Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1989: One thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine

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Chapter 1989 Chapter 189

At this moment the blood **** beast, the scale armor and spikes on his body became sharper.

The shape became bigger and more terrifying.

Ascendant martial arts warriors are close to each other, they will have a feeling of death involuntarily.

However, Cheng Feng didn't feel the slightest.

After being released by Cheng Feng, the blood **** beast shook his head like a pet.

He also intended to lean his head on Cheng Feng, but was thrown by Cheng Feng with a slap, and he murmured immediately.

Lie on the ground, do not dare to chat.

"Blood beast, have you completed the promotion?"

Glancing at the Blood God Beast, Cheng Feng asked lightly.

"Back to the master, I have been promoted to the top of the prestigious Qipin."

The blood **** beast whispered: "Now even the giant monster of the prefecture level eight, I am bravely fearless."

"Can you fight against the eight-level giant monster?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "The eight-level giant monster at the prefecture level is comparable to the eighth strongest man in Dengtian."

"Blood God Beasts possess this kind of combat power and can completely roam in the core area of ​​the sky."

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng had a decision in mind.

Looking at the blood beast, he ordered: "I will give you a task next, I hope you will not let me down."

"Also ask the owner to tell, the young must be done properly."

Although the blood **** beast is cruel and brutal, he is afraid and obedient to Cheng Feng.

Even if the strength has now reached a level of horror, it is no exception.

"Next, I want you to cooperate with the dragon-shaped world fruit ..."

Cheng Feng called the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit and gave an order together.

After listening to the blood **** beast and the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit, they promised to complete the task.

Especially the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit is a pair of eyes and thieves.

Obviously want to fill the pockets and steal the fruits of the world.

"You two monitor each other and help each other."

Cheng Feng glanced at the two demons and banged: "If in the end nothing can be obtained for me, the consequences ... conceit!"

After the beat, Cheng Feng waved his hand, motioning to the blood beast to leave with the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit.

As for himself, it was triggered by divine power to suppress the Houpin Zhenshui directly.

Then choose a secluded place, and then prepare to practice the golden body, Luo Han Faxiang!

"Cultivate here."

Cheng Feng flew into a valley, searched it, and found that it was not dangerous, then used it as a temporary residence.

Landed on a wide rock and took a closer look at the real water in his hand.

"The smelting of true water and different fires in order to cultivate the Arhats, requires gradual progress."

Cheng Feng groaned: "At the beginning, the level of smelting true water and different fires should not be too high, and you need to slowly increase the level."

"In this way, the Luohan Fa phase cultivated will have a solid foundation and a clear sense of hierarchy."

"And in my hand, there are exactly four kinds of mysterious real water, and two types of Houpin real water, which are enough to cultivate the Luohan method to the sixth or seventh grade."

Most of the real water in Cheng Feng's hands was obtained from Heishui Palace.

The four types of mysterious real water are in order Xuan level elementary, intermediate, high and top.

Next, just get the different fires corresponding to these four mysterious products, and then start repairing.

And the different fire, Cheng Feng also happened to have.

That was a long time ago, Cheng Feng obtained from the royal treasure house of the Feathered God Dynasty to feed the new emperor.

Most of them were eaten by the new emperor fire, and the remaining ones were sealed in exclusive bottles, which have been used by Cheng Feng until now.

I didn't expect it to be useful to them.

"I'll look at the situation first."

Cheng Feng evoked the thoughts and took out the bottle containing the different fire from a soul ring.

After staying a little or two, they quickly identified several different fires that could match Xuanpin's true water.

"Finally, the aids for practicing the Arhats have been found."

Putting four kinds of true water and four different fires in front of him, Cheng Feng whispered, "Next, let's start with the arrogance of the Luo Han method and practice to the fifth grade.

As a result, Cheng Feng runs like the first floor of Jinshenjue.

Attracting the weakest of the four types of true water and different fires, they slowly merged into the body and began to formally practice the Arhats.

Time passed, and hours passed.

After these hours of practice, Cheng Feng's light shined on his body, giving a kind of Buddhist compassion.

It looks like an old monk who has practiced for hundreds of years after joining the WTO, which makes people involuntarily produce an urge to bow their heads and worship.

Especially behind him, a huge golden body Luo Han sits.

Keeping him all under him, no one could hurt half a hair.

"With the assistance of Zhenshui and Yihuo, Rulai Jinshenju is really easy to cultivate."

Cheng Feng's eyes opened, and a smile appeared on his face: "In just a few hours, I trained Luo Hanfa to the fifth grade."

I saw Cheng Feng's body with four red and white ancient Buddhist texts.

Adding the first one is exactly five.

It is exactly the sign of the Luo Han Fa, who cultivates to the fifth grade.

Once the Luohan Fa phase is cultivated to the ninth grade, the nine Buddhist texts on his body transform into bodhisattva tattoos.

That is the second level of Rulai's golden body tactics, the bodhisattva phase!

The ninth-level horror that exists on the sky cannot shake the Bodhisattva.

It is the first goal of Cheng Feng's current practice!

"I still have two stocks of Hou Pinzhen, Hou Pin's first and intermediate levels."

Cheng Feng exhaled and suppressed the joy in his heart: "So, continue to practice."

"Strive to advance the Luohan Fa phase to the seventh grade!"

At this point, Cheng Feng once again fell into cultivation.

At the same time, the huge Cangqiang Island became lively.

First, the outer area and core area of ​​Cangqiang Island, the appearance of many outsiders, made the monsters on the island hostile.

Began to appear in groups, the **** slaughter of those outsiders who collected the treasures of heaven and earth and heaven and earth.

Many outsiders did not respond before they were swallowed up by cruel monsters.

Most outsiders are quickly aware of the danger.

Part of them hide, trying to avoid the attacks of the monsters.

The other part is to gather to the death gods of the sky to avoid the slaughter of the demons.

It ’s just that this method is good, but it needs a vanguard to arrive at the death squad and build a teleportation array.

A team with a teleportation array quickly avoided the besiege of the monsters by means of teleportation in the void.

As for the team without a teleportation team, that would be miserable.

Only on foot can escape the monster's chase, and eventually there are no ten, most of them died under the monster's fangs.

The warriors from the feathered dynasty were more fortunate. Fang Ling and Jian Jian guarded the teleportation array and rescued a large number of people chased by monsters.

Some were really besieged by monsters and couldn't escape, Jian Wuchen even went to rescue himself.

It is the team with the least loss among all the teams that entered the sky.

Compared to here, the core area of ​​Cangqiang Island is more cruel.

With a large number of top young talents entering the core area of ​​Cangqiang Island, they started to compete for the fruits of the world.

An invisible breath spread away, letting the monsters located in the core of the sky island become manic.

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