Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1963: Checker

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Chapter 196th Selected Persons

Cheng Feng destroyed the entire Apocalypse with one person.

Not long ago, Liu Tianjiao, the son of Apocalypse sent to the dome continent by the Emperor Apocalypse at great cost, was also killed by Cheng Feng.

Under this situation, the Apocalypse has no more candidates for the fruits of heaven and earth.

The sky passage that belongs to the Apocalypse will naturally belong to Cheng Feng.

Therefore, Mr. Shu announced that there would be fifteen academy disciples heading to the sky, no problem at all.

Even among the fifteen places, everyone heard the words "Cheng Muyuan".

After inquiring, I learned that Cheng Muyuan was Cheng Feng's cousin.

Cheng Feng obtained the right to distribute the entire skyway, and it is reasonable to give a place to his family.

Of course, after everyone knew it, naturally envy.

It is deeply known that as long as Cheng Muyuan is able to come out of the Cangqiang Island alive, Xiuyuan will fly into the sky.

It is one of the strongest beings on the continent, and it can grow to be the worst.

Just when everyone's thoughts fluctuated.

Qianlong Academy, Shushan Hall.

Cheng Feng's gaze swept across Tailong, Jian Wuchen, Bai Ze, wind and rain ...

Then he stopped on Mr. Shu: "Sir, is Brother Su Lin and Brother Liang absent?"

"Su Lin and Liang Luoshi went outside to sharpen themselves."

Mr. Shu said: "Presumably you can see the picture of the sky in the sky, and you will be back as soon as possible."

"Oh, all right."

Cheng Feng nodded: "I have some things to do next, so I can't walk with you brothers."

"When Brother Surin returned, he also asked him to lead a team to bring our disciples into the sky."

"Rest assured, I will arrange these."

Mr. Shu nodded, signalling Cheng Feng not to worry.

"Well, that's OK."

Cheng Feng exhaled and said, "The Emperor Yuhua has sent a letter to remind me to go to Yujing."

"Tylon, Brother Sword ... Goodbye, Cangqiang Island."

"Okay, see you in the sky."

Several people in Tailong also knew that Cheng Feng had too many things on his body and could not walk with them.

So he nodded, asking Cheng Feng to leave them alone and do his own thing.

"Everyone, take care."

Cheng Feng was very straightforward in his work. Mr. Xiang Shu and others fisted into the sky.

The moment he flew out of Qianlong Academy, he looked at the location of the Star City Cheng family.

Then turned around and flew to the Imperial City Yujing.

Cheng Feng didn't go home this time, because he had no time.

The second is not wanting to disturb the peaceful life of the family.

It may be better to leave silently!

Displaying thousands of miles, Cheng Feng quickly arrived at Jade City.

"The sky pass, it really got through!"

Standing outside the Jade City, Cheng Feng looked at the skyway that ran across the top of Yuhua Palace, his eyes narrowed slightly.

I saw the sky channel, condensed from colorful soil.

From a distance, it looks like a rainbow.

A scent of fragrance emanated from the entrance of the passage, which made people see through, and the movement of divine power was a little faster.

Obviously the pure vitality in the sky of the sky, emanating from the sky channel.

At this time, a large number of warriors in Yujing City were all moving closer to the direction of the sky passage.

One is to look at the sky passage, and the other is to absorb the pure vitality.

"Cheng Feng, you are here!"

In the middle of the crowd, a white figure flew.

Cheng Feng looked up and found out that it was the old acquaintance Tianzhao Dashuang.

"Senior Zhao, what's the situation now?"

Seeing Tianzhao's life, Cheng Feng asked.

"Your Majesty has been preparing for this day for a long time."

The Ancestral Chief replied: "At this moment, the six candidates who belong to the Royal Family to enter the sky are ready."

"Just waiting for you, as well as the candidates of the Blood Gods, Qianlong Academy, and other major gates, you can transfer and enter the sky.

"Oh, who are these people entering the sky?"

Cheng Feng asked casually.

"Actually, you almost know each other."

Tianzhao chief commander said: "The only people who are truly competitive are Su Lin, Bai Zihua, Liang Luoshi, and Boa Blue and White."

"As for everyone else, it's just playing tickets!"

"Brother Su, Brother Liang, Bai Zihua, and the girl in blue and white ..."

Cheng Feng silently read the names of the four people and nodded: "They should not have arrived yet, especially the girl in blue and white, who has just gone to a million mountains."

"At least half a day before the ferry is over."

Crossing the robbery is the biggest test that ascendant soldiers need to go through.

From the peak of the broken realm, the python blue and white rushed to the seventh place in the sky in a breath, the difficulty was unprecedented.

And she is also a man of ancient python descent, half-man and half-python.

The robbery is expected to fade away from the python, completely transform into an adult, and increase the difficulty.

Even if the robbery is successful in the end, it will have great vitality and need to recuperate for one or two!

"His Majesty has set a time."

The Ancestral Chief said: "At noon tomorrow, no matter whether the person has expired or not, the sky passage will be opened to send you into the sky."

"As for the remaining people, they can only wait three days before teleporting."

Every time the skyway is opened, it consumes a huge amount of energy.

After turning on, if you want to transfer next time, you have to wait three days to replenish energy.

And to enter the sky to pick the fruits of heaven and earth, every minute every second.

Missing three days is a huge loss.

During the conversation, Cheng Feng and Tianzhao Grand Commander entered Yujing City.

When everyone saw Cheng Feng in black, they immediately recognized it.

All kinds of excited cheers directly filled Cheng Feng's ear drums.

There were even a lot of emotional young men who rushed to approach Cheng Feng and had a conversation with Cheng Feng.

However, Cheng Feng declined politely.

In order to prevent accidents from happening, Amaterasu ordered his divine power to erupt, condensing a huge divine power shield, covering Cheng Feng with himself in the divine power shield.

In the shouts of everyone, entered the Royal Palace.

"Brother Cheng, long time no see."

As soon as Cheng Feng entered the Royal Palace, a slender young man greeted with a smile.

That looks like an old friend who hasn't been seen for years.

It is Prince Fang Wuwei who is the prince!

Behind Fang Wuwei, there are five young men and women.

One of them was Fang Yan, the eighth prince, and the remaining four were two men and two women. Cheng Feng had never met.

But the repairs are all good, and the weakest have reached the sixth level of ascent.

"Have seen His Royal Highness."

Cheng Feng's gaze swept away from Fang Wuwei and others, holding his fist as a gift.

I already knew in my heart that Fang Wuwei's six people were the party of Yuhua Shenchao, and this time he went to Cangqiang Island.

"Brother Cheng, let me introduce you."

Fang Wuwei's posture was low, and he did not mind Cheng Feng's indifference.

The fingers of the four men and women, said: "These four are the top geniuses I have been in for many years."

"Thick accumulations and thin hair, I have survived the Sixth Heavenly Calamity in one breath, and can not let down the wind to the peerless powerhouse."

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