Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1979: Tengen Snow Monkey

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Chapter 179th Tianxuan Snow Ape

At this time, the blood **** beast was directly promoted to the prestigious Qipin advanced.

And there is also a tendency to impact the top seven grades.

Once he truly reaches the top of the seventh grade, he will become a trump card for Cheng Feng.

You can also easily win the seventh ascendant on the sky!

"This sky island is truly a natural adventure."

In a valley, Cheng Feng sighed, "In just a few hours, I actually improved my strength so much."

"And the others arrived three days before me, and the repairs were definitely higher."

"It is even possible to reach the seventh-strength limit, or even the eighth-strength master."

"Next, I need to be careful one or two."

This time, the talented disciples who entered Cangqiang Island, plus the beasts and sea monsters, have a total of 300 talents.

Such as Su Lin, Bai Zihua, Xiao Shengtian, if Xiuwei reached the seventh limit of ascending to the sky.

The strength of the battle will far exceed other seventh-strength extreme power.

Cheng Feng will be very troublesome to meet them.

Sensing the threat, Cheng Feng stopped delaying.

Take out more than a dozen nephrite jade sticks that have been picked, directly crush them, and pour the juice on the chopping magic knife.

Exciting sword screams were made by the Devil Sword, and the speed of upgrading to the holy weapon was greatly accelerated.

It is estimated that the short time is half a day, and the long time is three or five days.

Become a killer in Cheng Feng's hands!

"Get off and go deep into the sky."

After doing this, Cheng Feng put away the sword.

Subsequently, he performed a walking step and a shadow kill, and began to rush towards the center of the sky.

After traveling for half a day in this way, it was considered to have left the outer area of ​​Cangqiang Island and entered the inner periphery.

In the inner area of ​​Cangqiang Island, the vitality of heaven and earth has become more and more pure. Taking a breath, it is almost all vitality of heaven and earth.

There is no need to absorb it by running exercises. The vitality of heaven and earth spontaneously runs through the body's pores, penetrates into the body, and improves the divine power.

At the same time, the monsters in the inner area are becoming more and more arrogant.

The giant monster of the prefecture-level seventh product can be seen everywhere.

Even the giant monsters at the seventh level of the prefecture level can meet, and if ordinary people are not good, they will lose their lives.

what! !!

Flying in the inner circle of the sky.

Suddenly, a scream sounded.

Cheng Feng hurriedly looked at the direction of the voice, and suddenly saw a giant ape covered with white hair, pursuing a young man in black.

The young man in black was so good that he reached the sixth top of the sky.

Moreover, he is also proficient in a martial arts skill, and is as fast as lightning.

However, under the hands of that white-haired giant ape, he was as weak as a chicken.

He was quickly chased forward, grabbed it in his hand, and squeezed vigorously.

Click ~~~

The whole person was kneaded directly into a ball of meatloaf, which was then thrown into the mouth and eaten.

The **** scene made Cheng Feng frown.

"This is a prestigious Qixian Snow Ape, with brutality and atrocity, with great strength. It is estimated that the eighth strongest person in the sky will not fall behind.

Looking at the white giant ape, Cheng Feng's eyes narrowed slightly: "I'll take a detour and avoid unnecessary troubles!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng was about to detour.

However, at this moment, a soul ring of Cheng Feng made a buzzing sound.

"It's that dragon-shaped world!"

Feeling the buzz, Cheng Feng looked and immediately knew the source of the buzz.

A few days ago, Cheng Feng obtained a special fruit of heaven and earth under the Jianming Lake in the feathered gods Chao Dynasty.

That heaven and earth fruit was brought by Cheng Xue's mother Jiang Xue from the core of the earth dome, and has several special abilities.

Cheng Feng drank a little of the essence of the heaven and earth fruit, and he had a vague perception of the dangers on the earth and dome.

Where the giant demon lies on the sky of the sky, Cheng Feng can vaguely sense it in advance.

Especially important, Cheng Feng can also have a slight sense of the heaven and earth fruit on the sky of the sky.

Unfortunately, he drank too little heaven and earth fruit essence.

If you swallow the whole heaven and earth fruit, you may be able to clearly understand the specific position of the heaven and earth fruit on the sky.

Sweep all the fruits of heaven and earth!

However, Cheng Feng has not eaten it.

One is that the fruit of heaven and earth was left by his mother, and it was a bit cruel to eat directly.

The second is that Cheng Feng felt that the fruit of the heaven and earth was not ordinary.

Retention may be more effective than eating.

"This heaven and earth fruit, ever since I bleed some blood, has been shrunk in the soul ring and dare not take the lead."

Cheng Feng groaned: "Suddenly want to come out at this moment, do you find anything wrong?"

In his thinking, Cheng Feng simply took the fruit of heaven and earth out of the soul ring.

"Master, I found the source gas."

As soon as the fruits of the dragon-shaped world came out, he was full of excitement: "If I can get a lot of source gas, I will be able to grow and grow quickly."

"Also ask the host to help me ... I can contribute the source liquid to you!"

"Source gas?" Cheng Feng frowned.

"Cheng Feng, source gas should refer to the origin of the dome continent."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "This dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit is estimated to have sensed the breath of other heaven and earth fruit and wants to annex it to strengthen itself."

"Uncle Naland, can the fruits of heaven and earth devour each other?"

"Of course."

Nalan Changsheng nodded his head: "Actually, the fruits of heaven and earth are also graded."

"The greater the amount of source light, the higher the level."

"Once the amount of source light exceeds one hundred, the fruits of heaven and earth will undergo qualitative changes and be promoted to 'Tianmai'."

"Tianmai?" Cheng Feng was attracted by this new term.

"Tianmai is the highest heaven and earth fruit."

Nalan Changsheng said: "This thing is very difficult to conceive. The earth dome continent has bred the heaven and earth fruit several times, but the number of celestial veins has been bred.

"On one or two occasions, not even one of the veins was born."

"However, this time, the earth dome continent was stimulated by a lot of powerful means of creating nature, and it should be able to give birth to the heavens."

"But the quantity is not guaranteed."

"Is this the sky vein?"

Cheng Feng nodded suddenly: "No wonder the Emperor Huang once mentioned the word" Tianmai "."

"I didn't know it at the time, so now, it seems that the goal of Huangtiandi is to get a fruit of heaven and earth!"

"Master, what are you thinking about?"

While Cheng Feng was groaning, the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit was full of longing questions.

"Your proposal can be tried."

Cheng Feng depressed the undulating thoughts in his heart, raised his eyes and swept the dragon-shaped world, and commanded, "Let's lead the way, I'll go over and see."

"Master, that source of energy is in the mountains ahead."

Seeing Cheng Feng agreed to his request, the dragon-shaped world fruit jumped up and down excitedly.

Extend a dragon claw, pointing to a mountain ahead.

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