Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1988: Sky core

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Chapter 1898 The Core of the Sky

"Brother Sword, is this still asking?"

"Of course I can trust you!"

For the sword is dust-free, Cheng Feng is 100% trusted.

It is not only Cheng Feng's elder brother, but also his brother who can entrust life and death!

"Since you believe me, leave everything here to me."

Jian Wuchen stared at Cheng Feng's eyes, and Shen said, "As for you, immediately enter the core of the sky and fight for the fruits of heaven and earth!"

"I went to the core of the sky, what about you?"

Jian Wuchen's strength is not worse than humans, at this time has been nourished by the heaven and earth medicine, reaching the seventh ascendant.

Coupled with his indomitable Kendo, he can compete with the world's heroes.

You can even dye the fruits of heaven and earth.

Cheng Feng doesn't want to interrupt his opponent's future because of himself.

"Cheng Feng, my sword is dustless. Born only with kendo, the fruits of heaven and earth are no different to me."

Jian Wu said indifferently: "You can enter the sky of the sky to compete for the fruits of the heavens and the heavens, and everything else is enough for me!"

"This ..." Cheng Feng was still hesitant.

"Okay, don't drag your manly husband."

Jian Wuchen said: "You have a calamity, I hope you give me this brother, a chance to help you!"

Hearing here, Cheng Feng shook his hands, no hesitation in his heart.

"Brother Sword, please, please."

After speaking, Cheng Feng stepped flatly and walked towards the thick tree roots leading to the core of the sky island.

"Brother Cheng, although our strength is insufficient, we will stay here to do our best."

Looking at the departing Cheng Feng, Fang Yan shouted: "Finally, I wish you all the heavenly and heavenly fruits of the sky, all in one pocket.

"Your Highness, thank you!"

On the edge of a mountain ridge, Cheng Feng replied.

Immediately step forward, along the roots of the giant sky of the sky, towards the core area of ​​the sky.

In an instant, disappeared!

With Jian Wuchen and Fang Yan resident guarding the death shrine, Cheng Feng's burden went to half.

At present, there are only two people worried about, one is Le Qingli, and the other is Cheng Qingxue.

Although Le Qingying possesses a natural body, the practice time is too short.

Even if the talent is against the sky again, the weak will be in the end!

Fortunately, with lightness in Tenjin's position, the Tenjins at Tenjin will definitely make arrangements in advance.

Make sure the music is light and able to come out safely from the sky.

As for Cheng Qingxue, it is a bit dangerous.

She is in the Zongmen Moon Temple, which is not in line with the iconic royal family.

And there is this talented brother Cheng Feng, there must be many people who hate her.

In the event that some people are guilty of daring, they will have a bad heart for her, and the consequences will be disastrous.

There is a piece of jade on Fengfeng's hand. As long as Cheng Qingxue encounters a threat, he breaks jade.

Cheng Feng immediately noticed it, and then went to help.

"Hope someone, don't kill yourself!"

Cheng Feng whispered in his heart: "Otherwise, I will make you regret being born in this world."

In the meditation, a lush jungle came into view.

But when Cheng Feng approached, he discovered that it was a super-large tree.

The trunk of that tree does not know how big it is. From a distance, it looks like a mountain.

The dense jungle that Cheng Feng saw in the distance was actually the little saplings that grew out of the root of that tree.

Even the path that Cheng Feng enters into the core area of ​​Cangqiang Island is a root of that tree.

"This should be what Fang Yan said of the giant tree in the sky?"

When approaching the giant tree, Cheng Feng was touched a little: "It is rumored that the giant sky tree is a dead branch of the once heavenly tree."

"It seems that the rumors are true."

The sky **** tree is rumored to be the first **** tree in all realms.

It collapsed with the collapse of the world ’s largest world, the sky, and the earth-dome continent was a small core of the sky.

On the dome continent, there are two dead branches of the sky **** tree scattered.

One part turned into the ironwood **** tree of the ironwood family, and the other sunk into the sky of the sky in the center of the dome continent, and turned into this giant tree of the sky.

In fact, compared with the real sky **** tree, it is a hundred thousand miles away!

Roar! !!

Cheng Feng had just arrived at the core area of ​​the dome continent, and a loud roar suddenly sounded.

The next moment, a giant tiger with a few feet jumped down from the giant tree in the sky.

With the mouth wide open, Cheng Feng had to swallow it.

"Animals, look for death!"

Facing the swallowing of the giant tiger, Cheng Feng raised his hand and threw it.

Snapped! A crisp sound.

Immediately, the giant tiger of the sixth grade was beaten by Cheng Feng with a slap.

Rolling on the ground several times, he was stunned.

Showed Cheng Feng, almost terrifying power.

After solving this little trouble, Cheng Feng didn't even look at the giant tiger.

Step into the core area of ​​the sky formally.

I saw that the core area of ​​this sky island is indeed very different from the outside.

The concentration of qi is getting higher and higher, and it even condenses into a liquid, which accumulates into the qi qi mountain spring.

Not only the vital energy concentration, but also the degree of danger has increased exponentially, and various dangerous places can be seen everywhere.

In places that seem to be dangerous, stepping on them can be fatal.

For example, Cheng Feng encountered a clear stream on the way.

He's about to sit down and wash his face.

The stream rose into the air, exuding a cold scent, and almost freezing people into ice sculptures.

Turns out to be a Hou Pinzhenshui!

"Interestingly, on this sky island, you can still produce true water."

Cheng Feng's eyes lit up: "In this case, I can catch Zhenshui, so I can cultivate the first layer of Rulai Jinshenju to the top."

The first floor of Rulai Jinshenju is called Luohan Faxiang, also called Luohan Shen.

There are nine grades on this floor. You need to smelt true water and different fires to be promoted layer by layer.

Cheng Feng has just completed the first level and it is time to advance.

He went to Heishui Palace before and asked Pei Feng for several kinds of true water.

"Perhaps, I should first cultivate Jinrujue, such as Rulai."

Cheng Feng's thoughts moved: "As for searching for the heavenly and heavenly fruits, they are handed over to the blood **** beast and dragon-shaped fruits."

"It's not too late to let me know when they find out."

Cheng Feng's idea is entirely feasible.

Because of the current level of the blood **** beast, it is about to advance to the top of the seventh grade.

Until then, unless you encounter the prefecture-level eight-pin giant monster, you can almost walk sideways in the core area of ​​Cangqiang Island.

Together with the metamorphosis perception of dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit, it is an excellent combination for finding heaven and earth fruit.

Cheng Feng was decisive and decided to act immediately.

I saw him take out the Royal Beast Bag, and he urged him to summon the Blood God Beast.

Not long ago, the blood **** beast devoured the top seven top-level Tianxuan Snow Apes and was transformed into the beast bag by Cheng Feng for promotion.

After this period of transformation, the breath has changed greatly!

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