Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2045: Devour

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Chapter 2045 Crazy Devour

This sudden emergence of power is extremely strong, giving a taste of Mount Taishan.

Once Su Lin is hit, he will be disabled if he doesn't die!

However, at this time, Cheng Feng suddenly urged all the gods to use the spirit of the Seven Kills.

The rolling thoughts condensed into a thousand-meter spear, and instantly pierced into the head of the ghostly beast.

The Ghost Beast hit back with a huge head, and the attack on Surin stopped immediately.

Under this condition, Su Lin flew out of it easily.

Not only that, but Su Lin flew away from the Ghost Beast and stabbed with a sword.

Stabbing ~~~

Leng Chan's sword light spewed into a beam of light, stabbing into the mouth of the ghostly beast.

Rip the Ghost Beast's mouth open and hit its divine thoughts.

At the same time, Cheng Feng followed suit.

Wupi Daoguang flew out of the Demon Sword once again, and cut in from the other side of the ghost's head.

When the sword light and sword light converge, the huge head of the ghostly beast is penetrated stiffly.

God's thoughts were shattered, and most of his life went away.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng made up the knife.

Shatter the ghostly spirits and spirits of the ghostly beasts, and let them be completely killed by Huang Quan.

"Huh, finally killed this beast."

Killing the ghost beast, Cheng Feng Changsong breathed a sigh of relief.

Put away the Devil Sword and look at Surin.

At this time, Surin was breathing a bit, because the fighting time just now was not long.

But the consumption of people is huge.

If the fighting time is prolonged, Cheng Feng and the Ghost Beast will be devoured for a period of time by the ‘Sky Devouring Technique’.

The essence of the two men's lives will be swallowed at least half of them, hurting the foundation of martial arts.

"Brother Cheng, this Ghost Beast is far from being an adult, and its strength is among the Ghost Beasts, and it is not ranked at all, so we will be easily killed.

Surin said: "If you change into an adult ghost, then we two will die!"

For the Ghost Beast, Surin seemed to know very well.

"Brother Su, have you ever seen an adult ghost animal?"

Cheng Feng was curious and couldn't help asking.

"Maybe ... seen it!"

Surin gave a plausible answer that was puzzling.

Cheng Feng didn't understand, but saw Su Lin's lack of interest, he didn't ask again.

Withdrawing from the topic, "Brother Su, do you need the body of this ghostly beast?"

"If I don't need it, I will let one of my monsters swallow up to ascend the realm."

"No." Surin shook his head.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng took out the Royal Beast Bag and took out the Blood God Beast.

"A powerful monster!"

When the blood **** beast came out, a pair of brutal eyes and pupils immediately looked at the corpse of the ghostly beast.

Attracted by the thick energy contained in the ghost's body, as if seeing a peerless cuisine, his eyes shine.

"Go and swallow it in the fastest time."

Cheng Feng glanced at the Blood God Beast and issued an order.

Hearing, the blood **** beast sent out an excited roar.

The next moment, he rushed towards the corpse of the ghostly beast.

"This monster should be a kind of killing evil monster cultivated by the blood gods?"

Seeing the blood **** beast, Su Lin thoughtfully.


Cheng Feng nodded: "The name of this beast is the blood **** beast, and it is brutal by nature."

"I got a decision to control the beast. I took control of it for my own use, and now it is a right arm."

The blood **** beast has now been promoted to the top of the seventh grade, and the eight monsters of the upper grade can also win.

This time swallowing the corpse of the Ghost Beast will surely push its realm to a new height.

Cheng Feng will have a super hole card in addition to the Devil Sword and the War God Armor.

During the conversation, the Blood God Beast has devoured the Ghost Beast.

The body of the Ghost Beast is huge, just a head, just like a hill.

The size of the blood **** beast is not too small among the monster group.

But compared with the ghost beast, it was more than a star.

However, the blood **** beast seems to have a super big stomach pouch.

Consumed a large amount of the essence of the ghostly beast without any discomfort.

Instead, he became more excited and devoured the Nether Beast three times faster.

Time passed and half an hour passed.

Hengchen's Ghost Beast above the Abyss of Death has been reduced by a third.

The entire head has been swallowed by the blood beast.

Let the body of the blood **** beast swell a full circle, the blood red scale armor on the body becomes more prominent, and the spikes become sharper.

It seems to be covered with a layer of cricket armor, giving a very cruel taste!

Not only the appearance, the level of the blood **** beast also reached the limit of the seventh grade of the ground.

As long as it is willing, it can enter the prefecture-level Bapin at any time.

However, the blood beast did not rush to advance, but continued to devour the essence of the nether beast, ready to break through after the energy continued to the extreme.

At that time, the power will surge, and the worst can reach the middle-level and even the high-level eight grades.

"This blood **** beast has some meaning."

Seeing the **** beast that devoured the ghostly beast, Su Lin's face showed a touch of strange color: "It can actually improve his level by devouring the flesh and blood essence of the monster."

"If this ability continues, it will be very scary."

This blood-stealing ability of the blood **** beast is indeed called 'terrible'.

Because the monsters between heaven and earth can almost improve their level through cultivation.

And each level has a barrier, you must break the barrier before you can advance.

Many monsters are stuck in a certain state for decades or hundreds of years, and they can't even get in for a lifetime.

Such as the blood **** beast that only needs to devour a monster, can quickly advance to exist, it is abnormal.

No wonder even Su Lin was moved.

"Brother Su, according to the description of the Beast Controlling Law, the Blood God Beast should be able to increase its level by continuously eating."

Cheng Feng said: "However, the specific situation is still undecidable."

"Because the follow-up exercises of that method are all performed by the owner of the method and have not been practiced."


Hearing this, Su Lin raised a brow: "The man who created the beast control law is a funny guy."

"I hope to meet them in the future and communicate with them!"

During the talk, the blood **** beast devoured the ghostly beast and finally came to an end.

I saw the blood **** beast at this moment bathing in blood, as if just crawling out of the blood of the corpse mountain.

The originally flat stomach had swelled to a huge ball.

Gives a feeling of light explosion, it will explode!

"Finally ... can't eat it?"

Cheng Feng's gaze looked past, and found that there were still many corpses of the ghostly beast.

If the blood beast continues to forcibly devour, it is likely that the stomach will burst open.

"It's scary to swallow the ghostly beast almost halfway."

Cheng Feng nodded: "Next, let's improve the realm, and strive to reach the prefecture-level eight grades in one breath."

After speaking, Cheng Feng's divine thoughts erupted, and the blood **** beast with a round belly was put into the royal beast bag.

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