Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1971: Undead hero

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Chapter 1971 Undead Hero

"Heavenly Emperor, you are a good tool!"

In the Pantheon, after Cheng Feng knew that Le Qingying was not in danger, his worry was cleared away.

Facing Emperor Huangtian and admitting: "However, you are destined to be disappointed."

"Next, I will break through the two kings you set up, enter the sky, and sweep away all the fruits of heaven and earth!"

Cheng Feng was still somewhat appreciative of Emperor Tiantian's failure to take lightness to music.

Although he was deceived by Emperor Huangtian, his impression of Emperor Huangtian changed a bit.

"Cheng Feng, you can try."

Emperor Huangtian laughed: "As long as you can break through the big battle and defeat me and four others."

"The emperor will send you personally into the sky of the sky!"

"Okay, this is what you said."

Cheng Feng exclaimed: "Next, wait for Christine to send me away!"

The words came to an end, Cheng Feng's divine power evoked in his body, and dozens of punches were fired toward Wanxing Yushen.

Boom boom ~~~

The horrific punches exploded on the heavy starlight hood and swayed it.

However, the Wanxing Royal God array is worthy of Wang Pin's array, and its defense is almost abnormal.

With each punch of Cheng Feng, he can beat a seventh ascendant alive.

But hit on the star guard, but failed to break it in the slightest!

"Oh, that's kind of interesting!"

Cheng Feng saw this, a smile on his face.

Then he continued to punch out and bombarded the entire starlight shield.

Then the God of Creation opened his eyes and fell into meditation.

"What is Cheng Feng doing?"

Outside the Pantheon, Xingyue Tianshen frowned: "Does he want to use his boxing skills to break the array of Wanxing Yushen?

"No, Cheng Feng is not stupid."

Emperor Huangtian shook his head: "The reason why he punched Wanxing Yushen with a punch was probably looking for an eye."

"In his hand, there is a magic weapon of the Holy Order."

"As long as you find out the array and insert the Holy Array magic weapon into the array, it is much simpler to break the array."

"Looking for an eye? He's doomed to nothing."

Xingyue Tianshen is full of confidence: "This large array I set up has thousands of stars flowing, and the eyes of the array are always changing."

"Unless Cheng Feng is a mage of Wang Pinzhen, otherwise, there is no hope of finding out!"

The eyes of Wanxing Yushen array are really hard to find.

Cheng Feng tried with boxing, and then probed with the God of Fortune, which turned out to be somewhat difficult.

Of course, it's just 'somewhat' difficult.

As Cheng Feng groaned for a moment, a faint flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Even if you remove the purple flag from the fire, 咻 ~~~

Throw it out and insert it into a node in the Wanxing Royal God array.

That node seemed sparse and ordinary, but with the insertion of the Lihuo Zijin Banner, the entire large array of operations suddenly shook.

It was as if the running carriage suddenly got stuck at the wheel, which was very uncoordinated.

"What? Cheng Feng found an eye in Wanxing Yushen array?"

Seeing this scene, outside the Pantheon, the Xingyue Tianshen was surprised.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Cheng Feng, like hell.

"Xingyue, I said Cheng Feng is not easy at this time, you don't believe it."

Emperor Huangtian frowned, "Now, you should believe a little?"

"Huh, my Wanxing Yushen array is more than one eye."

Xingyue Tianshen snorted coldly: "Cheng Feng just found an array of eyes, but it was luck."

"Next, I see him still ..."

However, wait for Xingyue Tianshen to finish speaking.

In the Pantheon, Cheng Feng threw his hand.

咻 ~~~

Another big flag was shot and inserted into the star guard of the sky.

Allow the star guard to slow down again by three minutes.

Let Xingyue Tianshen's face change greatly, and some irons turn blue.

However, this is not over.

It wasn't long before the second flag was fired.

咻 ~~ 咻 ~~

Cheng Feng took out two more shots and, without saying a word, inserted them into the star guards.

The starlight that allowed Haibo to flow constantly stopped directly!

"Damn, how can this boy Cheng Feng find the eyes of Wanxing Yushen?"

Seeing this scene, Xingyue Tianshen was all staring, his eyes stared at the boss: "How did he do it? Is he still a Wangpinzhen mage?"


Emperor Huangtian was also moved at this moment, the relaxed look on his face disappeared, and said, "According to the information I have obtained, Cheng Feng is not proficient in the formation method."

"The reason why I was able to break the battles repeatedly was with the help of a burial flag!"

"A cemetery flag?"

Xingyue Tianshen gritted his teeth and said, "Hate the water, Cheng Feng's kid doesn't have a burial flag in his hand, but four pieces!"

"The combination of the four parcels of celestial burial flags can form a battlefield."

"In case of being used by Cheng Feng, the consequences would be disastrous ..."

Om ~~ Om ~~~

Xingyue Tianshen's voice just fell.

In the array of Wanxing Yushen, the four flags inserted in the star guards suddenly burst into a fierce light.

Each of these fierce lights is different.

From the fire, the purple golden flag is fiery!

The huge waves of Kwai Shui Blue Gold Banner!

The thick earth golden flag is flying in the yellow sand!

Gengmu's blood golden banner is murderous!

When the four shots emitted by these four flags converged and merged in the sky.

Hum! Turned into a very scary force.

The next moment, like a dragon, slammed into the star guard.

Hitting the starlight shield violently, a large bag appeared.

Fortunately, at this moment, the Xingyue Tian God reacted.

Inspire Divine Power into the array of Wanxing Yushen.

The almost broken array, stiffened and stabilized!

"Thunder cannon boxing, Jiu Lei booms!"

However, at this time, Cheng Feng hit the strongest stroke of the Thunderbolt.

Rolling Thunder fist descended from the sky, you have to pinch up and down the Wanxing Royal God array, forcibly break it!

"The boy Cheng Feng is a bit scary."

At this moment, Xingyue Tianshen didn't look down on Cheng Feng any more, and whispered heavily: "I feel that the boy's fire is full of bombardment, Wanxing Yushen array can only block for half an hour.

At this point, Xingyue Tianshen looked to the Emperor of Heaven.

"Hate the water, don't let it go, you can do it."

"Had the battlefield battle map of the battlefield and awaken the battlefield, and awaken the god-level strongman who fell in the Pantheon, and besiege Cheng Feng together!"


Emperor Huangtian nodded: "Two pin-ups between the two kings should be able to suppress Cheng Feng."

During his speech, Emperor Huangtian suddenly burst into a rude atmosphere.

When this breath soared into the sky, it spread to the Pantheon.

Oh oh oh ~

A whining sound suddenly sounded from each peak of Mount Pantheon.

It was as if a hero who had died in battle was in the midst of sorrow.

"Not right."

Hearing that whine, Cheng Feng's scalp was numb.

Feeling the cold rising under my feet, something is moving.

Next moment, 嘭 ~~~

The soil beneath Cheng Feng's feet exploded. Even with a pair of dry claws, he grabbed his calf!

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