Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2025: Lan Ling Bingyan

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Chapter 2025 Lan Ling Bingyan


The palm struck, and Su Lin's brow froze.

Immediately took a breath, and the abdomen attacked by the palm force suddenly contracted violently.

The bones of the chest collapsed and deformed, sinking in like springs.

The palm strength of Bai Zi's paintings was more than half resolved.

The remaining strength hit Su Lin, and Su Lin's chest suddenly turned ice blue.

The degree of hardness has increased by dozens of times, and it is easy to stop those palms!

But at this time, Bai Zi's next wave of attacks has arrived.

The fierce knife stabbed Surin's neck from the bottom up.

Once stabbed, the head is bound to be cut off!

Facing this knife, Su Lin's eyes flashed.

The next moment, he did not bother to attack the other party.

Instead, he lifted the long sword in his hand, and stabbed it one meter to the west of the location where the knife stabbed.

"what's the situation?"

"Is Sulin dazzled? He actually attacked the blank area."

"It's just trying to die. It will definitely be defeated by Bai Zihua!"

Seeing this inexplicable scene, the spectators were all unknown.

It felt that Su Lin had made a faint move and pushed himself into the abyss of defeat.

However, Cheng Feng, Su Shengtian, and others suddenly narrowed their eyes.

"Brother Surin, it's really scary!"

Cheng Feng said with dread: "In such a critical situation, he can still have such a keen sense of smell."

"Instantly captured the specific position of Bai Zihua, and then used the same means to force Bai Zihua to give up his fatal blow!"

It turned out that Su Lin's sword was not a random assassination.

The blank area where he attacked was where Bai Zihua really stood.

As for the place where the fine knife stabbed, Bai Zihua deliberately used to confuse audiovisual.

If Su Lin attacks according to conventional methods, not only will he be unable to hit Bai Zihua, but he will have to take his own life.

It's much better now, he stabbed Bai Zi's brows with a sword.

This left a multiple choice question to Bai Zihua.

Bai Zihua wanted to kill him, and he was assassinated with a sword.

How to choose, it's all up to Bai Zi's painting to get the idea!

"Su Lin is a tough guy!"

At the moment when Surin's sword was pierced, Bai Zihua knew that he had encountered a problem.

Now, he has trapped Surin with his formation, and has an innate advantage.

In this case, of course, he is unwilling to fight with Surin.

So for a moment of groaning, Bai Zi had a decision in mind.

I saw him stab at Su Lin's fine knife and turned, hey ~~~

Cut on the long sword that Su Lin stabbed at his brows.

The sword was chopped away instantly, and the danger was resolved.

But at the same time, his deadly blow to Surin also followed suit.

Not only that, Su Lin took the opportunity to lock him.

Lift your left hand, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

A dozen ice-blue flames shot out.

The flame violated common sense and was bitterly cold.

At the moment of flying, the surrounding temperature plummeted, and snow began to fall in the sky.

If Bai Zi's painting is hit by these flames, it must become an ice sculpture!

"Lan Ling Bingyan?"

Seeing this scene, Bai Zi's face changed slightly.

Without saying a word, they urged two yin and yang divine powers to push forward.

Followed by, wow ~~~

A strong thrust was generated, and the ice-blue flames that were radiated from it were blocked by a hundred meters.

Then his body collapses, and he must merge into the dense fog generated by the formation.

Rediscover the opportunity and launch a counterattack against Surin.

However, Surin did not give him a chance.

I saw that Su Lin pushed with his left hand, and the ice-blue flames turned directly into a blue river of fire.

In wanton rush, went straight to Bai Zi's painting.

At the same time, Su Lin pierced his sword and pierced the throat painted by Bai Zi.

Forcing Bai Zihua to defend, the plan to hide it in the dense fog of the formation instantly destroyed!

"Yin Yang reverses chaos.

However, Bai Zihua did not give up his plan.

I saw him drink a low voice, the yin and yang in his body sprayed like magma.

Staying in the void is actually letting the thick fog give birth to some kind of life.

During the fierce tumbling, they turned into heavy armored cavalry.

With a big gun, charge towards Surin!

"That's ... the power of formation?"

Seeing these heavy armored cavalry, the first thought of everyone should be a false fantasy.

But Cheng Feng immediately saw that the heavy armored cavalry was not an illusion.

Once you think of it as an illusion and don't defend it, it will eventually be shattered by the heavy cavalry!

Surin is in the middle of the formation, so the feeling in her heart is especially deep.

Almost immediately after the appearance of heavy cavalry, they responded.

I saw him withdrawing a sword painted by Bai Zi, and at the same time, Pentium's Lan Ling Bingyan was also taken into the body.

Make your body become ice-blue in an instant and increase your defense by dozens of times.

Then Surin stretched out his hands and drew a ring in front of him.

Wow ~~~

A combination of divine power and Lan Ling Bingyan formed a protective wall in front of Su Lin.

When those heavy cavalry charged, oh!

They slammed into the retaining wall severely, violently shaking the retaining wall, but it was not broken.

Therefore, Bai Zihua's deadly blow was blocked!

"It's amazing, it's amazing!"

"Bai Zihua and Su Lin are almost flawless."

"It looks like it will soon be defeated, but it quickly turns around."

"This kind of strength and means is beyond me to wait too much!"

Looking at the pictures on the battlefield, everyone sighed.

It feels that any one of the two surnames will be defeated by crushing.

Even Su Shengtian, who had previously been defeated by Bai Zihua, nodded silently at this moment.

I feel that I have not lost this time, even if I pass Baizi's painting level, I may not be able to win against Su Lin.

Because Su Lin's sense of fighting is stronger than Bai Zihua's. In the previous battle, it did not seem to take advantage.

In fact, through the battle with Bai Zihua, they have clarified the running context of most of the Wang Pinma.

Even follow the vine, and will soon find the array of formation.

Once Surin was found by Surin, the distance broke out, and it was near!

Thousands of horses gallop in the sky.

The rolling iron whistled and kept charging towards Su Lin.

However, the frozen ice wall that Surin condensed was too strong, and killed a large number of heavy armored cavalry, and failed to break the ice wall.

Bai Zihua hiding behind Tieqi saw this, his eyes flashed.

Immediately turned back and quickly disappeared.

Su Lin saw it in her eyes, and was on guard.

Knowing the disappearance of Bai Zi's paintings must be laying the groundwork for the next wave of storms.

Once you relax your vigilance, you may lose your life.

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