Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2008: Four Star Heavens

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Chapter 2008 The Four Star Heavens

Cheng Feng had some difficulties in his mind, but in the end he chose to remain silent.

Let the two heaven and earth fruits continue to devour each other.

At this time, the remaining two heaven and earth fruits, all living fruit heaven and earth fruits, are very cruel and brutal.

It was extremely **** to devour and made people shudder!

After so many minutes, the results of the devour came out.

It turned out that the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit won, swallowing two suspected heaven and earth-level fruits, and a half-sky heaven-and-world fruit.

Let the shape of the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit soar, and the scales are covered with clusters, turning into hard dragon scales.

A pair of sharp dragon horns grew on the head, like two deformed sharp blades.

Along the way, people's skin has a tearing feeling!

Not only the appearance, but also the body of the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit has undergone tremendous changes.

The original thin source light almost filled the whole body at this moment.

Along the blood vessels, four star rings were formed.

That star ring is unusual and possesses a special power.

Cheng Feng looked with the eyes of the God of Creation, and his eyes actually produced a pain!

"Interesting, really interesting!"

Cheng Feng's eyebrows were raised: "This dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit has undergone such changes, which is completely different from before!"

"Can it be said that this is the true fruit of heaven and earth?"

"The so-called 'world fruits' were all fakes?"

Cheng Feng had previously obtained the fruits of Bailian Tiandi and Juhua Tiandi, although the source light was all bright as stars.

But there is no order, scattered all over the body.

It's like a piece of scattered sand without a pattern.

But the fruits of Longxing Heaven and Earth are different. The source light in the body forms a ring of stars, giving a feeling that the stars are brewing.

Perhaps this is the fruit of the heavens and the heavens, the weather it should be!

"Cheng Feng, I have been promoted to the Four Star Heavens!"

A few minutes later, the changes in the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit were slowly restored.

A pair of eyes flickered, and Cheng Feng said, "Next, I'm going to devour more source veins until I get promoted to Jiuxing Tianmai."

"If you help me, when I become Jiuxing Tianmai, there will be huge benefits to deliver."

After being promoted to the four-star heaven, the attitude of the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit changed greatly.

Obedient and obedient from the previous, become irritable.

It seems that he is the master, and Cheng Feng is the slave.

"Four-star heavens?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and asked, "What is Tianmai? Does it mean Tianmai-level heaven and earth fruit?"

"You can understand that."

Dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit said: "The heaven-vein heaven-world fruit you have defined should be the source spirit that gave birth to the star ring."

"This kind of existence is difficult to be born. In my induction, there are only one or two of the entire sky island."

"The other heavenly and heavenly fruits are just pseudo heavenly and heavenly."

"You need to devour each other in order to become false and become true.

"I am a born Tianmai. I just swallowed three pseudo-Tianmai-level source spirits in succession and directly advanced to the Four-Star Tianmai."

"So it is." Cheng Feng suddenly realized.

It turned out that the few heavenly and heavenly fruits he had obtained before were indeed counterfeits.

They need to devour each other to become heavenly.

It's no wonder that suddenly, there will be so many fruits of heaven and earth on the sky.

"The fruits of heaven and earth can swallow each other. Do you want to swallow the fruits of heaven and earth on the entire sky and push yourself to the level of Jiuxing Tianmai?"

After understanding the situation, Cheng Feng looked at the dragon-shaped world.


The dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit nodded: "If I can be promoted to Jiuxing Tianmai, I can become a world of my own."

"Even in the end, a 'sky' is born again!"

"Conceive the sky? What a great ideal!"

Cheng Feng was thoughtful and immediately said: "You are busy, I can help."

"But first, you have to help me out!"

"And the way you help me is to obediently make a chip in my hand."

After the words stopped, Cheng Feng raised his right hand and grabbed the dragon-shaped world.

"Cheng Feng, wanton!"

Seeing this, the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit was full of anger: "I am now a four-star heaven and vein, do you dare to shoot at me?"

In the burst of applause, the shape of the dragon-shaped world was soaring.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a dragon more than a thousand meters long.

The spiked dragon's tail fluttered, and it woke up ~~~

We must forcibly escape from Cheng Feng's grasp.

"Oh, thought that you could do it wantonly if you reached the four-star Tianmai?"

Cheng Feng's face sank: "You know, everything you have now is all I gave you."

"I can make you brilliant and destroy you!"

During his speech, the power of Cheng Feng's body spurted out like magma.

Show the hands of God, hum ~~~

Condensed into a huge hand, grabbed the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit that was about to fly away.

The next moment, even if the dragon-shaped world was struggling frantically, it was also forcibly captured by Cheng Feng.

"Jack, you are so disrespectful!"

Caught back by Cheng Feng, the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit was raging with fury.

While yelling at Cheng Feng, the dragon's body violently oscillated, generating a horrible force.

Even if Cheng Feng urged his full strength, there was a feeling that he could not hold it.

Especially when the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit body, those four star rings also fluctuated.

The power from the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit became fiercer.

"Beast martial spirit, break out for me!"

At this moment, Cheng Feng urged the power of the beast martial spirit that had not been used for a long time.

A big purple bear rose from behind him, raising his physical strength to the extreme.

Let the fruits of the dragon-shaped world that are about to break free be directly honest.

Later Cheng Feng also used Rulai Jinshenju to urge a Jinshen Luohan.

The golden body Luohan is a big man with a big palm.

When both hands spread out, they coincide with the hands of Cang, and they also grab the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit.

The struggle of that dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit was forcibly blocked.

"Cheng Feng, you are too presumptuous, so presumptuous!"

The dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit couldn't move, so he shouted: "Dare to treat me like this, in the future, he will definitely be punished by heaven and death!"

"Isn't my mouth clean now?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng frowned: "Since this is the case, I will treat you well."

Words fell, Cheng Feng grabbed the dragon-shaped world.

After being round, he smashed into a mountain on his side.

Bang ~~~

The mountains of several thousand meters were instantly smashed into powder.

In the flurry of rocks, Longxingtiandi fruit grinned.

However, after his promotion, the skin was rough and dry, and this attack obviously did little harm to it.

So Cheng Feng kept his hands on, bang bang ~~~

Grasp the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit and beat directly.

Like a scarecrow, if there are as many wolves as there are wolves!

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