Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1991: One thousand nine hundred and ninety one

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Chapter 1991: Chapter 1991 Tianzhu Mountain

"Cheng Feng, he actually rushed here, it was abominable!"

To the west of the towering mountain peak, a young man riding a giant elephant looked at Cheng Feng, his mouth twitched.

He was most unwelcome about Cheng Feng's arrival.

It is a pity that Cheng Feng is not ready, Cheng Feng is close at hand.


"Is this person Cheng Feng?"

On the east side of the towering mountain peak, a young man stood proud: "The father and the emperor told me many times to try to avoid fighting with this son.

"Even in order to trap this child in the dome continent, he did not hesitate to use deception, but he failed."

"However, Su Shengtian can beat the sky."

"You Cheng Feng will also be defeated by my men!"


"Cheng Feng, an interesting guy."

On the south side of the towering mountain peak, a man with three heads around his neck said, "But you want to take the fruits of heaven and earth from the hands of this temple, but there is no possibility."

This person is obviously not a human, but a sea genius from the endless sea.

In addition to Di Di, Su Shengtian and others.

Around the towering peaks, there are still many tyrannical youths.

For example, a young bald monk under ten years old has a childlike smile on his face.

However, the Buddha's power in the body was surging and surpassed the warrior's first seat.

Secondly, there is a hot girl in black with a pair of eyes staring curiously at Cheng Feng.

There is also a young man with three eyes on his face, showing a thoughtful look.

However, facing the complex eyes of everyone, Cheng Feng remained unmoved.

A pair of eyes swept one by one, and my heart knew the current situation.

He walked towards the position where the blood **** beast was, and landed on the back of the blood **** beast.

Seeing this, everyone became increasingly frightened of Cheng Feng.

They thought that Cheng Feng had just arrived and knew nothing about the situation.

Now I know that Cheng Feng was already prepared.

The explosive beast with horrific fighting power is Cheng Feng's pet, which is leading Cheng Feng.

"Blood God Beast, what is the current situation?"

Cheng Feng stepped on the head of the blood beast and asked lightly.

"Master, now I am in a confrontation with the monsters of the sky."

The blood **** beast whispered: "The fruit of heaven and earth, which is suspected of heavenly veins, is on the top of the mountain."

"But the entire mountain has been filled with many monsters. We want to get the fruits of the world, we must tear the defense line formed by the demons."

"So far, only two people have done it."

"Oh? Which two?"

Cheng Feng was quite moved.

You know, the mountain in front of him is full of fierce monsters after 800 meters.

The grades are not low, and the weakest ones have reached the sixth grade of the prefecture level.

The terrible existence of the seventh grade and even the suspected eight grades are looming.

It's a copper wall and an iron wall, indestructible!

However, some people ripped this iron wall out of nowhere!

"It was Su Lin and Bai Zi painting!"

At the foot of the mountain, without waiting for the Blood God Beast to answer, a voice came first.

Cheng Feng turned around and found that a beautiful woman in Tsing Yi stood up, actually a blue and white python.

"Girl, blue and white, congratulations on your seventh entry into the sky!"

I saw at this time the python blue and white body was less enchanting and more popular.

However, the strength in the body has not been reduced because of this, but it is more ambitious.

Even Cheng Feng couldn't help but frown.

"Ascent to heaven is seventh, nothing to congratulate."

Mang Qinghua said faintly: "Congratulations after I have passed the Nine Heavens Tribulation and entered the good fortune."

The python blue and white goal is ambitious, but it is to enter the fortune.

In fact, with her talent and strength, it is not a problem to enter the realm of fortune.

If she wants, she can definitely do it.

"Has the blue and white girl been here for a long time?"

Cheng Feng shrugged, and then asked: "You said that someone had rushed to the top of the mountain just now. It was my brother Surin from Qianlong Academy who painted with the Blood God.

"Yes, it was Su Lin and Bai Zi painting."

Boa Blue and White nodded: "The two people are very strong, walking directly on top of the demon heads."

"None of them can compare with it!"

Boa Blue and White recognized the strength of Su Lin and Bai Zi's paintings.

Apparently, the picture of Su Lin's tearing the copper wall and iron wall on the mountain just now caused her a huge shock.

In fact, Cheng Feng mentioned that there were two people in the Blood God Beast, who had already rushed to the top of the mountain one step before thinking of Su Lin and Bai Zi painting directly.

So after getting confirmation, there was no slight movement on his face.

"Since Brother Su and Bai Zi have already gone up, let me go up too!"

Cheng Feng said faintly, "This heaven-level heaven and earth fruit, I want Cheng Feng!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng nodded slightly to Mangqing.

Immediately without delay, he waved his hand to put away the fruits of the dragon-shaped world. As soon as he urged the blood beast under his feet, he went directly to the mountain surrounded by the monster group.

"It's crazy, Cheng Feng is just crazy."

"Actually in the presence of all of us, we have won the fruits of the world from the top of the mountain, and clearly we have not taken our eyes off!"

"Huh, I'll see how he can pick up the heavenly and heavenly fruits from the top of the mountain surrounded by these demon!"

Everyone present was unhappy with Cheng Feng's domineering declaration.

Many people hum in their hearts, depending on Cheng Feng's joke.

At the same time, there are also a few self-confidences who are superior, and they are taking a step forward and are preparing to climb the mountain.

However, Cheng Feng didn't pay attention at all.

Step on the blood beast and climb up a mountain.

The peak in front of Cheng Feng is very large, and there are many monsters on it.

On Cheng Feng's way, there were more than a dozen prefecture-level sixth-grade giant demon Hengchen.

Seeing Cheng Feng walking with the blood **** beast, they all uttered a brutal roar, to tear Cheng Feng into pieces.

Roar! !!

In the face of the demon who blocked the way, the opportunity for the blood **** beast to show up came.

Vicious gas blasted out from the body, and a more brutal three-point roar was issued.

The more than a dozen prefecture-level giant monsters couldn't help but retreat, and the momentum quickly fell down!

When Cheng Feng and the Blood God Beast arrived near, the dozen or so monsters looked at each other, but they were timid and backed away.

Let Cheng Feng follow the blood **** beast, the leisure court walks generally over the first obstacle of the mountain peak.

"Fuck, a fierce explosive beast, even the native monsters of the sky island are afraid of three points."

"Cheng Feng can surrender such explosive beasts. The strength is incredible."

"I'm afraid it's easy, you can cross the four levels of Tianzhu Mountain and reach the top of the mountain, right?"

The peak that Cheng Feng climbed at this time is called Tianzhu Mountain.

There are four stages in this mountain. The first stage is occupied by talented young people.

The second, third, and fourth stages are filled with various monsters.

And the monster level of each stage is different.

The monster in the second stage of Tianzhu Mountain is between the sixth grade and the seventh grade.

The third stage is from the beginning of the seventh grade to the top.

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