Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2195: Mutation

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Chapter 2195 The Abnormal Change

"Hoo ~~~"

In the ravine, Cheng Feng exhaled a long breath: "The depleted divine power has finally added back!"

The previous battle was not long.

However, the consumption was very large, and the power of Cheng Feng was consumed seven hundred seventy-eight.

This time it took tens of thousands of pounds of Yuanling Stone, and then added it back.

"It seems to play against Dengtian's ninth master in the future, you need to be careful."

Cheng Feng secretly said: "You must keep the divine power at its peak at all times, so as not to overturn the boat in the gutter."

Cheng Feng's divine power is stronger than the ninth heavy martial artist.

But the quantity is not as good.

If you do not pay attention during the battle, you will become the key to defeat.

"I heard nine thunders just now."

Cheng Feng whispered: "The thunder, it must be the vision of heaven and earth that has fallen after the ninth heavy warrior ascended the sky."

"At this time, the secret base of the Spirit Gate must have known the death of Mocang and others."

"So I don't have to rush into it, first enter Wanjian and surrender the sacred paper."

Before Cheng Feng killed Mo Cang, he dragged Mo Cang's killer into a piece of "Semi-Holy Paper" and dragged it into the map of Wan Jian.

If he can surrender it to his own use, it will become a trump card for Cheng Feng.

Huh! Cheng Feng enters Wanjian.

Immediately, a piece of cyan paper looked like a canopy of sky, standing on the dome of Wan Jiantu.

In the paper, a purple mist dazzled, making the whole Wanjian figure become wicked and evil.

However, wait for that purple haze to make a mess.

Wow ~~~

A huge dragon head in Wanjian figure suddenly issued a suction.

The purple mist was torn directly from the sky and pulled into the nostril of the dragon head.

Let the dragon's two closed eyes produce a ray of light.

Seems to have anger, to live in general!

"Not good, the dragon head actually swallowed the five-star fierce thing."

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng's face changed slightly: "The big fierce thing is formed by human resentment. The dragon head swallowed this thing, maybe there will be some kind of abnormal change."

"In case of loss of control, the consequences are unimaginable."

Thinking so, hum ~~~

The brows of that huge dragon head suddenly purple condensed.

Even though Xun produced a purple figure, it was imprinted on the dragon head.

Then, the eyes of the giant dragon head opened.

Two terrifying rays of light emitted like two rounds of blazing sun, making people dare not look straight.

"Grass, something really went wrong."

Cheng Feng's scalp was numb: "Long Sheng's head absorbed five-star resentment, and it really mutated."

"This Dragon Saint's head can save a large amount of flesh and blood, and can be called by the ectopic plane to the strength of the continent's continent. He has been raised for years.

"Although there is only one skull left, it is terrifying."

"If it is defeated, it will be a disaster!"

However, fear what comes.

Cheng Feng just thought about it. The pair of dragon heads in that dragon's head looked at Cheng Feng.

The hatred and evil in his eyes made Cheng Feng stiff.

"Mad, it's over!"

"Longsheng's head is long dead, and it is controlled by the five-star resentment at this moment. He must have regarded me as a companion of the King of Medicine."

"The grain medicine king cruelly tortured the host of the five-star resentment for refining the alchemy."

"This time the other person is looking at me, I don't blame it if you don't play hard!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng immediately prepared to escape Wan Jiantu.

And when he fled, the gods swept away, intending to take Wang Qingrou, who was sent to the Wanjian figure a few days ago, to take away.

Because if you leave the other party, you must die!

However, it did not wait for Cheng Feng to escape from Wan Jiantu.

A rush of supreme coercion suddenly rushed to fall on Cheng Feng's body, just like Wan Yue Dayue.

Even if Cheng Feng's repair was about to reach the eighth ascent of the ascent, he was crushed to the ground at once.

Not to mention running away, it's a bit difficult to move.

"Grass, it's over!"

Cheng Feng felt a kind of egg pain at the moment, and his face was bitter: "I knew that resentment could control the dragon's head, so I won't send the holy paper to Wanjian.

"Now, not only failed, but lost my life!"

The threat of death haunted Cheng Feng.

But Cheng Feng did not give up, staring at the semi-holy paper in the sky.

If you can get the approval of the semi-holy paper, with the power of the holy paper, you may be able to block the attack of the dragon's head and escape from the map of Wanjian!

"Cheng Feng, holy paper is usually made by the saints themselves."

"Generally it can only be controlled by yourself or by your descendants."

"Others can only exert a little strength and cannot be fully recognized!"

Nalan's words made Cheng Feng's heart sink.

But then Nalan said again, "But as long as you can obliterate the blood mark left by the saint on the holy paper, and then leave your own blood mark."

"Then the sacred paper will become your item and you can use it at will."

"Breaking the bloodmark?"

Cheng Feng's eyes lit up: "Uncle Nalan, how should the blood mark be worn away?"

"It depends on the true skill."

Nalan Longevity said: "The mark of the bloodline is very strong, and contains the Holy Power."

"Unless they exist at the same level, or at a higher level, the average person will not be able to obliterate the bloodmark of the saint."

"Uncle Naland, this sacred paper in Mocang is just a sacred paper made by a semi-sage."

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "The bloodline mark should be the weakest of the bloodlines of the saint."

"I want to try it. If it doesn't work, I'll be a benevolent!"

With the current crisis, Cheng Feng can't take care of that much.

Dragon Skull, which can wipe out the blood mark in the Holy Paper, suppresses the resuscitation.

If it is difficult to wear away, there is no regret!

After the idea was settled, Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune and raised his eyes to the sky.

Suddenly saw Hengchen in the middle of the half-holy paper in the sky, there was a golden giant Yue.

This mountain was transformed by a drop of half-holy blood.

It is exactly the mark of the bloodline.

Cheng Feng wants to be recognized by the sacred paper, he must smash the golden giant Yue and leave his own blood mark.

"It is truly a semi-holy, a drop of blood condenses into a giant Yue."

Cheng Feng sighed: "I hope this mountain is not too strong, let me quickly collapse!"

Thinking about it like this, Cheng Feng has been running to kill.

boom! Fiercely hit the golden giant Yue.

Such a close-range killing of souls can completely blast the head of a ninth-level junior master into the dust.

However, on the golden giant Yue, there is no effect at all.

Instead, the pain of Cheng Feng's spirit came.

"Fuck, so sturdy?"

Cheng Feng's cheeks twitched, and then he twitched directly and cut the strongest sword to him.

However, it still does not help much.

Just let the golden giant Yue ripples for a while.

The next moment, it returned to normal, without even a crack.

This time, directly made Cheng Feng dumbfounded.

And terribly, Long Sheng's head was already under the control of the five-star resentment, and he was about to take action on Cheng Feng.

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