Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2024: Sword-to-sword

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Chapter 2024 Knife to Sword

"This knife? I seem to have seen it!"

Seeing the knife in Bai Zihua's hand, Cheng Feng felt a familiar feeling.

It seems like I've seen it somewhere.

In fact, Cheng Feng really saw this knife.

It was in the exclusive mystery of Qianlong Academy, in the mystery of Qianxue.

At that time, Cheng Feng obtained the right armour of the God of War, and Bai Zihua pretended to be a man in black to snatch.

The man in black was holding a fine knife of this kind.

Cheng Feng fought with him and almost died on the spot.

"Prior to Bai Zihua's battles, he fought bare-handed. I thought he was not good at attacking with weapons."

Cheng Feng whispered: "It seems that the other party has obviously not exerted all their efforts."

"Until now, I was pushed to the limit by Brother Surin before I used my real hole cards!"

Cheng Feng's analysis is undiminished.

Bai Zihua is very good at using knives. The fine knife in his hand is an evolutionary murderer.

Previously, Bai Zihua robbed the Right Armor of the God of War in order to improve the level of the fine knife.

Unfortunately, it failed.

But despite this, now this fine knife has also been promoted to the sacred level.

The sharp edge is powerful, and the power is slightly better than the intermediate sacred weapon.

At this moment, Su Lin stabbed at Su Lin, making Su Lin's brow frown.

Judging by Bai Zihua's next move, there was a short pause.

Almost made Bai Zi draw and jumped out of his own rhythm.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Surin adapted to the breath of the murderous knife.

And with a flick of his hand, a weapon was taken out of a soul ring.

It was an ordinary long sword. It looked simple and unobtrusive, but it was sharp and restrained, and its level reached the level of holy vessels.

铿铿 铿 ~~~

Surin's sword protruded, and in the blink of an eye, he fought dozens of times with the fine knife in Bai Zihua's hand.

The violent impact force shook open, shattering the void.

The intention of Bai Zihua's attack on Surin's heart was also instantly resolved.

Not only that, Su Lin has a sword in his hand, his body's killing gas has suddenly increased.

The sword stabs to the left and forward, following the footsteps.

The sword tip was pushed by him, and when the piercing power of the sword reached its peak, he just met the fine knife cut by Bai Zihua.

So, 铿 ~~~

The sword fought with the sword.

However, due to Su Lin's long-awaited blow, his strength was slightly better.

The knife trembled violently, shaking Bai Zi's hand holding the knife.

Without waiting for Bai Zi to adjust the state, Surin's second sword had been pierced, and his eyes came closer.

As a result, Bai Zihua had to quickly raise his knife to defend himself, shaking his hand to a point of paralysis.

Immediately after, Surin's third sword, fourth sword, fifth sword ... stabbed out.

Bai Zihua was tired of coping, and once again fell into the rhythm of Surin.

Follow Su Lin's rhythm, the defeat is even more conspicuous!

"Bai Zihua is going to lose!"

"I originally thought that this battle of Baizi paintings was the strongest."

"It will eventually fight Cheng Feng and fight for the ownership of all the fruits of the world."

"Now it seems that I clearly underestimated Su Lin!"

Looking at the battle picture on the battlefield, everyone seemed to have seen the result.

Seeing Bai Zi's painting, he was defeated by Surin.

Even Su Shengtian, Difficult, and even Cheng Feng had the same idea in their hearts.

However, at this time.

On the battlefield, there was a sudden rise.

I saw Su Lin in the fight, suddenly settled on the spot.

Because on his side, a large cloud appeared.

These clouds and mists are unusual. The moment they appeared, Su Lin was brought into a vast world.

All of Su Lin's senses, sight, hearing, smell, etc. have been greatly weakened.

Even Bai Zi's enemies disappeared from his eyes.

Put him into an extremely passive situation, do not know where to go.

"What is ...?"

All around the crowd were frightened.

It took a while for someone to scream.

"It seems like a formation, a miniature formation."

"Baizi painting is really a good method. Actually, in a silent and silent way, he laid out a formation.

"Putting Surin into the formation, not only resolved his crisis, but also countered Surin."

"Under this situation, Surin fell into a passive state."

"If he doesn't break the formation as soon as possible, then he may be turned over by Bai Zihua and defeated!"

The rapid changes in battle are vividly reflected at this moment.

Before Su Lin was still in control of the absolute situation, the next second, she fell into a passive state.

This caused everyone present to stare at the boss and startled off the chin.

Even Cheng Feng frowned, quite surprised.

"It turned out that Bai Zihua was just acting passively."

Cheng Feng whispered: "The main purpose is to arrange for the battle and trap Brother Su in the battle."

"This man's city and calculations are a bit scary!"

The sudden scene gave Cheng Feng a deep understanding of Bai Zi's paintings.

Knowing each other's reincarnation as two powerful reincarnation powers does have something extraordinary.

The enemy's experience and calculations are far from ordinary people.

Surin had a great will to fight, but was also silent and fell into the opponent's calculations.

However, Surin was not flustered.

Standing in the boundless world, looking at all directions, while contemplating the attack of Bai Zihua.

On the other side, he is observing his own mini-matrix, and is ready to break out.

"Sulin, don't waste time."

At this moment, the sound of Bai Zi's painting sounded: "Although the formation of this cloth is small, the rank is not low, but it is a large array of kings."

"Even if you are a Master of the Kings, you can't break it in half an hour."

"So, just obey and lose!"

The formation method has strict grade points, can reach the king, and the power is very good.

Surin was trapped in a formation of kings, assisted by strong men such as Bai Zihua.

It's harder than trying to get out of trouble!

However, Su Lin turned a blind eye, his eyes twinkled, and he was proficient in a deep pupil technique.

Observe the running context of the Wang Pin array method by pupil technique, and find out the flaws or weak points of the array method.

However, Bai Zi's painting does not give Su Lin time to observe.

I saw in the thick fog, oh ~~~

A thin knife emerged out of nowhere and struck Su Lin's heart.

Speed ​​is lightning-fast, making people careless.

However, Su Lin seemed to have a hundred pairs of eyes, and she noticed it at the stab of the fine knife.

The long sword in his hand reached out, 铿 ~~~

The assassination of the knife was almost perfectly intercepted.

However, Bai Zihua's attack was more than a fine-knife assassination.

While stabbing his knife, he shot a palm at Surin.

This palm was extremely concealed, and it was hidden by the assassination of a fine knife.

By the time I felt dangerous, my palms were almost here!

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