Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1972: Jiangshan battle map

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Chapter 1792: Battles of Mountains and Rivers

"What the hell?"

The moment the earth exploded beneath his feet, Cheng Feng noticed it.

With a low drink, lift your right foot and kick it out.

Huh! Kick the dry ghost claw.

But at the same time, it brought out something under the soil.

Cheng Feng looked up and found that it was a dead body.

His body was dry, his clothes were torn, and he had a rusty weapon in his hand.

Obviously a person who has died for unknown years has been summoned by an inexplicable force!

"Cheng Feng, this should be the second big array set up by Emperor Huangtian."

At this time, Nalan's long-lived voice sounded: "This formation, based on the entire Pantheon, has the power to control the dead."

"And in the Pantheon, there are thousands of god-level warriors asleep."

"Once summoned by this force, it will be quite troublesome to launch a siege on you!"

"A formation that can control dead bodies?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "This time, it should be the battlefield map of Emperor Huangtian."

At this moment, Cheng Feng suddenly realized.

Finally understand why Emperor Huangtian brought him to Pantheon.

It turns out that Pantheon is simply a natural grave.

In almost every mountain, there are hundreds of god-level strong men asleep.

Although tens of thousands of years have passed, the physical strength of these divine powerhouses has decayed, and their fighting power has not survived.

However, the number can be called horror. If it is fully used by the battlefield map, it will really cause huge hidden dangers to Cheng Feng.

woo woo woo woo!

With the passage of time, the death on the Pantheon permeated.

A dry corpse appeared on each hill.

The corpses were skinny, with green flames burning in both eyes, making them creepy.

Moreover, each has a strong breath and a very strong body.

Although Cheng Feng kicked a cadaver's arm before his kick, his foot was also a little bit painful.

It was very uncomfortable like kicking on an iron rod.

Especially at this moment, after hundreds of thousands of dead bodies were unearthed, they all looked at the direction where Cheng Feng was.

Green eyes stared at him, and Cheng Feng's heart was weary.

The offensive that bombarded the Wanxing Royal God array was suspended, giving Xingyue Tianshen a chance.

Rolling divine power evoked, stabilizing the shaky million star Royal God array.

Even more, the defense has become stronger!

"Cheng Feng, give up."

Outside of Pantheon, Emperor Huangtian came up with a picture and was pouring divine power into it: "Hundred battles of mountains and rivers is a special formation method combining the formation method and the painting path."

"It has both the power of painting and the power of formation, and also the power of the dead."

"The three forces have reached a balance, and the power directly chases Wang Pin's mid-level formation."

"You can't break the power of a single product now!"

"It is better that you give up directly, and I will avoid wasting this hard-to-find Wang Pinling picture sent in from the Heavenly Realm of God."

"Wang Pin intermediate formation? What about it?"

After hearing that, Cheng Feng's eyebrows twisted into a Sichuan word: "If you want me to give up, first defeat me!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng suppressed the messy mood in his heart.

No longer thinking wildly, there is only one thought left in my mind, that is to break through the battlefield map of the mountains and mountains and the Wanxing Royal God array, and kill the encirclement of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Break me!"

Cheng Feng's decisive decisiveness triggered the divine power in his body. A dozen dry corpses walking straight ahead blasted him with a punch.

The power of this punch is amazing.

Bombed on those dozen dry corpses and beat them to fly ash on the spot!

After that, he continuously punched, banging bang ~~~

It nearly exploded nearly a hundred dead corpses, leaving a lot of space in front of them.

"Cheng Feng, since you have to try the power of battlefield maps."

Seeing this, Emperor Huangtian's voice sank: "That emperor will complete you!"

During speaking, Emperor Huangtian had no reservation at all, and filled the huge amount of divine power in his body into the picture in his hand.

Instantly, the picture glowed, and then came alive.

Into a ray of light, 光 ~~~

Laser shot towards Pantheon.

These auras seem to have some kind of wisdom.

After entering the Pantheon, a corpse was attached to each aura.

Let the dry body tremble suddenly, and the dry body quickly became full.

The firmness of the body produces a qualitative leap.

Previously, Cheng Feng was able to blast a dead body with a random punch.

But now, a corpse in a boxing can only punch a punch hole, it can't be fatal!

"What is that, that can make the dead body so much stronger!"

Cheng Feng's face changed.

I did not expect the aura of the pictures turned into the hands of Emperor Tiantian, and such power.

"Cheng Feng, I'm afraid this is the real battle plan."

At this moment, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "The picture in the hands of Emperor Tiantian has the ability to activate the residual potential in the body of the fallen god-level strong."

"The aura of light comes into the body, so that each of the god-level strong has a little strength when he was alive."

"The physical defense is skyrocketing, so you can't easily blow it up like before!"

"So it is ..."

Hearing here, Cheng Feng suddenly realized.

In fact, Emperor Huangtian has already said very clearly.

The battle map of the rivers and mountains is a special formation that combines the three forces of formation, painting, and necromancy.

Just now, Emperor Huangtian has not completely opened up the battle plan of Jiangshan, so the strength of the dry corpses is poor.

Now that the battlefield map of Jiangshan is fully opened, and the strength has risen to a higher level, Cheng Feng has certainly struggled to deal with it.

However, Cheng Feng was not intimidated, but a high spirit of fighting was born in his heart.

"Hundred battle maps, summoning the fallen god-level strong to help!"

Cheng Feng whispered: "That being the case, then I just try the strength of the ancient gods, how powerful they are!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng will grab the Devil Sword, 噌 ~~~

Pull it out of the scabbard.

I saw the cutting sword at this moment, the whole body was covered with cricket lines.

It looks like a scale of a wicked dragon, exuding a fierce luster!

But in fact, the Devil Sword is at its weakest moment.

Because the demon sword absorbed the metal essence of the entire burial emperor's tomb, fell directly into a deep sleep, and launched an impact on the holy artifact.

At this time, the sharp edge of the Devil Sword is no longer available, and it can only be used as a strong iron rod.

However, even so, it is enough for Cheng Feng!

I saw Cheng Feng hold on to the Devil Sword, and the divine power in his body was poured into the knife.

Then sweep across the knife, 嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

The black sword hit **** the head of a dead body.

The outbreak of terror has actually blasted the heads of more than a dozen corpses!

The once-fallen god-level powerhouse couldn't stop Cheng Feng from stabbing!

"Then Cheng Feng, how suddenly became so powerful?"

"Just two or three punches can kill a resurrected martial artist."

Outside the Pantheon, the Xingyue Tianshen was shocked: "Now with just one sword, even kill a dozen god-level warriors!"

"Is this the true strength of Cheng Feng?"

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