Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1964: Tianpeng Nine Changes

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Chapter IX Tianpeng Nine Changes

"Fang Qiang, see process son."

"Yang Zhongdan, see Brother Cheng."

As Fang Wuwei started, the four men and women introduced themselves.

The names are Fang Qian, Yang Zhongdan, Li Wufeng, and Gu Mei.

"All of you, after entering the sky, we work together to hope for a great harvest."

After the introduction of the four, Cheng Feng nodded with a smile.

As for the eighth prince Fang Yan, Fang Wuwei didn't know if he had forgotten it or for other reasons. He didn't introduce it, and left it aside.

Fang Yan put up with it, and eventually he got it together.

"Brother Cheng Feng, I fought half a year ago, and I still remember it so far."

"See you again now, but you and I have a difference of ten thousand miles. It's really amazing to think about it!"

More than half a year ago, Fang Yan fought against Cheng Feng for hundreds of moves without discrimination.

At present, the other party ’s cultivation has reached the sixth highest level, and it is also caused by the use of some elixir of exciting potential.

If you fight with Cheng Feng again, it is estimated that you can't stop even one move!

"His Highness Fang Yan is too humble."

Cheng Feng's relationship with Fang Yan is average, and can even be said to be very wrong.

According to Cheng Feng's personality, it is completely possible not to bird each other.

But the light flashed in his eyes, but he replied: "You should be only about twenty years old now, but Xiuwei has reached the sixth ascendant."

"Such achievements are rare in the entire dome continent."

"Hey, my family knows their business."

Fang Yan sighed: "I have entered the sky with this strength, and I have no competitiveness at all."

"If you're out of luck, and you encounter a few cruel monsters, you might not even be able to save your life."

"Hopefully, Brother Cheng will help you one or two!"

"As the people of the feathered gods, it is incumbent on each other to support each other."

Cheng Feng replied, and then his tone turned and asked: "Yes, Your Highness Fang Ye, you seem to have the blood of Kunpeng, should you know more about the Kunpeng monster?"

"Well, a little bit about it."

Fang Yidao said, "If Brother Cheng has any questions, if I know, I must say everything."

"That's it. I've practiced a martial arts skill called Sky Eagle."

Cheng Feng went straight to the topic: "This martial art has been cultivated to the extreme by me, but I find that there are two."

"The Aquila aspect is only the first part, but the next part is unknown."

"However, according to my speculation, the next part of Sky Eagle Squadron should be related to the Tianpeng monster."

"I don't know, His Royal Highness Fang, have you heard of this?"

"Aquila ..."

After hearing the words, Fang Yan frowned and fell into thought.

"Brother Cheng Feng, the eighth master of the power of blood training, knows nothing about martial arts."

Listening to the conversation between Cheng Feng and Fang Yi, that Fang Wuwei interjected: "If you want to learn about the next part of Sky Eagle, I can take you to the Royal Palace.

"There will definitely be gains there!"

Obviously, Fang Wuwei and Fang Xun misaligned and dismantled each other.

I was afraid that the other party would get closer to Cheng Feng, thus shaking his position.

After all, with Cheng Feng's current strength, he can completely control the will of the emperor.

As long as the two Fang Wuwei still wanted to do something in the court, they would not dare to offend Cheng Feng at all.

"Boss, who said that I know nothing about martial arts?"

As soon as Fang Wuwei's voice fell, Fang Yan immediately countered: "I major in the blood of the giant magpie, and magpie is the same creature as Peng."

"Brother Cheng would like to know the news about the next part of Sky Eagle Surgery. I will surely play a big role."

"Old man, don't say so much."

Fang Wuwei said coldly: "If nothing was found in the end, wouldn't you disappoint Brother Cheng?"

"In my opinion, it is more appropriate for Brother Cheng to follow me to the Royal Martial Arts Hall."

"Well, although there are many secrets of martial arts in the Royal Martial Palace, who can guarantee the collection of the next part of Sky Eagle?"

Fang Yan refused to give up: "I thought it would be better for Brother Cheng Feng to visit my mother's ancestral land."

"My mother's ancestral land, there is a boulder soaked in blood, and there may be unexpected gains."

In order to win over Cheng Feng, Fang Wuwei and Fang Yan did everything.

In particular, Fang Yan has moved out the big secrets of his mother family.

You must take Cheng Feng as an outsider to observe a treasure in her mother ancestral land.

"Inaction, Xiao Ba, what noisy?"

Just as Fang Wuwei was arguing, a majestic voice sounded: "Both points are assigned to Lu'an. Don't think carefully."

"If something bad happens, you can't eat it all!"

With the sound, a middle-aged man with a great figure walked out.

Fang Wuwei and others met and bowed down.

Amazingly Feathered Emperor Fang Huayu!

"Cheng Feng, I heard that you are looking for the next part of Sky Eagle?"

After the Emperor Yuhua criticized Fang Wuwei, he turned his eyes and looked at Cheng Feng.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Cheng Feng nodded and said, "This body martial arts skill has saved me several times when I was first."

"If you can find it, maybe it will bring me good luck."

"I have heard some news about this martial art."

Emperor Yuhua said: "It is said that this martial art is the supreme martial art of the Tianpeng ancient clan, and its real name is Tianpeng Nine Changes."

"If it is rumored that the practice reaches its peak, the practitioner can be directly transformed into a Tianpeng, and his wings will stir up millions of miles."

"Even if it is powerful, it can't catch up."

"Tianpeng ancients? Tianpeng nine changes?"

Hearing this, Cheng Feng frowned.

I did not expect the Skyhawk aspect, but actually involved such an ancient existence, asking: "Your Majesty, dare to ask where is the Tianpeng ancient clan?"

"The Tianpeng ancient clan is a very powerful clan."

Emperor Yuhua said: "This tribe is located in the ancient land of Tianpeng, and no tribe can enter."

"It's very difficult for you to get this martial art of Tianpeng Nine Changes."

"Tianpeng ancient land?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "Your Majesty, this place should be located outside the earth dome?"

"Yes, it's outside the domain."

The Emperor Yuhua nodded: "Don't think about it now, focus on picking the fruits of the world."

"If the harvest is huge, you may be able to use the fruits of heaven and earth to exchange the Tianpeng ancients for the cultivation method of the nine changes of Tianpeng.

"Well, that's all it can be."

Cheng Feng nodded, but he didn't hold much hope.

Because the Tianpeng Nine Changes is the supreme martial art of the Tianpeng ancients, it will certainly not be easily spread.

Even treasures like heaven and earth fruit may not be exchanged.

What's more, Cheng Feng will still be attacked by more than a dozen formidable giants after the fruits of heaven and earth are collected.

Whether it will survive in the end is still a question.

Therefore, shaking his head, Cheng Feng temporarily held the matter to his heart.

I plan to wait until after the calamity and leave the dome continent.

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