Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1985: Devastation

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Chapter 189 Destroyed

"Cheng Feng, it's different now."

The Mole youth proudly said: "I and the three of them entered the Cangqiang Island three days earlier than you, and now they have all entered the seventh-highest stage of the ascent.

"It's easy to defeat you!"

"Hehe ~~~"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng smiled: "Since you like to look for abuse, then I will complete you."

"Who comes up first, come on!"

"I Xiao Yun come and try your means."

As soon as Cheng Feng's words fell, the mole young man immediately took a step forward.

Lift your palm up, hum ~~~

Slap in the palm of Cheng Feng.

Mole youth's strength is not bad, the seventh-level middle-level martial artist's cultivation is undoubtedly revealed.

With a deep palm method, the palm shot like a giant Yue bomber, making the sky dim.

The arrogant force descended from the sky, and Cheng Feng was shot to the spot.

However, in the face of such a palm, Cheng Feng seems to be indifferent.

When the opponent's palm strength is about to hit himself, he will raise his hand and throw a punch at will.

However, this slammed into a random boxing.

But the magnificent palm was ripped apart from the middle, and then it was broken into a sky-high powder!

"What? Cheng Feng's boxing is so strong?"

His palm was easily cracked by Cheng Feng, which shocked the mole youngster.

You know, he is a well-known genius of the iconostasis.

The reason why the reputation was not obvious in the past was that the cultivation resources were insufficient to build up the cultivation.

Since entering the sky, taking a large amount of heaven and earth treasure, repaired to ascend like a rocket.

Self-confidence also swelled rapidly, but as he fought with Cheng Feng.

The gap in strength is immediately apparent!

"Well, Cheng Feng is still the sixth rebuild for the sky."

After being shocked, Mole Youth snorted coldly: "I only used eight points of strength just now, and it's normal to be unable to touch the other party."

"Next, I'm going full fire and seeing how he responds!"

During the conversation, the divine power in the mole young man began to evaporate like boiling water.

Waiting to the extreme, the second palm, slammed into Cheng Feng.

The young mole with full firepower has indeed strengthened his strength.

But want to defeat Cheng Feng, but still far too far away.

I saw Cheng Feng shake his head and smile, but still punched randomly.

Huh! That powerful palm strength was once again hit by Cheng Feng on the spot.

Not only that, after boxing, there is still a lot of strength left.

Continue bombardment at Mole Youth!

"Heavenly hand, stop me!"

With his full fire, he not only failed to defeat Cheng Feng, but was also chased by the opponent's punch.

The horror breath rushed forward, and it actually produced a smell of death.

This made the mole young's face turned wild, and he did not dare to neglect at all, and put out his own pressure-boxing method, "Tian Can Palm".

Suddenly, a slap of energy appeared in the sky, condensing together, the power soared several times.

Immediately, Bang ~~~

The punch punched with Cheng Feng finally blocked it.

But, waiting for Mole Young to breathe a sigh of relief.


There were even a few more boxing punches that penetrated the void and came straight to him.

This time, let the mole young man get cold.

Hurry to show Tian Can Palm again, with the intention of blocking these punches.

However, it cannot be stopped at all!

When the boxing blasted on the palm of Heaven's Canal, it was simply utterly devastated, and even the slow offensive could not be done.

In a blink of an eye, it was near the young mole.

"Dark armor shield, defense!"

As the crisis approached, Mole Youth took out a black armor shield from the soul ring and blocked it in front of him.

This shield is not ordinary, but it is made from the shell of a ten thousand year-old dragon turtle, and its defense is amazing.

However, when the punch hit the shield, a large crack quickly appeared.

Immediately, 嘭 ~~~

Exploded directly.

Fortunately, at that moment, the other two youths reacted in shock.

Using the strongest means to help, it was only then that the young moles were barely rescued from the dozen or so boxing bombardments.

Subsequently, the three were tumbling in their hearts.

Looking at Cheng Feng's eyes, like hell, he was full of fear.

I know deeply how big a gap there is between myself and Cheng Feng.

"Brother Xiao, this guy Cheng Feng is simply too strong."

Among the three, a young man with long hair said, "I feel like none of us are rivals."

"Well, we did underestimate Cheng Feng a bit."

Xiao Yun, a young mole, nodded, "But let's not be discouraged."

"This sky is full of adventures. We only need to wait for a while and we will improve it."

"By that time, we must be able to defeat Cheng Feng."

The three looked at each other while speaking, and Qiqi resigned.

The soles of your feet are on the ground, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

Turned into three human-shaped arrows, I plan to travel thousands of miles away.

"If you want to come, go, if you want to go, are you air Cheng Feng?"

However, before they left too far, a cold drink suddenly sounded.

The next moment, a majestic divine power swelled.

A huge shield of divine power condensed in the sky, and stopped the three Xiao Yun who were trying to escape.

"Cheng Feng, what do you mean?"

Being trapped in the air, Xiao Yun's face changed greatly: "I shot you just now, there was some recklessness."

"But we are all human beings. Don't you kill each other?"


Cheng Feng sneered: "Why didn't you think of these four words when you did something to me?"

"Cheng Feng, I have apologized to you, what else do you want?"

Looking at Cheng Feng, Xiao Yun asked in a deep voice.

"Oh, originally I wanted to let you go."

Seeing Xiao Yun's attitude, Cheng Feng's face became cold: "As for now, one, leave everything you get from Cangqiang Island."

"Second, break one arm each."

"Otherwise, I don't mind helping you."

"Cheng Feng, you are extorting and extorting!"

Hearing that Xiao Yun's faces were dark and very angry.

"How is it?"

However, Cheng Feng did not care at all: "Hurry up, I have no time to waste with you!"

"Asshole, we fight with you!"

Xiao Yun was all three reluctant to reap their own gains.

Looking at each other, they unexpectedly acted together, intending to jointly defeat Cheng Feng.

Thus, keep your own gains.

Unfortunately, they are too weak and too weak for Cheng Feng.

I saw that Cheng Feng was useless even to cut the magic sword.

A few minutes later, the three of Xiao Yun were lying on the ground with blue noses and swollen faces.

Not only did he obediently surrender his own gains, he was also abolished by Cheng Feng.

Even if their cultivation reaches the seventh intermediate level of the ascent to heaven, they can be reborn at any time.

But to completely return to the peak state, it takes at least seven or eight days.

You will miss the best time to harvest the fruits of heaven and earth.

It's a small punishment for them!

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