Now entering the seventh spot of Dengtian is considered a new field.

Take the entire torch to a new level.

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