Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2044: Shuangjiao teamed up

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Chapter 2044 Double Pride Together

"It's a weird martial art."

Sensing the loss of the essence in the body, Cheng Feng's face changed slightly.

I have a deep understanding of the art of sky swallowing.

Immediately, he did not dare to neglect, and turned the golden body of Luolai to the extreme.

Locking your body pores and acupuncture points will slow down the loss of the essence of life suddenly.

"Even the seven-pin Luohan Fa phase can only slow down the loss of the essence of life?"

Although her pores were locked, her essence of life was still being lost.

This caused Cheng Feng to frown, and said secretly, "Since that is the case, then I will kill this ghost animal as soon as possible."

"From the root, kill the crisis!"

After the words came to an end, Cheng Feng held up the Devil Sword high.

Om ~~ Om ~~

At that moment, the number of big stars in the sky skyrocketed from the previous seven hundred.

It actually reached 800, a full increase of 100.

Let the entire sky island be under the starlight.

Even if it is tens of thousands of miles away, the rolling magic of the ancient demons can not be suppressed.

Produced a taste of righteousness and evil, the chamber resisted the ceremony!

"Sin beast, let me die!"

On the sky, eight hundred big stars shine to the extreme.

In the next moment, it turned into a sword of 800 stars that shot towards Cheng Feng.

When the starlight merged with the six-star top divine power rolling in Cheng Feng's body.

Stabbing ~~~

An unmatched blade of light spewed from the Devil Sword.

Cut the sky and head straight for the ghostly beast.

Roar! !!

Cheng Feng's knife is really too strong, it can be said to be the pinnacle of his history.

How powerful the Ghost Beast was, it felt a strong threat.

Can not help but make a roar, the huge body actually contracted greatly, and in a blink of an eye became smaller.

At the same time, a thick, thick carapace followed the ghost's body.

Protecting it as solid as gold is indestructible.

Not only that, the ghost's mouth sucked suddenly.


A suction ten times more horrible than just now appeared.

The essence of life in Cheng Feng's body was swallowed into the mouth with the speed of the dragon absorbing water.

Let Cheng Feng quickly become weak and dizzy.

However, at this moment, Cheng Feng's unmatched sword light had arrived.


When this sword cuts the ghostly beast.

Majestic strength infused into it, even though the nether beast's carapace condensed with the essence of the whole body was particularly strong.

It was also a crack in the breath, and a huge knife mark appeared.

Then the remaining Daoguang continued to slash, letting the body of the Ghost Beast collapse, rupture, and die!

When the blade of the sword was over, a narrow wound was created on the back of the ghostly beast.

The wound was startling and almost cut the Ghost Beast.

Fortunately, the vitality of the Ghost Beast is indeed strong.

He even blocked Cheng Feng's unbeatable blow.

Although the injury was a little bit severe, it did not hurt the foundation of the Ghost Beast.

The combat effectiveness at this time was not reduced at all.

Even planning to take the opportunity of Cheng Feng's power exhaustion, to Cheng Feng's death!

Unfortunately, Surin has been waiting for a long time.

Almost when the bladeless sword cut open the back of the ghostly beast, Surin flew out.

After the sword fell, Su Lin was near the wound of the ghostly beast.

Immediately said nothing, the divine power was poured into the sword.

call out! The whole person turned into a human-shaped sword, which actually penetrated through the wound.

At that moment, the ghostly beast sent out a miserable pain.

The huge body struggled frantically, but it didn't do anything.

Instead, I felt a sharp needle piercing my spine toward the heart.

Let your heart burst!

Roar! !!

The breath of death enveloped the whole body, and the ghostly beast could not help but growl.

As a result, the flesh and blood of the Nether Beast actually changed dramatically, contracting rapidly and tightening.

As if the soft soil was tamped, Surin's puncture difficulty was greatly increased.

At the same time, each blood vessel was temporarily diverted, and the end was aligned with the direction where Surin was.

When the Surinti sword pierces, 嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

A series of blood-condensed artillery shells were fired at Surin.

These blood cannonballs turned gray-green, exuding a vicious atmosphere, and obviously containing highly toxic substances.

The seventh strongest man who was ascended to the sky was hit by a blood cannonball, and he will be killed on the spot.

However, Surin was fearless.

The long sword in his hand is one, man is the sword, and the sword is the man.

Encountered blood shells, actually stabbed directly in the past.

Stabbing ~~~

Penetrate the blood cannonball.

At the same time, Su Lin shook the sword body, leaving the sword and himself in a state of high-speed vibration.

The blood fell on him, all scattered by the shock, which could not pose a slight threat to him!

Like a broken bamboo, went straight to the heart of the ghostly beast.

This time, the Ghost Beast was a little scared.

Roaring in his mouth, he was ready to use his strongest means to attack Surin.

But it forgot that there were more than just Surin dealing with it at the moment.

There is also Cheng Feng's hand-held knife, which is ready to go.

"Sin beast, give me death!"

Just now Cheng Feng cut off the peak, first hit the ghost beast, and second, he created favorable conditions for Su Lin's attack.

At this moment, he once again exhibited the Emperor Cang Sword Art of Wanxing Tonghui, and borrowed the power of the star to a new high, reaching 810.

When this knife followed the previous knife mark, it was severely cut.

Alas! !!

The ghostly beast sent out a terrible misery.

Immediately I saw a ghost mark on the spine of the ghostly beast several kilometers deep.

Even though the body of the Ghost Beast is huge, it can't bear it at this time.

A pair of huge eyes and pupils stared at Cheng Feng resentfully, but his body sank to escape into the death abyss.

"Since it's here, leave it for me!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's eyes exploded.

Hold fast to the Demon Sword, and chase away the ghostly beast.

"Emperor's sword, cut again!"

Cheng Feng decisively decisively executed the Emperor Cang Sword in the pursuit and launched an attack on the Ghost Beast.

The horrific sword light cut on the back of the ghostly beast, making his injuries more and more serious.

Not only Cheng Feng, but also Su Lin rushed to the heart of the Ghost Beast at this moment.

Wait until the sword is united, and pierce into the huge heart of the ghost.

Roar! !!

The ghost's body trembled violently.

The next moment, the pace of escape stopped.

It seemed as if he had been fatally hit and was about to die soon.

But Cheng Feng did not relax in the slightest, because the monsters that reach the level of the ghost beast are definitely not the gate of life.

Even if the heart is burst, it will not die immediately.

Sure enough, when Surin stabbed the heart of the ghostly beast and rushed out from under his belly.

The eyes of the ghostly beast suddenly became blood red and brutal.

Then, a force of terror appeared suddenly, and he blasted to Surin!

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