Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1967: Abrupt rise

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Chapter 1967 The Abrupt Change Soars

"Hahaha ~~~"

Pei Feng laughed: "I still understand my brother."

"But now it's time for my brother to be busy. Let's talk about drinking after the brother returns triumphantly."

During the chat, Pei Feng briefly introduced the two Heishui Palace disciples he brought with him.

It turned out that the younger generation of Heishui Palace did not have any disciples.

So Pei Feng selected two of the older disciples and let them enter the sky to try their luck.

Fortunately, the age limit for entry to the sky is below 60.

The two men in Heishui Palace were only about forty years old.

Among the ascended martial arts warriors, they are relatively young.

After all, it's not anyone who can compare with Cheng Feng them!

"Brother Cheng, my two unpromising guys in Heishuigong have entrusted you."

Pei Feng pointed at the two disciples at Heishui Palace and laughed: "I don't expect them to pick the fruits of heaven and earth. As long as they can get some adventures in the sky, they will be content to advance to the seventh level . "

"Brother, don't worry."

Cheng Feng laughed: "With the survival experience of the two brothers, nothing will happen."

During the conversation, several more people came over.

One of the first people was wearing a brass mask on his face, with strong evil spirits on his body.

Followed by a young man in military uniform, the British spirit is compelling.

As for the other two, one had a huge knife in his hand, and thunder and lightning flew from his body.

At a glance, I knew that he was a master of knife path. Xiu Wei reached the sixth limit of climbing to the sky, and was a fierce character.

The last one is a solid young man.

As soon as Cheng Feng approached, he gave Cheng Feng a soul ring.

"Brother Zhuang Xiong, it's hard."

Cheng Feng took the Soul Ring and gave him a gift. "Thank you Qihe's predecessor for helping me forge the armor of war."

It turned out that this solid young man was a disciple of Qianhe Academy Qihe.

Before Cheng Feng entrusted the War God armor to several refining masters in Qihe, allowing him to forge a higher level.

After more than half a month had passed, the opponent eloquently merged the War God armor with Baijin Yushen Iron.

The level was pushed forward to the level of the sacred artifact.

Defense has reached a point of abnormality.

Later, Zhuang Xiong brought the armor of War God to Cheng Feng.

At the same time, let Zhuang Xiong, by virtue of the sky passage of the Apocalypse God, enter the sky to find some opportunities.

As for the other three, the person with the brass mask was Tuoba Tao.

Since Cheng Feng rescued him from the blood gods, he first went to Qianlong Academy.

Then he got the news from Cheng Feng and rushed to the Apocalypse.

Anyway, there are still a lot of places in Chengqiang Island.

It's no problem to give one to Tuobatao.

Then the uniform youth was under the authority of the mighty king Fang Taixuan.

It is said that he is the grandson of an old comrade in arms and has good talents.

Cheng Feng is grateful to King Shenwei.

Of course, his request Cheng Feng will not refuse, and directly let the young man in military uniform come to the Apocalypse.

The last young man with thunder and thunder was Lei Emperor, the unique genius of Shendaoge!

When the God of War left the dome continent, Cheng Feng was revealed a secret.

It turned out that the God Knife Pavilion was actually one of the four war departments of the God of War.

Therefore, in the face of the God of War, you must also give Shendaoge a place to enter the sky of the island.

And Lei Di is the first genius of Shendaoge, but he is the only person to enter the sky of the island.

"You, we have enough."

After the crowd gathered, they introduced each other one or two, and Cheng Feng exclaimed: "Next, I will open the sky tunnel and send us all to the sky island."

"I hope everyone is mentally prepared. After all, the sky is not good."

"The local monsters inside are very cruel, and if you are not careful, you may lose your life."

While speaking, Cheng Feng led the team to the center of Tianqi City.

When he got to the bottom of the sky passage that Hengchen was on the top of Tianqi City, without any words, he evoked the rolling power and poured it in.

Om ~~~

With the rolling power into the sky passage.

The colorful channel flashed.

The next moment, a beam of light appeared, enveloping twenty people including Cheng Feng inside.

Afterwards, the colorful brilliance became stronger and stronger, and when they reached the extreme, they would send Cheng Feng to Cangqiang Island.

"Cheng Feng, someone asked me to send you something."

In the sky passage, the colorful brilliance has reached the extreme, and transmission will begin soon.

A voice came suddenly.

Then, 咻 ~~~

An emerald object flew from the crowd and headed straight for Cheng Feng.

After Cheng Feng caught it, his face changed suddenly.

"Who are you and why do you have this pendant?"

I saw that the pendant in Cheng Feng's hands was emerald green and was a heart-shaped pendant.

When Le Qingying went to the Heavenly God Palace of Tianhuang God, he polished it with his own hands, and there were two in total.

Cheng Feng and Le Qingying each wore one. At this time, Cheng Feng's hand pendant was really the one belonging to Le Qingying.

This pendant has a special meaning for lightness and will not easily leave the body.

But now suddenly appeared in the hands of this person, I'm afraid Le Qing has a problem.

"Cheng Feng, I'm just giving something for someone."

Among the crowd, a man with a mask said, "You want to know the specific information, and go to the Heavenly Deity God for yourself."

"Finally advise you, don't go too late."

"Otherwise, some little beauty would ..."

The words came to an end, and the masked man flew up and flew away from the direction of the **** of apocalypse.

"Before you say anything clearly, don't want to leave!"

Cheng Feng felt a little nervous when he heard the mask man's inexplicable words.

He burst into drink and rushed out of the colorful Guanghua.

Show the hands of God, wow ~~~

Condensing a big hand, like catching a chicken, the mask man who intended to escape was grabbed back.

"Voge, it's so scary!"

"The masked man's cultivation, to say less, has reached the height of four or five, but was caught back by Cheng Feng just like ants."

"Is this the Cheng Feng's terrifying strength? The name of the first person in the world is really a true name!"

The masked man was even more shocked than everyone was shocked.

He thought he had fleeed by performing martial arts himself.

Even if Cheng Feng is strong, it will take some effort to catch himself.

Never thought, he only escaped for a few seconds before being caught back.

"Say, where did you get this pendant?"

Cheng Feng caught the masked man close to him, and asked with a cold face: "How is the owner of the pendant now, have you been harmed? All of them are detailed."

"Otherwise, I will make you regret being born in this world."

"Cheng Feng, don't, I'm just a pawn."

The masked man was cold, knowing that it fell on Cheng Feng's hands. If he didn't shake something out, he would definitely not be able to eat and walk around.

So he hurriedly said, "This pendant was entrusted to you by a mysterious person."

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