Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1992: 1 st 1992

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Chapter 1992 Chapter 192

In the fourth stage of Tianzhu Mountain, it is a super monster with eight heads and eight ranks.

Heng Chen exudes a majestic breath on the top of Tianzhu Mountain.

Even Su Lin and Bai Zi, who have already climbed Tianzhu Mountain, are only standing between the third and fourth stages of Tianzhu Mountain at this moment.

Looking at the eight-headed super monster, his face was full of dread.

As for Cheng Feng, there was no response at all.

After stepping on the blood **** beast, after crossing the second stage of Tianzhu Mountain, go straight to the third stage.

The monster in the third stage of Tianzhu Mountain can't be compared with the second stage.

Not only has there been a qualitative leap in strength, but the level of brutality and willpower has also increased tremendously.

In the face of the fierce vigor emitted by the blood **** beast, there was no fear.

Ten top-level seven-level top-level monsters swooped down, and it tasted like shattering the blood **** beast.


Facing the culprit of ten giant demon, the blood **** beast screamed in anger.

After waiting to glance at Cheng Feng, he greeted the ten giant demon.

Bang ~~~

The blood beast first collided with a pangolin-like giant demon.

The horrible force exploded, shaking the gigantic Tianzhu Mountain.

The flying sand walked among the rocks, causing the pangolin giant demon to retreat dozens of meters in a row.

The indestructible armor on the back had some collapse.

Obviously, the hardness of the body is not as good as that of the blood **** beast, which is caused by severe collision.

In contrast, the blood **** beast, after knocking back the pangolin giant demon, slammed his head and slammed into the other giant demon.

This giant demon is a giant wolf.

A creature like a wolf, called a copper-headed ironback, is very fierce.

The body is very hard, except for a limited number of beasts that can compare with the physical strength.

Other monsters get together, they will be crushed on the spot and violently on the spot!

However, when the giant wolf collided with the blood **** beast fiercely.

Huh! Actually hit by the blood **** beast and flew out.

A crack appeared on the head of the so-called copper head, and blood splattered out, which had been badly hit.

As for the blood **** beast, the head of the wolf also hit a pit in his body.

At the same time, two blood claws were torn from his body by two dewclaws.

However, this did not make the blood **** beasts timid, but more fierce.

A pair of giant eyes exudes a brutal light, the next moment, went straight to the third giant demon!

"I'll go, Cheng Feng's war pet is fierce."

"The same as the top seven monsters at the prefecture level, but they can beat one by three."

"This kind of combat power is estimated to be able to break through the third stage of Tianzhu Mountain without Cheng Feng's shot?"

Everyone present was shocked to see the ferocious blood beast.

Many people who are waiting to see Cheng Feng's joke can't laugh at this moment, and feel that he is a joke.

As for the peerless spirit child of the Ximo Buddha Kingdom, the son of the heavenly deity, the divine deities, and the divine deities, the dreadful stream, is waiting for the opportunity at the same time as the eyes show dread.

All the monsters in the third stage of Tianzhu Mountain were going to be attracted by Cheng Feng before they started to climb the mountain.

At that time, they will be able to rush all the way to the fourth stage of Tianzhu Mountain.

"A group of speculators!"

Python blue and white saw the minds of everyone, could not help but hum.

Immediately, he grabbed a black sword and flew towards Tianzhu Mountain.

A sword will assassinate dozens of prefecture-level six-level monsters in front of her, and instantly cross the second stage of Tianzhu Mountain and go straight to the third stage.

Obviously, we must be suspected and help Cheng Feng bear the pressure!

Seeing this, Cheng Feng frowned.

Knowing that the reason why Boa Blue and White is doing this is to help itself, and a warmth rises in my heart.

As for others, it is all kinds of envy.

In particular, the young man with three heads in the Hai nationality gave Cheng Feng a stern glance.

It is very uncomfortable to protect Cheng Feng from the python blue and white.

However, Boa Blue and White didn't care what others thought.

The sword in his hand was stabbed, causing a violent sword shadow to stir up the monsters in the third stage of Tianzhu Mountain.

Most of the remaining half rushed in the direction of Cheng Feng.

The servants succeeded and launched an attack on the blood **** beast.

Under this condition, the blood **** beast could not bear it.

After all, it is only the top of the seventh grade, although its combat power is much stronger than the monsters in the same realm.

But the power is weak, and the monsters are besieged for a long time. Sooner or later, there will be a big problem.

However, behind the Blood God Beast, Cheng Feng is still standing.

When Cheng Feng saw the situation of the blood beast was not so good, he finally stopped watching.

Divine power in the body evoked, and thunder cannons were displayed.

Boom boom!

Dozens of punches were thrown in succession towards the giant monsters rushing around.

Move at least seven or eight head-level seventh-level top monsters back and forth.

The blood beast got a chance to gasp and rushed forward immediately.

Hitting all the monsters blocking the road or trampled to death opened up a road to Kangzhuang for Cheng Feng.

In this case, with almost no effort, Cheng Feng passed the third stage of Tianzhu Mountain.

The eight-headed super monster in the fourth stage of Hengchen in front of Tianzhu Mountain in the front had originally bet on Su Lin and Bai Zihua.

The rest of the eyes swept across the scene, immediately moving.

There were three giant monsters on the spot, cast their eyes full of murderous intentions.

"Baizi painting, Brother Cheng Feng has already caught up. How long will you wait?"

Su Lin stood with his hands on his shoulders, looking at Cheng Feng, who was approaching quickly, and faintly painted to Bai Zi.

"Wait until Cheng Feng arrives."

Bai Zi painted fluttering white clothes, chic and handsome: "Our three-person gambling battle is more fair from the same starting line!"

"Pursue fairness?"

Surin's brow raised, "Very well, I like Surin."

After speaking, Surin stopped talking.

Piaoran stood in place, waiting for Cheng Feng's arrival.

Cheng Feng did not let Su Lin wait for too long.

As if knowing the thoughts of the two of Su Lin, Cheng Feng directly exerted his full strength to defeat all the giant demon encircled.

Even under the back of the Blood God Beast, Xuan quickly passed the third stage of Tianzhu Mountain.

Become the third person to set foot on the fourth stage of Tianzhu Mountain.

"Brother Su, Bai Zihua, are you waiting for me?"

Standing between Su Lin and Bai Zi's painting, Cheng Feng asked lightly.


Bai Zi drew: "Breaking you on the same starting line will make me happy enough."

"Baizi painting, you are wrong."

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng shook his head and said, "You cannot defeat me, especially in the case of the same starting line, there is even more hope!"

"If you don't believe it, I'll prove it to you!"

"Hum, I'll wait for you to prove me!"

When Cheng Feng said, Bai Zi hummed.

Immediately turned back, there was no longer a delay, and his toes stepped on the ground like a crane.

Rushed into the fourth stage of Tianzhu Mountain!

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