Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1966: Apocalypse

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Chapter 196th Apocalypse City

At the same time, Qianlong College Shu also led 14 young talents to arrive.

After joining Su Lin, he also entered Yujing City.

Cheng Feng stepped forward, and finally saw the legend of Qianlong College, Su Lin.

I saw that Su Lin was very ordinary, tall, looks, dressed ... all were ordinary.

But in his body, there was a spirit of energy.

It's like a pine, standing stubborn!

It will even become stronger and stronger under the hammer of the storm, until it is invincible!

"Brother Su, I finally saw your real person."

Looking at Su Lin, Cheng Feng hugged his fist.

"Hehe, Brother Cheng, I saw you for the second time."

Su Lin laughed: "I feel more touching this time than last time!"

"But this is good, it will inspire my passion for training and the will to fight."

"I hope you practice well and gamble with me on the sky, it is best to defeat me!"

"Beat you?"

Su Lin's request was very strange. Cheng Feng frowned: "Brother Su, I can only say that I can do my best."

"Do your best, enough!"

Surin nodded, and then said, "Okay, go and see your friends."

"Your friend, has been waiting for you for a long time."

After hearing that, Cheng Feng turned to look at them.

Seeing each other looking at him with curiosity, he smiled at Su Lin slightly and walked towards Tailong them.

"Cheng Feng, how did you gamble with Surin?"

Before reaching, Tyrone couldn't wait to say, "Let's be a group of people, isn't this trouble?"

"It's all right."

Cheng Feng laughed: "I gambled with Brother Su, it's just a kind of discussion, there will be no danger."

"That's bad, the sword has no eyes."

Tyrone frowned. "But that's all there is to it."

"What's more, Su Lin is a weirdo. If he wants to fight you, you can't hide it if you want to hide."

"Fighting head on, it will be better!"

During the conversation, several more people arrived.

These waves of people are the top ancestors of the feathered gods.

Each gate was assigned a place to enter the sky, and the first gate of Longyuan Pavilion, that was the first gate of Longyuan County, was also assigned a place.

This quota should have belonged to the blood blue.

However, the python blue and white took over later, Xiu Wei has completely covered the blood blue.

So the final candidate fell on the python blue and white.

But Mango Blue and White is still in the midst of a million mountains.

Fortunately, the Emperor Yuhua decided to open the sky passage at noon tomorrow and send all the selected people to the sky.

In time, maybe there is still time.

"Mr. Shu, we have four places in the sky this time in our college."

The people of Qianlong Academy were arranged in a hall of the Royal Palace.

Cheng Feng entered the hall and asked Mr. Shu: "Which four people do you intend to let enter the sky from this sky passage?"

"Just Liang Luoshi, Song Yi, storms and lightning, follow you."

Mr. Shu said, "As for the rest, follow Su Lin to the Apocalypse and enter from the sky passage of the Apocalypse."

"Well, this arrangement is good."

Cheng Feng nodded: "With Brother Su leading the way, entering the sky can be safer."

At this point, Cheng Feng said: "It is not too late, Brother Su, I will send you to the Apocalypse first."

"If you enter the sky early, you can gain more!"

"Yes." Surin nodded.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng didn't delay.

Mr. Xiang Shu took a fist and flew up with Su Lin and Tai Long, rushing to the heavenly gods.

Flying out of the Jade City, Cheng Feng didn't rush to the Apocalypse, but went to Tianming Division first.

There, Wang Yuyan, Bai Ze and Situ Yutian are already waiting.

It turned out that Wang Yuyan and the three were all not eligible to enter the sky.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng destroyed the Apocalypse and left them three places.

They had already been discussed in advance, and they were asked to wait in the Destiny Division.

After several people converged, they borrowed the super long-range teleportation array of Tianming Division and rushed to the Apocalypse.

"Cheng Feng, you are here."

After the eleven of Cheng Feng arrived, Wang Yuyan greeted him immediately.

"Well, this is Brother Su Linsu, the others are ..."

Cheng Feng briefly introduced Surin and others.

Wait to know each other one or two, without delay, open an ultra-long-range teleportation array, and teleport to the God of Apocalypse.

The feathered gods are a million or two miles away from the apocalypse.

Tianming Division did not have a direct teleportation array. Cheng Feng first teleported to the iconostasis, and then transferred to the heavenly gods.

During the turn of the iconic dynasty, Cheng Feng went down to the Moon God Temple.

Prepare to get in touch with Cheng Qingxue, fortunately after entering Cangqiang Island, there will be a care.

Unexpectedly, the iconic emperor was so anxious that he had opened the sky passage owned by the iconic dynasty.

Twenty young idols, including Cheng Qingxue, were sent to the sky of the sky.

However, Cheng Feng did not make a trip.

From the hands of the three masters of the Moon Temple, a ring was obtained, which sealed a ray of Cheng Qingxue's thoughts.

Once Cheng Qingxue is in danger of life, he can send a distress signal through the ring.

With the ring, Cheng Feng could rush to the rescue.

"Di Che, I hope you will be more secure."

Leaving from the Temple of the Moon, Cheng Feng whispered with a ring in his hand: "If you dare to be wrong with my sister, I will make you regret being born in this world."

After speaking, Cheng Feng joined with Su Lin and others, and used a teleportation array in the Temple of the Moon to teleport directly to the capital of the Apocalypse.

The city of Apocalypse, the capital of the city of Apocalypse, was a rundown.

However, many martial arts gathered here at this moment, looking at Hengchen's sky in the sky above Tianqi City, his eyes were fiery.

It is clear that they want to occupy it, and then teleport into the sky.

It's a pity that this sky passageway already has a master.

A terrifying dagger lay across the center of Apocalypse, like a pillar of heaven!

Everyone saw a huge change in his face and did not dare to approach half a step.

It was the sword that Cheng Feng left behind after killing the Emperor Tianqi.

"I'm coming!"

"Cheng Feng came to the Apocalypse and brought a lot of people."

"It must be to open the sky and enter the sky!"

When the soldiers around Tianqi City saw Cheng Feng and his team of 14 people, they were talking loudly.

The complex look of envy, jealousy, and curiosity on his face.

Regarding everyone's discussion, Cheng Feng ignored the matter and rushed to Tianqi City.

As soon as he entered the inner city, Pei Feng greeted him with a smile.

"Brother Cheng, I can wait for you for a long time."

Behind Pei Feng, followed by two strong men.

Xiuwei has reached the fifth ascent of the sky, and it should be the candidate that Heishui Palace intends to send to the sky.

"Brother Pei, we seem to have just separated!"

Cheng Feng also greeted with a smile: "Do you want me to drink with you?"

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