Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2029: Ancient Demon

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Chapter 2029 Ancient Demon

The giant tortoises are so strong that they were not badly hurt by such a severe blow.

But his third growl was interrupted forcibly.

Let the awakening process of ancient demons directly stop!

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was slightly relieved.

Then he took a step forward and reached the top of the deep pit smashed by the giant tortoise heaven and earth fruit, ready to suppress the opponent again.

However, the fruits of the giant tortoise world have slowed down from the knife.

Waiting for Cheng Feng's shot, wow ~~~

Actually drilled from the ground and fled for hundreds of miles.

"Want to run away?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's face was cold.

The Devil Sword was raised directly above his head, and the fifth style of Emperor Cang Sword was cast.

Leading down the power of hundreds of big stars, and combining the top six divine powers, it came a crit to the giant turtle world.

Bang ~~~

The knife fell and a big crack appeared in the sky.

The ground was cut out for thousands of miles, and a large number of mountains and rivers were cut off. The scene was very scary.

As for the giant tortoise fruit, the shell of the tortoise collapsed after being chopped, and some fine cracks appeared.

The force of terror penetrated into the fruit of the giant tortoise through the shell of the turtle, causing him to spit a blood on the spot.

Falling on the mountains and trees, so that the rise of the vegetation soared, and even turned into a treasure medicine!

As for the giant tortoise fruit, it was hit hard.

Lying in the huge knife marks, crawling with hands and feet, but no effect.

Cheng Feng quickly chased forward and stepped on his head with a kick.

That huge head was just stepped into the dirt.

"It's so restless to find something dead."

Cheng Feng scolded: "If I have trouble this time, I must kill you!"

Cheng Feng can feel that the terror in the northern part of the sky is there, although the process of awakening has been suspended.

But this pause will definitely not last long.

Once the awakening restarts, no one can stop it.

It is best to be able to leave the sky before the other party awakens, otherwise there will be no death!

"You **** human, how dare you humiliate me so much!"

His head was trampled in the earth, and the giant tortoise screamed, "You wait, the demon sleeping on the sky of the sky has been awakened by me."

"At most one day, I will crawl out of the death **** of the sky!"

"By then, let's die together!"

"Idiot stuff!"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng's eyes were cold.

Performing the Seven Kills technique to kill the spirits, there are more than a dozen hits on the giant turtle world.

The head of the giant tortoise's fruits slammed for dozens of meters.

Dizzy and weak limbs.

Cheng Feng didn't think it was enough. He lifted the Devil Sword and condensed a few hundred meters long magical sword.

嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

According to the head of the giant tortoise world, it was a beating.

The giant turtle heaven and earth fruit was completely stunned, and immediately regained a soul ring.

After doing this, Cheng Feng flew into the sky.

In the sky, Su Lin, Bai Zihua, Su Shengtian and others were all present.

Seeing Cheng Feng flying, Bai Zi drew: "Cheng Feng, the situation is not so good."

"Your giant tortoise fruit seems to have the power to awaken demons."

"Just now, it roared a few times, and it should have awakened an ancient-level super demon."

"Without accident, within a day ..."

Bai Zi's paintings haven't finished yet, north of the sky.

Om ~~~

A more fierce and brutal breath than just now, like a raging wave.

Let Bai Zi's face change dramatically, and let Cheng Feng hold both hands.

"It seems to be worse than I expected."

Baizi drew: "From the current situation, I think that the ancient demon will awaken at most for half a day."

"The power of ancient demons is far beyond our limit."

"Even if good fortune exists, you must avoid three points."

"If we can't get out of the sky before the other party fully wakes up."

"Nine out of ten, all will die here!"

"Half a day?"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng's brow raised, "This time should be enough for us to leave Cangqiang Island?"

"That's bad."

Bai Zi painted: "On the other side of the sky, there is a death pontoon."

"With my strength, I can make it through, but others can be difficult."

"And the most troublesome is that there is great terror under the death pontoon."

"If no one stays to defend, no one can pass the death pontoon smoothly!"


Cheng Feng's eyes flashed: "Since that is the case, then I will stay to defend the great terror."

"Are you staying behind?" Everyone was puzzled.

Before the crisis, most people wanted to take the lead.

There are very few people like Cheng Feng who take the initiative to stay after the break.

"I'm staying behind the Great Terror and have one condition."

Cheng Feng said: "My relatives and friends must be allowed to cross the death pontoon first."

In fact, Cheng Feng was not so enthusiastic about leaving the sky.

For all the heaven and earth fruits on the sky are in his hands.

Once leaving the sky island, those super beings who squat outside the earth dome continent will flock to it.

By that time, no matter to whom he gave the fruits of heaven and earth, he would simply offend the existence of many fortunes.

Furthermore, he is the life of the origin of the spirit of the earth dome continent combined with human beings.

It is no exaggeration to call it a natural heaven and earth fruit.

Even if he contributed all the fruits of heaven and earth in his hands, those creatures would not let him go.

At present, the best way is to sneak out from the dome continent before the good fortune exists and enters the dome continent.

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, without a trace!

"Cheng Feng, if you are willing to stay in the great terror, of course, you can let your relatives and friends leave first."

Bai Zi nodded: "Unless someone can rely on their own power, they will pass the death pontoon."

"I'm only 50% sure anyway, I don't want to take this risk!"

Everyone has seen the strength of Bai Zi's paintings.

Even he was only 50% sure, crossing the death pontoon.

The other people's grasp must be even more scarce.

So there was not much hesitation, and everyone nodded in agreement.

Even Ao Kui, Di Pa, and others who hate Cheng Feng are no exception.

"Okay, so, let's move as soon as possible."

Bai Zi drew: "Time does not wait for anyone, we must leave Cangqiang Island within half a day."

"It's too late to go!"

After all, Bai Zihua raised his eyes and looked hundreds of miles away.

In that position, the remaining disciples of the Blood Gods stand.

Seeing Bai Zi's gaze, Qi Qi flew over.

Su Shengtian, Difficult Monk, Niuting Tian and others also called their friends to prepare for leaving the sky.

In the blink of an eye, only Cheng Feng and Surin were left at the scene.

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