Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1986: Grim Reaper

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Chapter 986 Death God

"You can go now."

Dozens of Tiancai Baoyao and eight heaven and earth fruits contributed by Xiao Yun and others were put away.

Cheng Feng then glanced at each other and let him go.

After a violent meal just now, the three of Xiao Yun were completely timid and did not dare to show any respect for Cheng Feng.

At this moment I heard Cheng Feng's words, such as amnesty.

Fleeing low with her head down, she disappeared instantly.

As for Cheng Feng, he threw those heaven and earth fruits into a dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit.

The remaining seven were thrown away by Butterfly World.

After swallowing, the fruit of the butterfly world was reloaded into the soul ring, and then continued to the core area of ​​the sky.

The next journey was calm, and no cats or dogs came to look for abuse.

Occasionally, I met one or two colleagues and looked at each other.

Feeling that Cheng Feng was not provoking, he resigned with interest.

At the same time, Cheng Feng also met two old acquaintances.

One is a bitter bamboo monk from the West Desert Buddha country, which has now been cast into a sixth-grade Luohan.

This is one of the people who entered the sky in the Ximo Buddha country to assist the peerless spirit child to pick the fruits of the world.

As for the other person, it was Fang Yan, the eighth prince of the Feathered Dynasty.

Originally according to the original plan, Cheng Feng, Liang Luoshi, Feng Leidian, Sword Emperor Song 1-4, entered the sky of the sky from the sky channel that belonged to the feathered gods.

But after Cheng Feng went to the Apocalypse, he was too lazy to return to the Feathered Apocalypse.

Thus, they all staggered with the eighth prince Fang Yan and others.

After seeing this, I asked the other party's situation.

After some discussion, it was learned that all the personnel of Yuhua God entering the Cangqiang Island at this time were all thrown by the Cangqiang Channel to all parts of the Cangqiang Island.

Although before entering the sky, the Emperor Feather issued a kind of interconnected token.

But because of the suppression of the heaven and earth laws of the sky, the signal from the token became very weak.

So a group of twenty people went directly to politics.

Fang Yan entered the sky, first collected some natural treasures, and pushed Xiu to the sixth limit of ascending the sky.

Later, in order to please the Emperor Yuhua, he hurried to the core area of ​​Cangqiang Island.

The intention is to pick up a lot of fruits of the world and lay a solid foundation for the future battle for the throne.

However, his repairs were limited. Although he was two days ahead of Cheng Feng, he still could not reach the core area of ​​Cangqiang Island in advance.

Even before meeting Cheng Feng, he was chased by a beast.

If Cheng Feng weren't here to help, I'd be afraid to die on the spot.

"Brother Cheng, thank you so much this time."

Blood was dripping from his body, his clothes were shattered, and Fang Yan was grateful: "I would have died in this beast without you."

Speaking, Fang Yan glanced angrily at the corpse of a ferocious animal under his feet.

"His Highness Fang Yan is polite."

Cheng Feng said indifferently, "Yes, Your Highness, the python blue and white of Longyuan Pavilion, can finally catch up with the teleport of the sky, and entered the sky of the sky?"

Before entering the sky, Mango Blue and White went to a million mountains to cross over.

As a result, it didn't take long before the sky was opened.

I don't know if the other party, in the end, has caught up with the transmission in the sky channel.

"Boa blue and white? She arrived at the last minute."

Fang Yan had a deep memory of the blue and white python: "The woman is really strong, and once she met the elders of the Blood Gods."

"The second elder of the blood gods was blasted on the spot, and even the other people of the blood gods were killed."

"Fortunately, my father did not stop until I came forward. It was estimated that Xiuwei had reached the seventh highest level."

"After entering the sky, there will definitely be a blowout."

"It's our feathered dynasty, enough to be with you, Bai Zihua, and Surin!"

"So it seems that the blue-and-white girl has successfully weathered the disaster."

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng nodded with a smile: "That's fine, I don't have to worry about anything."

During the chat, the two Cheng Feng continued to hurry.

It didn't take long, and a large annular fault suddenly came into view.

"Grim Reap, finally here!"

Seeing the annular fault, Cheng Feng's face showed a smile.

Because this annular fault distinguishes the inner wall of the sky and the core area.

It is hundreds of miles wide and unfathomable.

This annular fault has only two entrances and exits.

One is on the side where Cheng Feng is, and the other is on the other side of the core area of ​​Cangqiang Island.

All warriors entering the sky island, if they want to leave the sky island alive, they must cross the core area and go out from the other side of the death fault of the annular fault.

In this way, we can leave the sky and return to the earth dome.

Otherwise, it will eventually sink into the core of the sky continent with the sky island.

"Brother Cheng, let's go north."

Fang Yan watched the Death God, and at the same time took out a map to contrast with each other, saying: "The entrance to the Death God is about 800 miles away from our north side."

For the sky, the Emperor Feather apparently did not spend much time, by collecting information left by those who have entered the sky in the past.

A brief description of the general situation in the sky island is a map.

Although it has evolved over tens of thousands of years, the topography of the sky can change drastically.

But the terrain of death, such as death, never changes.

"Okay, let's go north."

After listening to Fang Yan's words, Cheng Feng nodded, and then headed north.

Because this death **** is only a hundred miles wide, but it is the real abyss of death.

It is said that there is a horror monster lying in it, even more lethal poison.

The eighth-largest existence that entered the sky entered it, and could not fly ten miles, it would be invaded by poisonous gas and died!

Although Cheng Feng has a Dragon Ball in his hand, it can resolve all poisons.

But I also do n’t want to take huge risks to touch such restricted areas.

After all, you can't die without death!

The 800-mile journey was short to Cheng Feng.

Within a few minutes, a flat mountain ridge caught sight of Cheng Feng.

I saw that this mountain has a hundred-mile radius, and at this moment it has been artificially divided into several blocks.

A teleportation array was built on it, as if going to enter the core area on the other side through the teleportation array.

"His Royal Highness, what's going on with those teleportation arrays?"

Seeing the teleportation array, Cheng Feng asked with some curiosity.

"Brother Cheng, these teleportation arrays are prepared for many martial arts soldiers who have not yet reached the entrance of the death gods."

Fang Yan said: "You already know that if we want to leave the sky, we must cross the sky and exit from the other end."

"But those who enter the sky, they are strong and weak."

"Some people simply don't have the strength to cross the sky, and at this time they are scattered around the outer and inner areas of the sky, searching for heaven and earth treasures."

"With these teleportation arrays, they will be able to reach here through the teleportation array at the last minute."

"Then follow the roots of the giant sky tree and enter the core of the sky island and reach the other side of the sky island."

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