Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1960: Kill the new generation Tianjiao

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Chapter 1960 Killing New Generation Tianjiao

"Soul martial arts!"

The jade pendant on his chest was broken, Liu Tianjiao's face changed tragically, and he burst out shouting: "Damn, Cheng Feng is proficient in a martial art!

Divine spirit martial arts, specializing in divine spirit and divine mind.

Once the mind is broken, even if the flesh is intact, it will die on the spot.

Cheng Feng just cast the Seven Kills technique, which could have destroyed Liu Tianjiao's thoughts in one hit.

But was blocked by the defense Yu Pei, and then barely survived.

Then he did not dare to neglect a little bit, and performed martial arts skills, and the whole person turned into a black smoke.

Wow ~~~

It disappeared in no time.

Wait until it appears again, it is already a few hundred miles away.

"Good danger, it was really dangerous just now!"

Standing above a large river, Liu Tianjiao exhaled a long breath and said with a gulp of fear: "I never thought that Cheng Feng was proficient in martial arts."

"Fortunately, even if I escaped, hundreds of miles apart, he must be ..."

However, Liu Tianjiao's voice did not fall.

boom! Suddenly his head reclined violently, and the whole person flew backwards.

While flying horizontally, a pair of eyes dizzy, obviously a sign of death.

"How can it be?"

Liu Tianjiao uttered an unbelievable whisper in his mouth: "After nearly five hundred miles, Cheng Feng's martial arts skills, how can he hit me?"

Obviously, Liu Tianjiao was severely hit just now.

Even before he was hit, the divine thoughts had condensed, laying down a lot of defense.

But there was no effect at all, and it became a slag!

After that, the thoughts of the gods burst directly into the abyss of death.

Until he died, he couldn't understand why Cheng Feng was hundreds of miles apart and he could smash his thoughts.

In fact, this is the power of Seven Kills.

Divine spirit killing this martial art is divided into four small realms.

Hundreds of miles to capture the soul, thousands of miles to capture the soul, thousands of miles to capture the soul, 100,000 miles to capture the soul!

Cheng Feng only needs to practice the first layer of hundreds of miles to capture the soul, and can kill hundreds of miles apart.

Not to mention, Cheng Feng has now reached the third level.

As soon as God reads it out, human life can be taken within thousands of miles!

Cheng Feng and Liu Tianjiao separated only five hundred miles, kill him, just like playing!

Hula ~~~

As Liu Tianjiao was killed by Cheng Feng, his martial arts blue sky ghosts were broken.

The sky was dark and dissipated, revealing the blue sky and white sky.

"Cheng Feng, are you okay?"

After the darkness disappeared, the voice of the blue and white python came.

Cheng Feng looked up and found that the other party was dozens of miles away and looked at him with concern.

Then Cheng Feng smiled slightly and replied, "I'm fine."

"Liu Tianjiao's goods, I can run to death!"

Listening to Cheng Feng's remarks, Boa Qinghua initially thought he was joking.

But when she looked away, she saw a corpse lying across the sky, and her face was full of shock.

"Liu Tianjiao?"

Boa's blue and white hands covered Zhu Lips, and said inconceivably: "Cheng Feng, Liu Tianjiao ... he died?"

Boa Blue and White couldn't believe his eyes.

A dignified newcomer to the world can easily defeat the powerful people who exist at the top, and even die here.

"Well, dead."

"Liu Tianjiao has been trying to die, I simply accomplished him!"

Compared with the horror of the python blue and white, Cheng Feng looked bleak.

It seemed that it was not Liu Tianjiao who had just killed, but an ant who had been killed.

"Cheng Feng, have you been so strong?"

After getting the exact answer, Boa Blue and White turned up a big wave in his heart.

A pair of eyes stared at Cheng Feng, unable to calm for a long time: "I used to hear rumors from time to time that you have the power to kill the Emperor of God."

"At the time I thought it was a ghost in the dark and wanted to push you to the edge of the wind."

"Now it seems that I want to get over!"

Mangqinghua paid close attention to Cheng Feng during the practice in Longyuan Pavilion.

At that time, when he received the news that Cheng Feng killed the evil Emperor Tian Qi, it was immediately concluded that someone was stumbling from it.

It has not been discovered until now that Cheng Feng has become incredibly powerful.

The other side can really kill an emperor!

"Oh my god, what did I see?"

"That turned out to be the body of Liu Tianjiao, the son of Apocalypse! Was he killed?"

At the time when Mangqing was surprised, the disciples of Heishui Palace saw Liu Tianjiao in the sky of the dead through the dissipated darkness.

Suddenly, the whole Blackwater Palace fry.

The tumultuous rumblings were almost one after another, and the sky would almost collapse.

"Cheng Feng! The person who killed Liu Tianjiao must be Cheng Feng!"

"I didn't expect it. In just a few minutes, Cheng Feng killed Liu Tianjiao."

"It can be seen that the title of Cheng Feng's first person is definitely not groundless!"

"Those so-called Peerless Tianjiao are probably not Cheng Feng's opponents."

"Even the son of the Emperor Tianhuang is no exception!"

Today, a total of twelve young peerless geniuses have appeared on the earth dome continent.

The son of the Emperor Tiantian's parents and children is regarded as the strongest.

Once able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Cheng Feng, it is called the second Cheng Feng.

However, as Cheng Feng easily killed Liu Tianjiao, the crowd no longer believed in the son of the desert.

At least, the disciples of Heishui Palace determined that the son of the wild was not Cheng Feng's opponent.

"Girl, blue and white, I heard that you have reached the extreme, ready to cross the sky to enter the heaven?"

Heishuigong's rumblings were chaotic and confusing.

In the sky, Cheng Feng was chic and indifferent.

He beckoned and sucked the **** gun in Liu Tianjiao's hand and grabbed it.

Watch at will for a moment, overwhelm the spirit of the big gun, and put it into the soul.

Then he turned to look at the python blue and asked softly.

"Well, as early as seven days ago, I was ready."

Wong Qinghua woke up from the shock and nodded, "I was planning to cross the city at that time, but was destroyed by Liu Tianjiao."

"Now that Liu Tianjiao is dead, I just can rest in peace."

"Where are you going to rob? Or should I help you protect the law?"

When crossing the sky, you are generally not afraid of being disturbed.

Because once someone takes action against the robbers, they will be immediately noticed by the heavens, and the checks and balances will be lowered.

But the situation of python blue and white is a bit special, not personal.

After the robbery, there will be a period of weakness, so he did not lead to the robbery.

Otherwise, once Tiancai gets in, Liu Tianjiao not only dares not entangle, but also detours.

"I'm going to cross a million mountains."

Mang Blue Flower Road: "There are Emperor Butterfly and Ao Qing seniors, and I should be smooth sailing."

"So you don't need to help me protect the Fa."

"I'll accompany you to a million mountains."

Cheng Feng insisted: "After all, one more person protects the law, and one more point is safe."

"Cheng Feng, really don't need to."

However, Boa Blue and White refused: "There are so many things on your body, so let's do your best first."

"It's only the Seventh Heaven, and I will be able to spend it easily, believe me!"

Hearing the words of Mang Blue and White, Cheng Feng nodded with a smile, no longer insisting on protecting the Mang Blue and White.

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