Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1980: Blood God Beast Promotion

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Chapter 198 Blood God Beast Promotion

Cheng Feng looked in the direction of the fingers of the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit, but his brows were wrinkled.

Because the location of the mountain is exactly the nest of the Tianxuan Snow Ape.

At this moment, the Tianxuan Snow Ape who had eaten the human genius was returning to the mountain.

If Cheng Feng wants to get that heaven and earth fruit, he will have to fight against Tian Xuanxue Ape!

"It seems that I must play against this Tianxuan Snow Ape."

Cheng Feng whispered: "In this case, let out the blood beast!"

"Being locked in the Royal Beast Bag for almost a month, it's time to show its effect."

After speaking, Cheng Feng took out the Royal Beast Bag.

A little reminder, 咻 ~~~

A terrifying behemoth flew out of the Royal Beast Bag.

When he got to glance at Cheng Feng, he let out a roar, and rushed to the Tianxuan Snow Ape directly.

As for Cheng Feng, he only glanced at the two exploding beasts who slaughtered together.

Then, under the path of the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit, he flew to the nest of Tianxuan Snow Ape.

Soon, Cheng Feng reached the lair of Tianxuan Snow Ape.

I saw that it was a wide stone forest area, and in the center of the stone forest, there was a cave.

Seeing the cave, the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit immediately flew over with excitement.

Cheng Feng followed, and also reached the cave.

When he looked down, a green grass was dripping into his eyes.

The grass is about half a meter high, with two small fruits on its top.

A faint scent was emerging from the fruit.

After seeing the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit, a pair of dragon eyes glowed with excitement.

Even if you want to fly down, swallow two small fruits.

However, as it was preparing to act, **** suddenly caught on its tail.

It was lifted up in the void, unable to move at all.

"the host……"

The dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit turned around and found that the person holding his tail was Cheng Feng.

It shriveled, staring at Cheng Feng in tears, hoping that Cheng Feng would let it go.

However, Cheng Feng did not let go.

"You guys, you know I'm your master."

Cheng Feng's gaze swept over the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit, reprimanding: "Since I know I am your master, be honest.

"Anything you do, ask me first."

"Without my permission, it is best not to act rashly."

"Otherwise, I don't mind stewing you into soup!"

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, the fruit of the dragon-shaped world shuddered, knowing that he was just a little bit forgotten.

Hurriedly avenged Cheng Feng for fear of being eaten by Cheng Feng.

"Okay, no more."

After a little lesson learned from the dragon-shaped world, Cheng Feng loosened the other's tail.

Then stepped out and entered the cave.

"Is this the fruit of heaven and earth?"

When he came to the cave, Cheng Feng observed the two fruits on the grass.

It was found that the fruit longan was the size and green of the whole body, each of which had a star-like bright spot, floating up and down in it.

Nine out of ten is the source of light in the rumor!

"Master, this is the fruit of the source gas."

The dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit hovered in front of the grass, and a pair of eyes were almost spitting fire: "If I eat these two fruits, not only can I grow a lot, but the source fluid consumed in the body can be quickly filled.

"At that time, I will contribute the source liquid for the host to enjoy."

For these two heaven and earth fruits, the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruits are very envious and want to swallow them.

Don't even hesitate to contribute his "blood" to seduce Cheng Feng.

However, Cheng Feng was unmoved, and said lightly, "I'll collect these two fruits for you first."

"Wait a lot later, I'll swallow it for you."

Then, Cheng Feng reached out and plucked the two green fruits from the top of the grass.

Suddenly, the little grass dried up as if it had lost all nutrients, and turned into a bunch of fly ash.

Only two emerald fruits remained, shining brightly in Cheng Feng's hands.

"These two heaven and earth fruits each have only one source of light, and the grade is very low."

Cheng Feng whispered: "But chat is better than nothing. Waiting for a few hundred will be enough to make the environment change!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng, under the gaze of the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit ‘You Yuan”, put two heaven and earth fruit into a soul ring.

Then he took a slight leap and flew out of the hole.

Hundreds of miles away from the cave, fierce fighting between the two beasts was raging.

The mountain that was bombarded by the earth was shaken, a large mountain range was destroyed, and large cracks appeared on the ground.

This is also the result of the strong laws of heaven and earth on the sky, and the ground and the void are very solid.

If placed on the dome continent, you must break down thousands of miles of territory!

"Xuanxue Ape today is indeed a rumored beast, and its combat effectiveness is indeed amazing."

Looking at the battlefield, Cheng Feng frowned: "The high-level blood **** beast of the seventh grade can easily defeat the top seven monsters of the first grade."

"But to Heaven Xuanxue Ape, they can only play with equal fanfare."

"Even if you can win in the end, it is a disastrous victory!"

"It's better for me to help the blood **** beast and resolve this Xuanxue Snow Ape as soon as possible."

"Maybe swallowing this ape will be able to advance the blood **** beast to the top level of the seventh grade!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng directly evoked divine thoughts.

The second kill of the Seven Kills is performed.

Facing the head of Tian Xuanxue ape in fierce battle.

Let Tianxuan Xue ape be struck by lightning, and his eyes appeared confused.

The blood **** beast is very savvy, taking the opportunity to launch a crazy attack.

噗嗤 ~~~

The Tianxuan Snow Ape was hit **** the spot.

Then he continued to make up the knife, directly hitting it into a dying state.

At this time, trying to escape again, it was too late to be pressed on the ground by the blood **** beast, and the blood basin swallowed.

In half an hour, the size of the blood **** beast grew a circle.

As for the Tianxuan Snow Ape on the ground, it has disappeared and disappeared into the belly of the Blood God Beast.

Swallowing the Tianxuan Snow Ape, the blood transpiration of the blood **** animal.

But a pair of eyes were a bit heavy, giving a drowsy feeling.

It is necessary to refining the essence of Tianxuan Snow Ape with deep sleep, so as to be promoted to the top seven prefecture level.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng gave a reminder and put it into the Royal Beast Bag.

Then glanced at the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit, and commanded: "Open your spiritual knowledge, sense the position of other heaven and earth fruit."

"If I can have a good harvest, I will definitely benefit you."

Obtained the order, although the fruit of the dragon-shaped world was somewhat reluctant, it was afraid to refute.

Reach out a dragon claw and lightly touch your forehead.

Hum! A circle of invisible ripples swell!

Then the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit reacted.

"Master, more than a thousand miles away, there is a source of breath."

The dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit shouted, "That breath is much stronger than the two original sources of gas just now. It should be a great source of fruit!"

In the shout, the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit immediately flew forward!

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