Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

Om ~~~

In the middle of the knife pool, Xiao Lin came volleying. See the fastest chapter on the country novel xiangxiao.

Before anyone else arrived, a keen sword, like a steel knife calcined by fierce fire, struck first.

Thump thump thump

Xiao Lin's swordsmanship has reached the fourth level and 20%, and the power is very amazing.

Both Qi Ming and Wang Wanben had two orders of swords. They were smashed by the sword, as if they were chopped by a blaze knife, their faces suddenly turned red, and the whole person retreated involuntarily.

Cheng Feng did not retreat. Although Xiao Lin's intention was strong, he was not strong enough to let Cheng Feng back down.

On the contrary, under the impact of this keen sword, Cheng Feng's body pores were stimulated. The cloud-like sword intention penetrated into Cheng Feng's body at a faster rate, and his sword intention quickly rose by half.

The original intention of Cheng Feng was only the third order and forty percent, but now it has reached the third order and forty-five percent.

"Well willpower is good enough to resist the shock of my fourth-order and twenty-sword"

Coming step by step, Xiao Lin saw Cheng Feng's face unchanged, standing like a 10,000-year-old reef, looking a little cold.

Striking him for a moment, a huge red crimson rose suddenly from behind him.

Sword sword spirit, a medium-five sword sword sword spirit

With the emergence of this martial spirit, Xiao Lin's sword swiftly increased at once, and actually reached the fourth stage and 70%.

This time, Cheng Feng's face finally changed, and his brows frowned slightly.

But he is still as steady as a mountain.

At the same time, his entire body was opened with 108 thousand pores, and a large number of knife pools penetrated into his pores. With just a few breaths, Cheng Feng's sword intentions rose to the third level and 50%. xiangxiao.

"It's really interesting that Cheng Feng resisted the bombardment of Xiao Lin's fourth-order Qicheng sword."

"Not only that, the kid's intentions are increasing rapidly"

"Fuck, this **** actually treats Xiao Lin as a sharpening stone. He is sharpening his sword with Xiao Lin."

Around the ninety-nine sword pool, many people have appeared, all of them are students of the 370th session of the sword tower.

They saw Cheng Feng treat Xiao Lin as a whetstone, and each one looked strange.

"Asshole, I gave you a face"

The change on Cheng Feng's body was very obvious. Xiao Lin could see it clearly, and his face suddenly became ugly.

Then he didn't pretend to be a master, and he clenched his hands directly and poured in Yuanli, and the huge blade became red, like a flame burning.

"Red flame cut, die"

When Xiao Lin sprinted, the whole person blasted to Cheng Feng.

At the same time, the burning vertical split in his hand fell straight to Cheng Feng.

Xiao Lin's chop was powerful and magnificent. Even if there was a mountain in front, it was estimated that it would be split openly.

In the face of this knife, Cheng Feng remained unmoved.

"Cheng Feng's **** is so big that he won't be directly killed by this knife. Country novel xiangxiao."

On the side of Cheng Feng, Ironwood Phoenix quickly avoided, thinking quietly: "If Cheng Feng is really dead, it would be good."

Just when Ironwood Phoenix was making wishful thinking, hey ~~~

Cheng Feng suddenly moved, and his entire upper body suddenly fell back waist down, as if there were no bones.

So dangerous and dangerous, escaped Xiao Lin's Chiyan cut.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Feng's body returned to its original state, wearing a non-fitting gold armor on his left arm, and punched Xiao Lin with a punch.

The gold armor on Cheng Feng's left arm is obviously the big killer from Qianxue's mystery, which is most suitable for his right arm.

But now Cheng Feng's right arm bone injury has not healed, he can't use force, he can only wear it with his left arm.

But this did not affect the power of the gold armor.

So when this punch went out, the horrible light punches burst out.

Although Xiao Lin hurled across him in front of him, he was still blasted out by the horrible force.

Bang bang

Xiao Lin flew wildly, smashing four or five bamboo houses in a row, and failed to stop the decline.

Finally, it was not until the top of the hard mountain of Dota Peak that the great force was removed, and the entire talent stopped flying back.

But at this moment, his face was extremely blood-red, and his eyes stared at the boss. If he could not bear it any more, he couldn't hold it. A blood spurted out and he passed out.


With only one move, Xiao Lin, the 27th-ranked master in the 370th session of Dota, was beaten up by Cheng Feng and defeated on the spot.

This result was unexpected to everyone present.

Because this is too accidental, who would have thought that Xiao Lin Dangtian, a high-level martial artist, would be so vulnerable?

"Brother Feng, playing well"

"Feng Brother, let's hit it like this, blow Xiaolin this grandson"

The silence at the scene was broken by the roar of Qi Ming.

Immediately, the entirety of the ninety-nine sword pool was filled with heated discussions.

"This new student called Cheng Feng, how could he be so powerful?"

"It is rumored that this kid overwhelmed Su Feiyang, the first master of the 371st session, but even if ten Su Feiyang add up, he is not as strong as this kid."

"Xiao Lin is kicking on the iron plate."

The 370 students in the onlookers all moved, and they had a strong fear of Cheng Feng.

Da da da

With the eyes of everyone's surprise and dread, Cheng Feng stepped forward and walked towards the place where Xiao Lin flew away.

Cheng Feng had said before he came that he had to fight back his teeth with his teeth, and now he was going to do it.

Two or three minutes later, Cheng Feng walked in front of Xiao Lin.

At this time, Xiao Lin suffered a huge impact and broke his bones. He passed out.

Cheng Feng ignored it. He grabbed Xiao Lin, who was fainted, and slapped him over. Xiao Lin woke up warily.

When he realized that he was being lifted by Cheng Feng in the posture of grabbing a chicken, he turned red instantly: "Cheng Feng, quickly put Lao Tzu down, immediately, immediately"


However, he responded with a loud slap.

"It's all this time, even dare to shout at me," Cheng Feng said coldly, "I thought I was just scaring you."

"Cheng Feng, it's almost done. You know, Xiao Lin is the brother of Song Guzhen, not everyone can be humiliated."

At this moment, a young man interjected in the middle of the sword pool.

"It's Wanjin. I heard that Wanjin has a good relationship with Xiao Lin. It seems that he is going to take the lead for Xiao Lin."

"Wanjin is in the 370th session of our turret and ranks twenty-fourth, which may allow Cheng Feng to avoid the twelve and let Xiao Lin go."

"Perhaps it is possible"

However, everyone's voice has not fallen yet, click

Cheng Feng has already kicked Xiao Lin's right leg knee, kicked the opponent's kneecap directly, and never recovered.

"Ah ~~~"

"My knee, my knee"

The moment Xiao Lin's knee was kicked, a sudden surge of pain came, and Xiao Lin's snot tears rolled down immediately, and the hysterical shouted, "Cheng Feng, you dog is broken, I want to kill you, I must Kill you"

But Cheng Feng didn't respond to this. It seemed that the person who had just broken Xiao Lin's knee was not him, but someone else.


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