Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2012: Giant tortoise

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Chapter 2012 Giant Turtle

Sure enough, A beast's talents are not yet mature.

As Cheng Feng successively slashed with several knives, the horrific sword light was poured into the deep black hole in the belly of A Beast.

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

The black hole suddenly made a fragmented sound.

The next moment, the black hole suddenly burst into full bloom.

Forcibly pulled several knife lights into the black hole and sent it into the vast void sea.

But at the same time, the black hole was ripped apart by Daoguang several times.

Blood splattered like a fountain, and the stern and angry roar rang through the wild.

Apparently, the talented supernatural power was almost destroyed, and his body was severely damaged.

But Cheng Feng never stopped and continued to attack.

Towards the belly of A Beast, cut out three or four swords again.

At the same time that Beast roared, he hurried back.

Cheng Feng followed up, as if to shoot the water dog painfully, killing A Beast on the spot.

However, after Cheng Feng chased A Beast for hundreds of miles.

Huh! Suddenly changed direction temporarily.

He rushed towards the Heihuatiandi not far away.

"No, the goal of this **** human is me."

Seeing this, the fruits of Heihuatiandi were terrified.

The whole body sinks into the swamp, intent on hiding from the peak of the process.

At the same time, it also ordered the Void Beast to entangle Cheng Feng, giving it a chance to escape.

However, it's late!

Cheng Feng planned for a long time for this moment.

Without giving it a little chance, he turned around and reached the Heihuatiandi fruit.

Then the hands of the gods were exhibited, wow!

Heihetiandi fruit was caught in the hands of Mitian.

When he pulled hard, he pulled it straight out of the swamp.

At this time, A Beast reacted, and nearly ten large pieces of meat had to be beaten.

Want to drive back Feng Feng, rescue the Heihuatiandi fruit.

It is just that Cheng Feng's fruits have been captured by Cheng Feng. How can there be a reason to let go?

I saw that his divine thoughts were triggered, and the Seven Kills technique was performed.

Huh! Condensed into a great gun, bombarded A's head.

Immediately sinking the head that A beast bombarded, and slamming Cheng Feng's dozen or more beards, he suddenly became weak and weak.

As for Cheng Feng, he seized this opportunity.

唰 ~~~

Casting a walk, he flew up into the sky.

Roar! !!

Cheng Feng fled, and A Beast screamed angrily.

She shook her head and chased Cheng Feng away.

However, Cheng Feng did not give him a chance, forcibly subdued the fruits of Heihuatiandi, and threw them into a soul ring.

Then, he performed the shadow-shaped method for thousands of miles, 唰 ~~~

The whole person suddenly disappeared.

By the time of the next appearance, it was already thousands of miles away.

"Huh, it was really dangerous just now."

After throwing A beast's pursuit, Cheng Feng exhaled: "If the cub of that void beast did not grow up, the consequences would be unimaginable!"

The Void Beast is terrifying.

Especially when the mature beasts of the void can swallow the world and travel around the world.

Attacks that exist in the realm can be easily swallowed, and then transferred to the sea of ​​void.

Called a "invincible" monster, no one wants to provoke!

If Cheng Feng encounters the Void Beast this time, it is a mature Void Beast, all the attacks will not hurt the opponent.

It can only be stunned by the other party, without any struggle.

"Now I think I've got two heavenly fruits."

The emotion gradually calmed down, and a smile appeared on Cheng Feng's face: "Next, I just need to rush to the outer area of ​​the sky to get the hand of the heavenly and heavenly world fruit that swallows the ordinary heaven and earth fruit."

"Then the Cangqiang Island and his party this time, it was considered complete!"

"When the sky sinks in the sky, using three heaven-level heaven and earth fruits to make chips should give me some initiative."

On the sky of the sky, there are only two heavenly and heavenly fruits born naturally.

Now one has fallen into Cheng Feng's hands, and the remaining one has locked Cheng Feng's position.

As for the remaining heaven and earth fruits, they are pseudo heavenly and heavenly earth fruits, which need to be swallowed by each other in order to transform and advance.

However, no one knows how many fake Tianmai-level world fruits can swallow each other to complete the promotion!

Perhaps after all the false Tianmai Tiandi fruits have been swallowed, it is still unknown that only one true Tianmai level Tiandi fruit has formed.

"Go, I'll go to the outer area of ​​the sky first."

Cheng Feng groaned: "Get the second Tianmai level heaven and earth fruit first, and then talk about it."

After Cheng Feng's decisive decisiveness and decision in his heart, he immediately broke away.

I saw him take out the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit, and let it lock the specific position of the second heaven-veined heaven and earth fruit.

When locked up, Cheng Feng exhibited the Shadow Method for thousands of miles.

Huh! Hurry to your destination.

At the same time, tens of thousands of miles away.

A giant tortoise was standing in the sky, and his eyes twinkled with human light.

"The strongest fighters who entered Cangqiang Island this time should all have entered the core area of ​​the island."

The giant tortoise groaned: "At this time, if I swallow the ordinary fruits of the world on the island's outer and inner areas, I will become a five-star heavenly vein.

"By then, I awaken the ancient existence under the sky."

"Everyone who enters the sky is going to die."

"Become my nourishment when Gust is in the vein of the nine stars!"

The words stopped, and the giant tortoise suddenly glowed brightly.

The next moment, the light split into more than a dozen strands, and began to spin wildly around the giant turtle's mouth.

Followed by, wow ~~~

An invisible suction was born quickly.

Turned into a tearing force, spread to all directions.

After so few minutes, oh!

A rabbit flickering with six or seven sources of light in his body was pulled from unknown places by strong horizontal suction.

Put it into the giant turtle's mouth at once, so that the gloss on the giant turtle's body shines.

And this is just the beginning.

Over time, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

An animal, a plant, or even a rock, a stream of water ... every object with source light is pulled by suction.

Then, one after another plunged into the giant turtle's mouth.

Let the light on the giant turtle become brighter and brighter!

After half an hour like this, through the giant tortoise's thick shell, you can see a ring of stars suddenly born inside the giant tortoise.

There are already three star rings in the body of the giant tortoise, and now there is one more star ring.

Immediately became a four-star ring, representing the giant turtle to advance for the four-star heaven and earth-level fruits.

However, this is not over.

As the giant tortoise continues to devour, the ordinary fruits of the world are still submerging into the giant tortoise's mouth.

In accordance with this trend, the giant tortoise can break through again and reach the level of five-star sky within a short time.

"This giant turtle is really scary."

Four or five hundred miles away from the giant turtle, a shadow melted under a leaf.

Looking at the giant tortoise that is constantly devouring the fruits of heaven and earth, his eyes show a complex look.

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