Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1959: Blue Sky Ghost

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Chapter 1959 The Blue Sky Ghost

"Cheng Feng, you irritated me!"

Two consecutive attacks, but ended with failure, which made Liu Tianjiao depressed to vomit blood.

A pair of eyes froze with anger and fierce shine.

The next moment, a dark black gas suddenly burst out from him.

The sky was darkened at once, and the vast area was as dark as ink, like a ghost.

Even horrible shadows appeared in the darkness, like a ghost crawling out of hell.

"Cheng Feng, be careful, this seems to be Liu Tianjiao's signature martial arts."

The voice of the blue and white mantle rang in Cheng Feng's ear: "This martial arts technique is called Qingtian Ghost, and you can use the power of the dark plane to kill the enemy. It is very dangerous and weird."

The dark plane is a world where the order of laws is opposite to the normal plane.

In this world, death and silence are the only ones.

The eighteen levels of **** circulating in the world, the ghostly ghosts, the Sen Luodian ... and so on are actually dark planes.

"The power of the dark plane? Somehow."

Cheng Feng raised a brow and was a little curious about encountering a novel martial arts system.

Open the eyes of the God of Fortune and take a closer look at the ghostly shadows around.

"Cheng Feng, let me die!"

As Cheng Feng watched the power of the dark plane, Liu Tianjiao's murderous voice sounded.

Then, in the vicinity of Cheng Feng, a dozen pairs of dry ghost claws were suddenly found, and he was severely caught.

"Ghostclaw?" Cheng Feng was on guard.

The moment Ghostclaw appeared, it was already noticed.

Raise a hand and punch out, 嘭 ~~~

Blast a small half of ghost claws on the spot.

However, these ghost claws can be reborn.

Cheng Feng just smashed the ghost claws. The next moment, a large amount of dark fog condensed, and actually dozens of ghost claws condensed.

There was no slight stop, grabbing again towards Cheng Feng.


Seeing this, Cheng Feng felt the uniqueness of some dark plane forces.

The divine power in the body is gushing, bang bang ~~~

Dozens of punches in a row, all the claws will be grabbed towards you, all beaten into powder.

However, after the ghost's claws were blasted, he was tormented by the dark mist around Cheng Feng.

Then, a ghost claw condensed again and rushed to Cheng Feng.

And the number of ghost claws has also increased a lot.

Gives a feeling of killing!

"Hey hey ~~~"

A proud sneer came: "Cheng Feng, the heavenly ghosts of this temple can evolve 10,000 kinds of attacks."

"You are now trapped in ghosts and you are destined to die inside!"

Liu Tianjiao's words did not seem to be false.

When he spoke, Cheng Feng blasted the countless ghosts attacking him.

However, after the ghost claws broke, they quickly grew well, the number doubled, and they continued to attack Cheng Feng.

And it's not just ghost claws.

In the midst of darkness, there were ghosts flashing, encircling Cheng Feng.

Like a killer hidden in the dark, he will have a fatal blow to Cheng Feng!

"Cheng Feng ..."

Seeing this scene, Mangqinghua approached Cheng Feng, and was very worried.

Because of this almost unsolvable martial art, she encountered it for the first time.

I feel that even if Cheng Feng's strength is strong, if he continues to do so, he will be consumed alive.

"Blue Girl, anyway!"

However, Cheng Feng was not panicked, and seemed to be indifferent: "Liu Tianjiao is just borrowing power, and the power of Qingtian's ghosts cannot come completely."

"With the micro-power he borrowed, he wouldn't hurt me at all!"

"Cheng Feng, arrogant!"

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, Liu Tianjiao angered and said, "You will know in a moment whether this power borrowed by this temple can kill you."

During the conversation, Liu Tianjiao swayed with intention.

The power of the blue sky ghostly soared.

Finally, the **** gun in his hand was thrown out, turned into a evil dragon, dormant in the darkness, and launched a sneak attack on Cheng Feng.

"Blue and white, this temple gives you one last chance."

After finishing the attack layout, Liu Tianjiao shouted, "If you are now awakened and promised to be a woman in this temple, this temple will open the blue sky ghost and take you out."


After waiting for Liu Tianjiao to finish speaking, Boa Blue and White interrupted: "Liu Tianjiao, I would rather die than be your woman!"

The words stopped, and the scene was generally silent.

Then Liu Tianjiao sounded with extreme shame.

"Idiot woman, since you want to die so much, then this temple will fulfill you."

"Blue sky ghostly, kill!"

Liu Tianjiao's words fell, and the whole world was dark.

Turned into a raging black wave, rushed towards Cheng Feng and Boa Blue and White.

And among the black waves, ghosts loomed, sharp ghost claws gleam.

"Liu Tianjiao!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's face was cold: "I originally wanted you to live longer."

"Since you are so anxious to die, then ... dead!"

Cheng Feng originally planned to fight with Liu Tianjiao to understand the secrets of the power of the dark plane.

In the future, you can also prepare for warriors who are proficient in the power of the dark plane.

But Liu Tianjiao was very deadly, Cheng Feng simply fulfilled him.

"Thunder cannon boxing, Jiu Lei booms!"

Cheng Feng evoked all the magical powers in the body, and exhibited the strongest form of Thunder Cannon Boxing.

Bang ~~~

As he punched out.

Over the past nine days, the thunder tumbling together turned into a thunder punch.

Immediately descended from the sky, detonated towards Liu Tianjiao.

At that moment, the dark and ghostly darkness of Qingtian was actually torn apart by the thundering fist.

Blast the ghosts of the sky and hit Liu Tianjiao directly.

Until Liu Tianjiao's face changed dramatically, a martial arts technique was exhibited, which turned into a black gas and disappeared.

The next moment, appeared hundreds of miles away, and avoided the thunder of Jiu Lei!

Just, don't wait for him to relax.

A cold voice suddenly appeared in his ear.

"Liu Tianjiao, I locked you!"

"Next, die!"

With the sound, hum ~~~

A fist with Lei Guang suddenly appeared.

Liu Tianjiao didn't give the opportunity to react at all, and he banged on him.

Hit it into the air and fly away, his face turned white instantly.

The mouthful of blood was sprayed out like waste water.

"Damn, how did you lock me in?"

Liu Tianjiao's heart was furious, and his face was incredible.

He exhibited the blue sky ghosts, and the whole person merged into the ghosts, and he was the master of the ghosts.

No one wants to know where he is unless he wants to.

However, Cheng Feng not only knew, but also locked his true body.

Give him a fatal blow after forcing him to show up!

It simply goes against the normal truth.

"Well, I never answer questions about dead people."

Liu Tianjiao asked, but Cheng Feng did not answer.

I saw him suddenly stunned, a pair of eyes stared at Liu Tianjiao in Hengfei.

Huh! Liu Tianjiao seemed to be hit with an invisible blow, his head tilted back involuntarily.

Fortunately, a jade pendant hung on his neck.

This piece of jade is a gift from the Emperor Apocalypse and can defend against any martial arts attack.

At this moment Guanghua flashed, and Jade was broken.

With it, Liu Tianjiao's life was also saved!

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