Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2011: Nether Beast

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Chapter 2101: The Void Beast


Cheng Feng looked at the behemoth, causing him to have a provocative anger.

The whole body trembled, and a large amount of mud adhered to the body was thrown away.

The next moment, black flesh was shot from its body.

Passing through the clouds and breaking into the air, he came violently to Cheng Feng.

"Di Cang Sword Art, cut me!"

In the face of the behemoth attack, Cheng Feng was not afraid.

Raise the Demon Sword, and directly use the Emperor Cangdao to fight back.

The horrible sword light burst out, when the black flesh mustache in the cut.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

A large amount of meat must be cut off on the spot.

But there was too much meat on the behemoth. Cheng Feng cut off hundreds of pieces, but there were more attacks on Cheng Feng.

And those beards that have been cut off quickly stop bleeding and scarring.

It even forced the annihilation of the Devil Sword and regrown a new flesh.

Then he mixed with the previous meat and continued to attack Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng's brows frowned, and he felt a sense of invincibility!

However, Cheng Feng is not a master who easily admits defeat.

The eyes flashed cold, and all the divine power in the body was poured into the sword.

Immediately waving a long knife, brush brush brush brush ~ ~ ~

Hundreds of thousands of blades of light spread like wild winds.

Even if the black meat had to be denser and denser, it could not get into Cheng Feng's body at all.

"A beast, don't let it go. Hurry up and kill this human with real tricks."

"It's been a long time, and it will be quite troublesome for other humans to notice me!"

At this moment, Heihuatiandi fruit spoke.

To be a giant beast, use real means to kill Cheng Feng.

Roar! !!

A beast heard the words and made a low voice.

Immediately from his body, five or six very thick whiskers flew out.

These five or six pieces of meat are not trivial. Not only are they terrifying in strength, they are also harder than you think.

When those pieces of meat must be smashed on the knife light cut by Cheng Feng, click ~~~

The airtight knife-light shield made a broken sound.

At the next moment, the six fledgling meat must be entangled, and Cheng Feng was trapped in the meat.

Waiting frantically, he shrank Cheng Feng instantly.

If crazy hangs, the eighth-largest peerless existence on the sky, it is estimated that they will be hanged on the spot!

Click! Click!

After the beast trapped Cheng Feng, there was no hesitation.

The six thick meats must be tightened wildly, and Cheng Feng must be crushed directly.

According to the terror power of A Beast, the goal can be achieved in a few minutes.

However, when the six thick meats had to shrink to a certain extent, they suddenly stopped.

It seemed as if he met a copper wall and an iron wall, no matter how fierce he was, it was difficult to shrink the meat.

"A beast, what the **** is going on?"

Seeing this, Heihuatian Fruit frowned: "With your strength, can't you make a human in the dead zone?"

Questioned by the Heihuatiandi fruit, this makes A beast a bit angry.

There was a low hissing roar in his mouth, and four thick meats had to be shot from A beast and entangled in Cheng Feng.

For a moment, the power of strangulation skyrocketed.

Even the eighth strongest person in the sky must be crushed instantly!

However, it didn't do much.

Cheng Feng, who was entangled with thick meat, seemed to be an indestructible copper pea.

No matter what the wind and rain outside, he would not move!

Not only that, Cheng Feng was still trapped about seven or eight minutes later.


Ten tangled thick beards actually bulged outward.

There was a sound of flesh and blood breaking!

Next moment, 噗噗 噗 ~~~

A large amount of knife light burst out from the whiskers, breaking the entangled flesh into pieces.

Then, a large number of black and white flames whistled out.

Passed on those broken meat whiskers, and the meat whiskers were directly burned into fly ash like fuel.

As the wind blows, the smoke disappears.

Revealed in the void was a man wearing gold armor and a black and white robe on his back.

Amazingly Cheng Feng!

"What? This human actually broke free from the strangulation of A Beast?"

A hundred miles away, the fruit of Heihuatiandi is like a ghost.

Looking at Cheng Feng standing in the air, he was all shuddering: "This is impossible, and now humans, it is impossible to reach such a powerful level!"

Heihuatiandi Fruit is obviously no stranger to the situation on the dome continent.

It is known that in order to conceive the fruits of heaven and earth, the earth dome continent has consumed too much of the continental origin.

As a result, the vitality of the heavens and the earth dried up, and the strength of the new warrior could not be promoted to the extreme.

A warrior such as Cheng Feng cannot exist at all.

However, Cheng Feng was too lazy to pay attention to the fruits of Heihuatiandi.

I saw him put away the demon sword, and directly exhibited the Emperor Cangdao Wanxing Tonghui.

Leading down the power of a large star, he blasted away at the traumatized beast Aju.

Roar! !!

Ten thick meat beards, plus hundreds of small meat beards, were instantly destroyed, which had a significant impact on A Beast.

At this moment, facing Cheng Feng's blade, his mouth growled low.

The next moment, the behemoth took off.

A huge gap was exposed from its abdomen.

The gaping horror seemed to connect the endless abyss.

With the alignment of Cheng Feng, a strong suction force was produced.

The non-horse knife light that came from the explosion was guided to the gap in the belly of A Beast, and the explosion of the knife light was resolved.


Seeing this scene, Heihuatiandi sneered: "A beast is a cub of a void beast whose body is connected to the void sea."

"Any attack, as long as it falls into the hollow in its belly, will be introduced into the void."

"Although the sword light that the human cut out is horrible, it is impossible to hurt A Beast!"

Void Beast, this kind of very powerful Void Beast.

It is rumored that even the Void Beast can be swallowed directly, and the horror is beyond imagination.

And this Heihuatiandi fruit, I do not know where to get a Void Beast cub.

At this moment, exhibiting the devouring talent of the Nether Beast, Cheng Feng was immediately pushed to a very dangerous point!

"Void Beast?"

Nalan Changsheng also briefed Cheng Feng on Cheng Feng at this time.

After Cheng Feng learned that, his brows frowned slightly, but the look on his face remained unchanged.

I saw him grabbing the slayer, and within the breathing time, 唰 唰 唰 ~~~

Toward the void, it was enough to cut out three records of Emperor Cangdao and Wanxing Tonghui.

The dreaded sword light splashed on the Nether Beast cub, leaving the face of Heihuatian fruit dull on the spot.

After all, A Beast is just a cub of Nether Beast, and his talent is obviously immature.

Introduce a bladeless light, and it's okay to enter the void sea.

Four consecutive swordless lights were drawn, but they were a bit dwarfed.

In the end, it might be the talented martial arts of the Nether Beast cub, which was broken by the brutal sword light.

By that time, even if the Void Beast cub is not dead, it will have to be severely wounded!

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