Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 204: Break into the knife pool

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"Brother Feng, this is the ninety-nine sword pool .."

Qi Ming pointed to the front and introduced: "The cloud and mist are the sword intentions that have escaped from the first floor of the turret. After the precipitation of time, the killing and violent killing have been washed away, and they can be easily absorbed by others to promote the sword. "

"As for a bamboo house above this pool, it is a practice room for 370 students."

As soon as Cheng Feng approached Daochi, the cloud of misty sword infiltration penetrated into his body, allowing his sword to grow silently.

"This knife pool is worthy of being called a land of cultivation."

Cheng Feng moved up: "I was just near the edge of the sword pond, and my sword intention began to grow. If I went into the bamboo house above the sword pond for finishing, wouldn't it?"

At the moment when Cheng Feng moved, the bamboo house on the sword pool suddenly exploded, and several ten-year-olds flew out of it.


Several young men flew from the bamboo house, as light as swallows, stepping on clouds and sky, and soon reached Cheng Feng.

"My name is Cheng Feng, and I'm here to ask Xiao Lin for a debt." Cheng Feng said indifferently.

"Debt collection, find Brother Xiao Lin for debt collection"

Among the young people, a slender young man took a step forward, looked at Cheng Feng for a moment with a cold eye, and suddenly smiled: "You ** are making fun of a half-step martial art in Wuqu District, and dare to come here to scream Are you tired and crooked? "

At first, the skinny young man thought that Xiao Lin's enemies had come to his door, and he felt a little daunted. See the fastest chapter ..

But as he saw through Cheng Feng's practice, he immediately shuddered, taught Cheng Feng in his mouth, stretched out his right index finger, and clicked on Cheng Feng's head.

However, his forefinger towards Cheng Feng's forehead was too close to be pulled by Cheng Feng, and then he shoved sharply.


The index finger of the slender young man was cut off by Cheng Feng stiffly.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Feng raised his right leg and kicked it out.

嘭 ~~ The slender young man flew out like a sandbag, smashed into the knife pool, and disappeared.

"Grass, actually broke Wang's finger, why are you trying to die?"

"Brothers, all these four guys who are good at breaking into the No. 99 knife pool are all disabled."

As Cheng Feng was kicked by Cheng Feng, several other youths were immediately angry, humming, and the whole body urged to condense into a wave like a torrent of torrents.

These young people are students of the 370th class of the Dota. Although they are at the end of the 370th class, they have a long history of cultivation.

Now all of them have the middle order of Tianwu Realm, and the third order of Sword Meaning.

When their swords condensed into a stream of pressure, they did have some power, enough to crush ordinary half-step martial arts warriors. ..

Unfortunately, Cheng Feng is not an ordinary half-step martial arts realm.

At this time, Cheng Feng, although the bone injury was not healed, did not prevent him from exerting his strength.

So before these young men came in, he moved.

嗖 ~~~

Cheng Feng directly applied the second layer of Sky Eagle Squadron, the speed far exceeded the limit of half-step sky martial arts, and even some high-level martial art warriors were far worse.

As a result, only a colored shadow was seen, and the young men swam quickly around them.

Then, bang bang bang bang

The 370-year-old students of these turrets were kicked out by Cheng Feng one by one, and all fell into the knife pool, splashing water.

"Brother Feng, good job."

"Degassing, too deflated"

Seeing Cheng Feng's idle court walk, they defeated several 370-year-old veteran students. Qi Ming and Wang Wanben both applauded.

As for the Iron Wood Phoenix, it is also a little bit moving.

You know, Cheng Feng's bone injury was not healed, his right arm did not dare to move, he could only use his legs and left hand.

But even so, he easily defeated several turret masters and showed superhuman first-class insight.

"Bold, dare to come to the Sword Pond at No. 99"

The slender young man and others were defeated and destroyed, and suddenly a young man with a cold face appeared in the central position of No. 99 Sword Pond.

This young man, repairing is a high order of Heavenly Martial Realm, and the sword sent from his body makes the cloud in front of them as if cut by a blade, tearing to the sides.

This is truly a fourth-order sword

Once the intention of the sword reaches the fourth level, it is evoked, as if it is the essence, cut on the human body, just like the real knife.

This person is obviously a master in the 370th session of the Dota, far from being a slender young man.

"Brother Xiao Lin, these **** have come to look at you for bad luck."

Climbing out of the knife pool, the long and thin young man said badly: "I just wanted to drive it out, but the little beast named Cheng Feng actually broke my finger. Brother Xiao, you want to take revenge on me"

"Cheng Feng"

Hearing the words of the slender young man, the middle of the sword pool, the triangular eye, the sullen youth looked at him: "You are the 371 freshman Cheng Feng who has jumped happily recently. It looks very ordinary."

As the words of the youth with triangular eyes spread, immediately, on the bamboo roof of the No. 99 Sword Pool, there were young people with strong breaths, all of whom were advanced in Tianwu Realm.

These people are obviously the 370th head of the Dota.

They all heard of Cheng Feng's name, so when they heard Cheng Feng came to the door, they were looking for Xiao Lin's anger, and naturally all of them ran out to watch the fun, lest the world would not be chaotic.

"So, you are Xiao Lin." Cheng Feng was not scared by the sudden appearance of many masters.

He looked at the triangle-eyed youth, and there was a killing in his eyes.

Of course, in the turret, it is forbidden to kill each other with the same door.

And Cheng Feng never thought about killing in the turret. He just wanted to fight back for his teeth, and he also beat his opponent's legs.

"I'm Xiao Lin, you can come here so quickly, I'm satisfied"

Xiao Lin looked at Cheng Feng with a worm-like look, and immediately took out his own weapon, which was more than nine feet long.

Then, the Yuanli under his feet rose like a tide, holding him to Cheng Feng: "As long as you are beaten and given to Brother Song Guzhen, he will not hesitate, give him a reward, and don't hit me Under tremendous pressure, a fellow student was beaten. "

Xiao Lin had heard of Cheng Feng's name, but he didn't care.

Because even if Cheng Feng is strong, he is just a freshman. If he is an old student who has been practicing in the turret for four or five years, Cheng Feng must kneel anyway.

The main thing is that Cheng Feng offended Song Guzhen fiercely.

This made Cheng Feng's way forward, and there was a gap between nature and nature. It was impossible to reach the peak of martial arts, thus leaving Xiao Lin without worries.

You can safely process Cheng Feng, brothers and friends of Cheng Feng.


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