Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2028: Great change

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Chapter 2028 Great Changes


At this moment, Surin showed confidence that people dare not look straight!

Actually letting go of it, you can make a fortune.

Even the reason why he gave Cheng Feng, a three-headed dog, the fruits of heaven and earth, he disdain to use the fruits of heaven and earth to advance.

Such courage and confidence are scary.

Let everyone present couldn't help but swallow.

However, Su Lin's such "Zhang Kuang" confidence did not cause any resentment.

Instead, he felt that Surin was talking about a fact, and it seemed that Surin was really able to take advantage of it.

He is destined to be a man who will work wonders!

"Surin, what a Surin!"

The words of Su Lin made the scene silent.

After a long time, the sound of Bai Zi's painting sounded, full of awakened taste: "I have always wanted to capture the fruits of heaven and earth to help me surpass the peak."

"It now appears that it is clearly a misunderstanding!"

"From today, I will only do what I want to do and practice the martial arts I want."

"Reshape the heart of martial arts and climb the peak of martial arts!"

After listening to Su Lin's words, Bai Zi's paintings were so inspiring that he wanted to understand many things.

I felt that I had stepped into a misunderstanding from the beginning of my rebirth.

Because relying on the power obtained by foreign objects is ultimately unreliable and the foundation is untrue.

Even with the fruits of the heavens and the earth, it has captured the great fortune, and has become a supreme existence of the great fortune.

At that time, the road will also be cut off, and it will be hard to make progress in life!

Unless, the ultimate goal of Bai Zi's paintings is only to create a great environment.

At this moment, people who are shocked in their hearts are not just Baizi paintings.

That Su Shengtian, hard to leave the monk, Niu Dingtian, Qingsha girl ... all rolled in my heart.

But very few people finally let go of their desire for the fruits of the world.

After all, not everyone is confident and can easily make a fortune.

The heavens and the world, countless planes.

There are only a handful of people like Su Lin and Bai Zihua!

"Brother Surin, thank you!"

Under the gaze of everyone's complex eyes, Cheng Feng put away the three-headed dog world fruit.

Then he faced Su Lin and folded his fists with both hands.

"Brother Cheng, don't need to thank."

Su Lin smiled lightly: "As long as you wait to defeat me, it is logical to take away the fruits of the three dogs.

"Beat you?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled, "Brother Su, I can't guarantee this."

"Oh, it's enough to fight me without a reservation."

Su Lin laughed: "As for the victory, don't try to force it!"

"Okay, I'll do my best later."

Cheng Feng nodded: "As for now, you repair the injury first."

"Alright." Surin did not refuse.

He had just fought with Bai Zihua, and was hurt a little.

If you fought with Cheng Feng in this state, you don't need to know and you will definitely lose.

Adjusting the state to the peak and fighting again is not only responsible for yourself, but also a respect for Cheng Feng.

Su Lin acted casually, said healing, and sat directly in the air with his knees crossed, running a healing martial art to start healing.

Absorb a large amount of free energy around, let the knife wound on his body heal quickly, scarring.

As for Cheng Feng, he stood by and waited.

time flies.

When Su Lin's injury was about to heal.

Suddenly, roar! !!

I heard only one roar, which emerged from Cheng Feng's body.

Next moment, 嘭 ~~~

Cheng Feng's soul ring exploded.

Immediately, a super giant turtle emerged from the broken soul ring.

There is a strong demon all over the body, like a billowing smoke, directly penetrating the sky.

It is exactly the fruit of the giant tortoise that was surrendered by Cheng Feng!

"what's the situation?"

"How could a giant turtle suddenly appear?"

"No, that giant tortoise is not a tortoise, but a heavenly and heavenly fruit."

"And the level is very high, actually ... reached five stars?"

With the appearance of the giant tortoise world fruit, the whole scene boiled directly.

All the warriors and demons all set their fierce eyes on the fruit of the giant tortoise world, and wished to swallow it.

Even Bai Zihua, Su Shengtian and others are no exception.

Compared with the crowd, Cheng Feng frowned.

Because the giant tortoise fruit is spontaneously drilled out of the soul ring, out of the control of Cheng Feng.

And as soon as he came out, he stared at Cheng Feng fiercely.

Then facing north, roar! !!

Make a deafening roar.

The roar was long and thick, and contained a strange beat.

When the sound spread, it seemed as if it fell into an ear of unknown existence.

Let that being fall asleep and opened one eye slightly.

"Cheng Feng, not quite right."

At this moment, Nalan's voice suddenly sounded: "This roar of this giant turtle seems to be calling!"

"You better stop this giant tortoise immediately and let it continue to growl, I'm afraid something unexpected will happen."

"Understand." Cheng Feng nodded.

He also heard something unusual from the roar of the giant turtle world.

So the divine power in the body was thinned and turned into a big divine hand, and he grabbed the giant tortoise fruit.

But the giant tortoise's fruit was very cunning, and one flew away, and escaped from the grasp of the divine hand.

Then his mouth opened angrily, and he roared again to the north of the sky.

Om ~~~

This growl seemed to be working.

Let a horrible existence sleep in the sky, and opened his eyes completely.

At that moment, a fierce breath spread out from the north direction of Cangqiang Island.

Make everything silent, mountains and rivers silent.

In the core area of ​​the sky, a large number of warriors and demons were still excited because of the appearance of the giant tortoise.

But at this moment, when that ferocious breath swept through.

The faces of all the people changed dramatically, their hearts seemed to be crushed by a boulder, and their breathing became a little more difficult.

"So scary, what is that?"

"It is rumored that an ancient demon was suppressed at the bottom of the sky."

"Did that giant tortoise fruit awaken the ancient demon?"

In shock, an amazing conjecture came to everyone's mind.

Suddenly, everyone's pores tightened.

Once the rumors are true, those outsiders will be dead or dead.

"Look for something dead!"

Cheng Feng once drank the essence of the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit, and was very sensitive to the world.

At the moment when the fierce breath rushed in, he followed the vine and faintly ‘see’ that there is a terror.

His face became cold for a moment, looking at the fruit of the giant tortoise. He lifted the cutting magic knife in his hand and slashed it severely.

Bang ~~~

Cheng Feng's sword is a furious slash, and his strength is horrible.

When Daoguang hit the giant tortoise fruit, he immediately hit it and fell from the sky.

Huh! The ground was smashed into a deep pit, and the shock wave swept hundreds of miles away.

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