Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1951: Fierce forging

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Chapter 1951 Forged Body In Fierce Fire

"Mr. Cheng Feng, my cultivation is so much worse than you."

It was a gratifying thing that the original cultivation entered the seventh ascent to the ascent.

But compared with Cheng Feng, suddenly overshadowed.

Because Cheng Feng is now in the sixth position, but he can easily kill him.

The gap between the two is not a little bit!

"Mr. Ding, when I came to Guizong this time, I returned something."

Cheng Feng simply did things, talked with Ding Xiong, and went straight to the topic.

"return things?"

Ding Xiong's expression moved, and he asked, "The thing that Cheng Gongzi returned was the seal of a fire bottle!"

A few months ago, the Sacred Fire Siege siege of Cheng Feng failed, but was robbed by Cheng Feng to Baofeng Flask.

At that time, Cheng Feng had promised Ding Xiong and half a year later decided to return the sealed fire bottle to Zhao.

In this regard, Ding Xiong had no hope at all.

Never thought that Cheng Feng would do what he said.

"Master Ding, what I want to return is indeed a sealed fire bottle."

Cheng Feng nodded: "This thing was originally from Guizong. The original thing was returned, but my wish was also forgotten."

Then, Cheng Feng took out the sealed fire bottle and threw it to Ding Xiong.

As for the new emperor fire in the sealed fire bottle, he was transferred to a soul ring in advance.

"Actually, it's a sealed flask ..."

Ding Xiong shook with excitement as he caught the flask with both hands: "Also, the power of the flask seems to have grown a lot!"

Speaking of which, the master of Ding Xiongtang was unable to control his emotions.

"Mr. Cheng, I didn't care about you like I did before, this kind of mind ..."

After excitement, Ding Xiong respected Cheng Feng with awe.

It feels like Cheng Feng is a real man!

"Master Ding, this is not necessary."

However, Cheng Feng waved his hand: "Actually, sealing the fire bottle has helped me a lot, and I hope that the original can be returned to help you flourish.

After speaking, Cheng Feng held a punch to Ding Xiong and turned away.

As for Ding Xiong and Shenghuozong, looking at the back of Cheng Feng's departure, he fell into a silence.


"It's an old thing. Next, it's time to cultivate Rulai Jinshenjue."

After leaving the Holy Flame Sect, Cheng Feng looked up at the geocentric world in the center of Holy Flame County.

The earth-centered world is a world of flame that penetrates the heart-hearted veins.

Inside it was a sea of ​​fire, bred with all kinds of strange fires and scary high temperatures.

Cheng Feng had entered the world of the earth before. If it wasn't for the armor of war + Sacred Fire Sect's most precious martial art, he would have been burned into ashes.

But this time, he wanted to remove all defenses.

Enter the earth-centered world with pure body, and carry out horrible cultivation.

Huh! Cheng Feng came to the entrance of the geocentric world.

I saw the entrance to the geocentric world, sealed by a seal.

It is obviously afraid that the horrible flames in the earth's heart will burst out and cause no delusion.

"This seal should be left by the Sacred Flame."

Cheng Feng watched the seal for a moment, and whispered, "This seal is not weak, it has reached the half king level."

"But I want to go in, but it's easy."

During the conversation, Cheng Feng took out the Zijin Banner.

With the power of this celestial burial flag, the seal sealing the geocentric world was torn open.

Immediately, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng flashed forward and entered the geocentric world along the small mouth.

"It's so hot, it's just like entering the oven!"

As soon as it entered the geocentric world, a terrible heat wave surged in.

Cheng Feng's pores opened wide, as if burned by a fire, and his hair smelled of scorching.

However, although the fire waves in the geocentric world were fierce, Cheng Feng insisted on gritting his teeth.

It does not operate the six-star **** body to resist the impact of the fire waves.

Because Cheng Feng came to the earth's heart this time, just to burn the flesh with the fiery fire.

If you ca n’t even hold this ignition wave, how can you practice Rulai Jinshenju?

"Hoo ~~~"

Standing at the entrance of the geocentric world passage, after a long while, Cheng Feng finally adapted to the impact of the fire waves.

Exhale in a long breath: "It's so refreshing to face the impact of the earth's world fire waves!"

When I first began to bear the impact of the earth's world fire waves, the taste was quite uncomfortable. If the whole person was burned on the fire, his chest would almost explode.

But after getting used to it, a refreshing feeling came to mind.

Let Cheng Feng relax across countless pores, and had great confidence in practicing the first layer of Rulai Jinshenjue.

"Let's go and see the real geocentric world first."

After a moment, Cheng Feng calmed down the excitement in his heart and whispered, "Let the body face a stronger impact of fire waves!"

The words come to an end, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng landed to the center of the earth along the center of the earth.

In the blink of an eye, a crimson world of magma was clearly visible.

"Huh, it's hot!"

Suspended above the magma ocean, the billowing fire waves transpired from the magma.

Like a fire sword, stabbing Cheng Feng's body.

The clothes on Cheng Feng's body were directly burnt and turned into fly ash!

Fortunately, he was also wearing a red flame robe, but it was a fire-like imitation holy weapon, and he was not afraid of the burning of fire waves.

Otherwise, Cheng Feng will be naked!

Not only the clothes, Cheng Feng's hair was scorched, and clusters of flames were rising.

If he had n’t reached his sixth ascent to the sky, his hair would have changed qualitatively, and he would be stronger than the top soldiers.

It is estimated that at this moment, Cheng Feng has to become a bald head yet.

"Cool, really cool!"

The chest was hot, and there seemed to be a magma in his throat.

However, Cheng Feng still did not run the six-star **** body, and still carried it hard.

When talking, the mouth seemed to be breathing fire.

However, Cheng Feng's mood was high.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he followed the geocentric world.

It continued to lower, and the tumbling magma fell down.

It did not stop until less than ten meters from the magma.

The entire face turned directly into blood red!

It was caused by the boiling of blood and rushing to the cheek.

"Cheng Feng, the blood in your body has burned up, and now it is just like the practice method of Jinlaijue."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "Cultivate the first layer of this martial art, Luo Han Faxiang!

In fact, without the reminder of Nalan Changsheng, Cheng Feng started the action.

I saw him cross his legs and hover above the magma.

Spread your hands, draw a semicircle in front of you, and finally close your chest.

Followed by, wow ~~~

Around Cheng Feng, the massive waves of fire seemed to be summoned in some direction, rushing to the direction where Cheng Feng was located.

Turned into a stream of fire dragon, directly into Cheng Feng's body.

Let Cheng Feng's body become red and purple, such as calcined steel, all burned!

The heart-burning heat and tingling can hardly be described in words.

However, Cheng Feng did not change his face, and carried this almost inhuman pain.

Even the closed hands sink, making the rate of fire waves pouring into the body more fierce by three points!

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