Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2009: Black Flowers

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Chapter 2109 Black Flower

Cheng Feng's strength is very strong, grabbing the dragon-shaped world fruit and beating.

Even though the opponent's skin was rough and rough, he was a little dizzy at the moment.

There was a pain all over his body, and a scream was made.

The words of scolding in his mouth quickly disappeared and turned into begging.

But Cheng Feng didn't stop immediately because the fruits of the dragon-shaped world were obviously not packed.

If it is not given some profound lessons, it is estimated that it will soon be resurrected, stabbing at Cheng Feng, or letting go straight.

"Cheng Feng, Cheng Cheng, Cheng Zuzong, please spare me this time!"

After being suffocated for more than half an hour, the fruits of the dragon-shaped world were finally afraid, and tears and snot flowed, "I was wrong, I was really wrong."

"In the future, the young must look forward to you. You let me go east, and I will never go west."

"Even if you drink me stew, I won't frown."

"Oh, so loyal?"

Wen Yan said that Cheng Feng's action of beating the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit stopped slightly.

"Small and no, you are absolutely loyal to you."

The dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit nodded again and again, like chicks pecking rice.

"Oh, that's just right."

Cheng Feng stopped, and said lightly, "I'm just a bit hungry now. It's better that you finish yourself and let me stew you into soup!"

"Uh ... don't!"

After hearing this, the fruits of the dragon-shaped world shrank into a lump: "My role is so great, it is a pity to stew it into soup."

"Huh, nonsense, nothing is true."

Cheng Feng glanced at the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit and knocked: "But follow me in the future, it is best not to talk nonsense."

"Otherwise, I will make you feel the real means!"

After some bangs just now, the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit produced a kind of fear from the heart to Cheng Feng.

I know deeply that I am far from being Cheng Feng's opponent.

Once against Feng Feng, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat!

So he nodded again and again, saying that he would obey Cheng Fengyan in the future, and never falsify.

But how credible is this sentence, I am afraid only God knows!

"Okay, I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

Cheng Feng threw the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit aside and instructed: "Now give me the position of other heaven and earth fruit, especially the heaven-and-sky fruit of heaven and earth, and I must figure it out."

"I have to get ahead of everyone else and get all the fruits of the heavenly and heavenly world!"

According to the words of the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit, there are only two or three heaven-level heaven and earth fruit on Cangqiang Island.

As for those heaven and earth fruits that exude a strong atmosphere, they are pseudo heaven and earth fruits.

Therefore, Cheng Feng didn't rush to collect just now, but intended to start with the real world-level fruits.

"Master, the true heavenly and heavenly fruits on the sky, I count three in total!"

The dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit stabilized their body shape and recovered more than a foot long, saying, "One of them is located two thousand miles away here, reaching the level of the Samsung Tianmai."

"The other one is in the inner wall of the Cangqiang Island, and it is sweeping the weak heaven and earth fruits on the outer and inner walls of the Cangqiang Island."

"Once the sweep is complete, it can at least be advanced to the level of four stars and even five stars."

"Two true heavenly and heavenly fruits, one of them two thousand miles away?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng's face showed a bright smile: "Since this is the case, I will go two thousand miles away first to get the fruit of Sanxing Tianmai Tiandi."

"Master, the Samsung World fruit that is two thousand miles away is not easy to get."

The eyes of the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit were slightly closed, and the breath resonated with the heaven and earth, and slowly felt for a while before he said, "In that place, it seems that there is a strong presence to shelter it."

"Even if it is as strong as you, it can be quite troublesome."


Cheng Feng said lightly: "I am the person who is best at solving problems!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng recognized the position slightly, and flew to the direction where the fruit of Samsung World was.

At the same time, Bai Zihua and others are fighting for the fruits of heaven and earth.

Almost everyone before them chased a heaven and earth fruit, and when they reached their destination, they all found a heaven and earth fruit of the same level as the giant flower heaven and earth fruit.

So he was overjoyed and arrested without a word.

Although those heaven and earth fruits have powerful monsters or special terrain shelter.

However, under the chase of the enthusiastic crowd, there was no effort to fight back.

Soon, most of the world's fruits were arrested on the spot.

Later, people represented by Bai Zihua, Su Shengtian, and Ao Kui turned their eyes to lock in other fruits of the world.

Without delay, a new round of snatches began.

Just when everyone was fighting each other.

In the heart of the sky, in a dense jungle.

Cheng Feng was moving slowly, looking rather alert.

Because according to the explanation of the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit, the three-star heaven-level heaven and earth fruit is deep in the dense jungle.

An invisible sense of crisis permeated, and Cheng Feng's whole body slowly tightened.

"Not right."

Cheng Feng whispered: "In this jungle, I am afraid of a domineering presence, stronger than the super monster of the prefecture-level eight."

"If you fight with him, the consequences are unpredictable!"

"I'll need to see things later, so as not to be surprised."

During speaking, Cheng Feng has walked into the dense jungle for several kilometers.

I saw this dense jungle, the trees are huge.

Each tree branch is intertwined, like a huge cage, and Cheng Feng is locked in the cage.

No process peak casts shadow kills, walking shadowless.

It didn't take long to reach the depths of the dense jungle.

Immediately, a huge swamp came into view.

And in the middle of the swamp, a black flower stands.

This black flower is very large. The stem is tens of meters thick and several hundred meters high.

The huge flower buds opened like a **** mouth, sucking vigorously towards the four sides.


On the swampland, dozens of plants and plants **** by black vines soared into the air and fell into the mouth.

When you chew and swallow it, the black flower becomes more transparent.

It exudes a layer of faint luster, more faint fragrance spreads!

After seeing Cheng Feng, his eyes could not help shrinking.

"Is this the fruit of the Samsung World?"

Cheng Feng shook his hands: "This thing lies dormant here, secretly controlling the monsters on the Cangqiang Island to move around, grabbing the fruits of heaven and earth for it to devour."

"According to this trend, in less than a long time, we can surpass Samsung and reach four stars!"

Around the huge black flowers, many fruits of heaven and earth are bound.

These heaven and earth fruits are not high grade, but the quantity is very large.

Eighty-nine out of ten are the common fruits of the heavens and the earth, collected by the monsters dispatched by Heihua.

No wonder Cheng Feng rarely encounters the fruits of the ordinary world after entering the core of the sky.

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