Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1990: One thousand nine hundred and ninety

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19909019 天

The breath emanating from the core area of ​​the sky island seems to have a special power.

Let the beasts on the island be restless, and even the giant tree in the sky was affected.

The huge tree shook and slightly shaken the entire sky, so that all the people and demon who entered the sky can be moved.

On the edge of the sky of the island, in a valley.

Cheng Feng was practicing the Luohan Fa phase and was also shocked by it.

A pair of eyes opened and looked deep into the core of the sky.

"It seems that the real battle for the fruits of heaven and earth is about to begin."

Cheng Feng thought deeply: "The breath just now, ten out of ten is an order of super-high heaven and earth fruit for self-protection."

"Although the monsters on the island launched a siege on many outsiders."

"But at the same time, it has exposed its whereabouts."

"At this moment, it is estimated that all the powerful peerless geniuses are rushing to where they are."

"I'm not in a hurry, I won't be late until I have trained Luo Hanjin to seventh grade."

Cheng Feng has just finished the sixth grade of Luo Han's method, and is about to start practicing the seventh grade.

Stopping for the fruits of the heavens and the earth at this time will affect the follow-up cultivation of the Luo Han Fa, which is a little bit worth the loss.

What's more, the blood **** beast + dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit has already taken the lead for him.

He didn't have to be so anxious and rushed to the location of the high-level heaven and earth fruit.

"Continue to practice."

After the idea was settled, Cheng Feng suppressed the complicated thoughts in his heart to the bottom of his heart.

The next moment, he continued to practice the Arhat gold body.

Time flies, about an hour later.

Om ~~~

On Cheng Feng's body, a seventh ancient Buddhist scripture appeared.

This is a sign of Luo Han Fa's practice.

As soon as the Fa body was triggered, a golden body Luohan appeared behind Cheng Feng, protecting Cheng Feng under him.

I feel that the eighth strongest person in the sky may not be able to break it.

It became Cheng Feng's another defensive hole card.

With the use of the War God armor, it will be a powerful guarantee for Cheng Feng to escape from the sniper of the good fortune.

At the same time, the core area of ​​the sky is becoming more tense and chaotic.

The 300 geniuses of various ethnic groups who entered the sky of the island this time, except for those who died, were not enough to repair ... others, almost all poured into the core of the sky.

Then he killed the position that had a special breath before.

It is necessary to forcibly collect the fruits of the higher order heaven and earth.

"Suspected of heaven and earth fruit?"

Behind the training of Qipin Luohanfa, Cheng Feng stood up, his eyes flashed: "It seems that it is time for me to rush there."

"If it is really the fruit of heaven and earth, no one wants to take it from me!"

Stop, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng strode forward and flew to a position with a special breath.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Before flying for a long time, a fierce fighting sound came into my ear.

Cheng Feng looked up and found that in the forest in front of him, a man and a beast were fighting.

I saw that monster was very strong and very fast.

Although small in size, it is very flexible, with two claws like sharp knives.

Flashing and jumping can put people to death.

The warrior fighting the fox-shaped monster was a young man in black.

This youth should come from the misty dynasty and be good at using Wuhun.

Provoked three martial spirits, fighting with the fox-shaped monster beastly.

Unfortunately, the combat effectiveness and fighting experience are still lacking.

Soon after being seized by the fox-shaped monster, he opened a big gap in his chest.

Subsequently, the fox-shaped monster attacked continuously, succeeding in succession, beating the young man in black in a panic.

In the blood, the young man in black finally knew that he was not the opponent of the fox-shaped monster and resigned.

However, it is too late to retreat at this moment.

The fox-shaped monster followed him, and did not give him a chance to escape at all.

With the advantage of speed, he continued to attack him.

Let more and more wounds on young men in black, getting closer and closer to death.

In accordance with this situation, the young man in black is destined to die under the claws of the fox-shaped monster.

However, when the youth in black looked desperate.

Huh! A surge of force emerged out of thin air.

Hit the fox-shaped monster and flew out.

Before falling to the ground, the sound of broken bones sounded.

Blood splattered from the mouth and nose, and it was obvious that his life would soon die!

"this is……"

Seeing this scene, the young man in black shook with emotion.

Look up and look around, wondering who existed to save his life.

However, he searched around without seeing half a figure.

There was only a faint voice, ringing in his ear.

"Looking at Gu Qingcheng's face, I save your life."

"But your strength is too weak to be competitive in the heart of the sky."

"If you want to survive, you still have to quit the battle for the fruits of heaven and earth."

"Otherwise, die faster!"

After speaking, the surroundings became calm.

There is no half-human shadow except the fox-shaped monster lying on the ground and breathing.

As for the rescue of the young man in black, Cheng Feng has long gone.

Because he saved the young man in black, just to do it.

The subsequent persuasion was only a kind reminder.

The other party listens better, and it doesn't matter if you don't.

Soon, Cheng Feng flew a thousand or two thousand miles.

On this way, Cheng Feng encountered many warriors and demons who rushed to the core of Cangqiang Island three thousand miles away.

However, more local monsters were encountered, and those warriors and monsters chased and blocked.

According to Cheng Feng's estimates, most of the warriors and demons were intercepted in the middle.

No one actually arrives at his destination.

However, the people who can get to the place are all elites.

At the very least, Xiu reached the seventh ascent to the sky.

This is indeed the case.

When he reached three thousand miles in the heart of the sky, at the foot of a towering mountain peak.

About a dozen people and demons split into several teams and stood around the mountain.

Among them, the combination of blood **** beast + dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit also occupy a favorable position.

After sensing Cheng Feng, he immediately made a roar!

This roar directly attracted everyone's attention to Cheng Feng.

With a pair of eyes, Qi Qi cast his eyes.

"This person looks familiar!"

"It's Cheng Feng, this person is Cheng Feng of the Feathered God!"

"I was told before that Cheng Feng was counted and trapped in the Pantheon of the Tianhuang God."

"I thought at the time that he would miss this battle for the fruits of the world."

"It seems obvious now that I think too much!"

Seeing Cheng Feng's moment, all kinds of thoughts were stirred in the hearts of everyone.

The strong self-confidence in capturing the fruits of the heavens and the earth, a rift quickly appeared at this moment.

Even the geniuses of many monsters and sea clan are no exception!

In particular, a few people familiar with Cheng Feng's eyes contracted violently and their hands clucked.

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